
Marketing Communications and Branding


Added on  2020-02-17

25 Pages7608 Words94 Views
Advertising andPromotion in Business
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................31.1process of Communication that applies to promotion and advertising of WPP ...........31.2 Organisation of advertising and promotion industries....................................................41.3 Promotion regulation process:..........................................................................................41.4 Current trends in advertising and promotions, including the impact of ICT on WPP.....52.1 advertising role in integrated promotional strategies for a business product and decisions.................................................................................................................................................52.2 Explanation of Branding and how it can be used to strengthen the business productlaunched by wire and plastic products....................................................................................62.3 advertising strategy Creative aspects . Evaluation of the strategies to address thesuccessful advertising campaign............................................................................................72.4 Working with ad agencies...............................................................................................8Task 2...............................................................................................................................................83.1 Explanation of the primary techniques of the line promotion and it 's use in integratedpromotional strategy...............................................................................................................83.2 Various technique and tools which used in the line promotion .......................................94.1 Various process for formulation of the budget for an integrated promotional strategy 104.2 Development of a promotional plan for goods and services..........................................114.3 Plan for the integration of promotional techniques into the proposed promotional strategy..............................................................................................................................................124.4 Techniques for measuring campaign effectiveness........................................................14CONCLUSION .............................................................................................................................14REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................15
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INTRODUCTIONA business makes its presence in the market by promotion and advertising is the methodof promotion. The promotion of a business is a beautiful way by which an business men makestheir customers aware of the current products as well as potential ones. These are the strategies topersuade customers. The WPP(wire and plastic products)group is a multinational company ofpublic relations and advertising. Its the world's largest company with around 190000 employeesin 3000 offices and 112 countries. This report is based on WPP and its strategies for promotionand advertising. The product portfolio of WPP includes insight of consumer, maintaining publicrelations, advertising, affairs of public. (Anjum More and Ghouri 2012.), branding and identityetc. Promotion is all about communicating to the target group. All the current trends inadvertising and promotion are discussed in this report. This report will help in understanding themarketing communications scope, and importance of advertising and its role,the below linetechniques and their use and the plan to integrate promotional strategies.1.1process of Communication that applies to promotion and advertising of WPP
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Process of Communication is the essential element of advertising and promotions. Thecommunication process main purpose is to address questions and queries from prospects and topersuade customers. Process that applies here comprises of nine elements. Such assender,receiver,media, message, ,decoding, encoding,, response,noise., feedback. Process startswith WPP which promote its product through advertising by social media, television and news-pares. It encode its message in attractive quotes which is received by customers who are receiver.The decode the massage and gives feedback. For example, if customer is interested, he buys theproduct as positive feedback. In this case of WPP , party sending a message to their clients sothey are sender, WPP encode the message and it conveyed to prospects that this is the companyof ideas and innovations to maximize their promotions. viewers decodes the message andcustomers are the receivers. Noise occurred because of unplanned distortions in the company andfeedback is what the customers gave to them(Buil Chernatony and Martínez 2013). The WPP hasa very dynamic communication process as it has wide range of portfolio and communication isthe key link to bind the company and customers together. The features advertising, customerpromotion package, they create a buzz.Company takes support of television for promoting its products. This is accuratecommunication medium which supports in making people aware with brand. Apart from thisinternet is the great communication platform which is used by cited firm for advertising itsproducts and services. Company uses Face book, Myspace, Twitter etc. social networking istesin order to promote its brand. (M1)Current rends of advertisement and promotions are social networking sites and onlinecampaigns. This can gain attention of mass audience and can help in making them loyal towardsthe brand. Use of internet , smartphones has helped the organization in reaching to large numberof customers in short time. By this way company has become able to enhance its revenues togreat extent. 1.2 Organisation of advertising and promotion industriesAs advertisement and promotion industry is one of most growing industry,ther is a lot ofcreative structure in companies. Different firms try to attract maximum customers throughexclusive advertisement methods and gain profit out of it. There are small as well as large scaleorganisation which has formal structure at workplace. Their employee contributes in business
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success through innovative ideas. So this industry includes various kind of techniques to promoteproduct. Advertisement and promotion industry is the most growing industry in UnitedKingdom. They are organised in five categories. One of the most important categories isadvertiser which are considered as clients. Second category is advertising agency whichproduces and distributes advertisement in United Kingdom. Another category is media which isoperated all over the world. Specialized marketing communications services are also providepromotion services in the country. They all provide the best possible advertisement medium incorporate world. They support to make an attractive presentation of product and services.The advertising and promotions industry works in a centralised system. Otherorganisation is of advertising industry that produces and distributes the advertising. There areparticipants in the industry who work as free lancers and provide collateral services: artists,directors, printers,writers, photographers etc. The organisations from the advertising andpromotion industries are divided in certain groups, and they are:SPECIALISED ADVERTISING ORGANISATION: these are the agencies for higher typesof advertising like financial, industrial, entertainment, phone book etc.GENERALISED ADVERTISING ORGANISATIONS: these are normal type of advertisingdone by WPP for organisation like logo designs, marketing brands etc.IN HOUSE ADVERTISING: These take tasks to complete individual to individual businesses.There is struggle in achieving every single people through their promotions.INTERACTIVE ADVERTISING ORGANISATIONS: these deals with the social media likeinternet, Facebook, What's app, television. They have the utmost amounts of customers. All these organisation work together to attain a common goal and do advertising and promotions WPP works under the centralized system in which it works with industry such asspecialised, advertising agencies together. These helps in communicating brand image of citedfirm across the world. By this way customers become positive towards the brand and it createremarkable impression on them. 1.3 How Promotion is regulated :Regulation of promotions are completely depends upon the risk. If risk is high then it isessential for the organization to withdraw from such promotional tool immediately. Formalenforcement tools are essential elements in the regulation of promotions.
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