1ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY One of the problems that has been identified in the course of the teaching practice is the management of the children in the classroom. The disruption of the discipline in the classroom has been one of the greatest challenges in the teaching practice and the problems are faced in poor class management and control of the same. Classroom management involves the management both on an instructional level and also on a behavioral level. The challenge of managing classroom ambience is due to the indiscipline on the behalf of the students. This can be understood through the lens of the Educational Psychology and Development. According to Hagenauer, Hascher & Volet (2015), the applied behavioral theory can be applied to this challenge faced by the teachers along with the study of the psycho- educational approach. A classroom demands equal attention towards every student, and a relationship of control of power from the end of the teachers. This brings to the discussion of the cognitive behavior and psychology since it is not possible for a single teacher to take care of a classroom discipline consisting of a huge number of students. Moreover,accordingtoBear(2014),itisimportanttonotethattheclassroom management depends on an overall social and emotional development between the teachers and the students. The teacher’s ability to build a friendly relationship with the students, have an influential impact over the behavior of the students. Thus the psychology of the teacher is extremely important in alignment with the psychological development of the student. As Egeberg, McConney & Price (2016) discusses, a teacher is in stress or anxiety, showing symptoms of psychological problems, she will not be able to mange the classroom and the discipline therein.
2ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Since there had been an inability to manage the classroom and the student’s behavior, there needs to be a proper plan of action so that they can be taught properly. A level of dominance should be acted upon the students, and it should be portrayed through the body language. There should be affirmation in my attitude and I should try my level best to keep them involved in the different classroom activities. There should be appositive environment that should be built in the class so that the students get encouraged to participate in the productive activities (Montuoro & Lewis, 2014). However, the basic thing that would help the teachers to maintain and control the discipline is understanding the expectations of the students and their right to feel safe with the teachers. If I expect the classroom to respect the teacher, it should be on my part as well to treat them well and with equal dignity. Lastly, if a student is wrong, it is very important for the teachers to correct them and give a room for them to analyze and rectify their mistakes. Scolding them in a strict fashion would make things more difficult, and controlling the students would become tougher.
3ADVANCED EDUCATIONAL PSYCHOLOGY Reference: Bear, G. G. (2014). Preventive and classroom-based strategies. InHandbook of classroom management(pp. 25-49). Routledge. Egeberg, H. M., McConney, A., & Price, A. (2016). Classroom management and national professionalstandardsforteachers:Areviewoftheliteratureontheoryand practice.Australian Journal of Teacher Education,41(7), 1. Hagenauer, G., Hascher, T., & Volet, S. E. (2015). Teacher emotions in the classroom: associationswithstudents’engagement,classroomdisciplineandtheinterpersonal teacher-student relationship.European journal of psychology of education,30(4), 385- 403. Montuoro,P.,&Lewis,R.(2014).Studentperceptionsofmisbehaviorandclassroom management. InHandbook of classroom management(pp. 354-372). Routledge.