
Kinesiology Aerobic Training Article 2022


Added on  2022-10-04

22 Pages5434 Words60 Views
Running head: KINESIOLOGY 1
Kinesiology Aerobic Training Article 2022_1

Question One
Every form of workout can be categorized as aerobic or anaerobic. Some of the physiological
responses a body undergoes during aerobic and anaerobic exercises are as follows. Firstly, the
heart rate determines whether an individual is working on the aerobic or anaerobic zone. It is
reported that aerobic training will make the heart to beat at a range of 70%-80% of the
maximum. Anaerobic training, on the other hand, raises the heart rate to above 80% of the
maximum ("What Are the Physiological Responses the Body Has to Aerobic Training vs.
Anaerobic Training?", 2019).
Another physiological response is that aerobic training allows the body to use oxygen as the
main source of energy. Anaerobic training, on the other hand, breaks down glucose in the
muscles to produce energy. Additionally, during aerobic workouts, the body burns more calories
from fat reserves as compared to carbohydrates ("What Are the Physiological Responses the
Body Has to Aerobic Training vs. Anaerobic Training?”, 2019). For the anaerobic zone, the body
burns more calories in the form of carbohydrates from muscles as compared to fats.
If an individual chooses to exclusively engage in aerobic exercise for a year, they experience an
overall increase in their cardiovascular health. This form of training creates endurance enabling
individuals to sustain an exercise at a particular level for an extended period of time. The body
also adapts itself to burn fatty acids. For anaerobic training, on the other hand, allows the growth
of muscle and an increase in muscle strength ("Aerobic Or Anaerobic - Which Is Better?", 2009).
The body has incredible explosive strength and also adapted to using a large amount of strength
for a short duration.
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It is important to understand aerobic and anaerobic training for future training endeavors.
Depending on the fitness goals of an individual, an understanding of these two methods helps
one to know whether to train there body to adapt to endurance over a long period or to train their
body to adapt to endurance for a very short time but build up their muscle strength.
Question 2
There are several resistance training exercises that one can perform. The following 10 are the
most common. Lunges, push-ups, squats, triceps push-downs, deadlifts, barbell curl, lateral pull-
down, bench press, pull-ups, and bent over row.
There are three phases of movement in an exercise that include eccentric, concentric, and
isometric phases of movement. During the eccentric phase of movement, the muscles contract
and the fibers of the muscles lengthen making movement to go outwards away from the body
such as during stretching (Kisner, Colby & Borstad, 2017). During the concentric phase of
movement, muscles contract and the fibers of the muscles shorten making movement to go
inwards towards the body (Kisner, Colby & Borstad, 2017). This phase can be experienced
during curling. Finally, during the isometric phase of movement, the muscles contracts but the
fibers neither shorten nor lengthen; as in there is no movement. An example of this movement is
leg press (Kisner, Colby & Borstad, 2017).
It is also important to note that the muscles are strongest during the eccentric phase of
movement. The amount of power the body generates during this phase exceeds the amount of
power generated by the other two phases (Kisner, Colby & Borstad, 2017). The reason for more
power generated is due to the fact that the muscle fibers lengthen.
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From the above exercises, I have learned that the eccentric phase of movement may sometimes
create sores in the body. However, this phase helps in the growth of overall muscles and muscle
strength. It is also a safer movement of exercise when compared to concentric and isometric
phases of movement.
Question 3
Most articles have always claimed that aerobic exercises are the only way to burn body fat. First
of all, it is important to know what aerobic means. This term is used to mean all those exercises
that are performed in the presence of oxygen. Reports have indicated that aerobic exercises can
help individuals who are interested in losing weight to burn approximately 1000 calories per
hour. This amount, however, depends on the type of exercise ("Are Aerobics the only way to
burn fat ?", 2019). This exercise is, therefore, significant to people whose aim is to lower their
general body fat. It is, however, not true that aerobic exercise is the only way of burning body
fat. Resistance training and a proper diet can also help in lowering fats in the body.
Resistance training or anaerobic exercise is normally used to build muscles. It is, however,
important to note that the resting metabolic rate (RMR) of the body is raised through the building
of lean muscles. This raised RMR burns more energy thus efficiently utilizing the fat stores.
Additionally, anaerobic exercises mean that muscles need a few days to recover during which
calories are continuously burned ("Are Aerobics the only way to burn fat ?", 2019). A proper diet
low in calories also helps in reducing the amount of fat in the body.
From the above knowledge, I can say that aerobic training is the best way of burning fat but it is
not the only way. However, if one intends to burn fat effectively and quickly then it is important
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to have a diet plan and a combined workout. This involves a combination of aerobic exercises,
anaerobic exercises, and a balanced diet.
Question 4
Periodization according to Haff & Triplett (2015), may be defined as a way in which the training
of an individual is broken down into discrete periods that may include microcycles, macrocycles,
and mesocycles. A microcycle can be up to one week, mesocycle may be between two weeks to
a few months while the mesocycle is the entire period of training.
Periodization is very important for athletes. A serious college soccer player will use
periodization to build their strength, agility, stamina, endurance, speed, and quickness
independently. A periodization plan helps to train all these physical attributes perfectly for
optimal performance ("Periodization Training for Soccer", 2019). Periodization helps in creating
a workout calendar that changes the volume of a player’s exercise as they approach their season.
After the end of the season recovery period, a player plans their training such that they begin
with strength and endurance, followed by power workouts, and finally speed and anaerobic
exercises ("Periodization Training for Soccer", 2019).
Periodization may also be beneficial to a 35-year-old sedentary wanting to tone. This is because
such a person can assess their specific targets across different periods without overexerting
themselves. The early stages of exercise can be challenging for sedentary individuals and thus it
may be important to have a realistic goal to avoid overexertion. This individual can start with
stretching and minor bodyweight exercises before indulging in heavier gym sessions.
Periodization can also help long-distance runners to schedule their training effectively. This can
begin with the strength first periodization to strengthen the athlete’s running muscles and
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connective tissues thus making the higher volume training in the latter stages easier
("Periodization For Distance Runners", 2019). Periodization helps to prevent athletes and any
other individual from over training and achieve the best results from training. Thus periodization
is important for everyone.
Question 5
People consume multivitamins to supplement their dietary requirements. These multivitamins
have different ingredients. The two popular multivitamins discussed in this paper are Centrum
Advance and Muscle Blaze MB. Centrum Advance has the following ingredients. Calcium
Phosphate, Vitamin C, Vitamin A and D Preparation, Vitamin B6, Zinc Oxide, Vitamin B12
preparation, Magnesium Oxide, Stearic Acid, Vitamin A, Folic Acid, Microcrystalline
Cellulose, Potassium Chloride, Vitamin K Preparation, Pantothenic Acid, Ferrous Fumarate,
Vitamin E, and Potassium Iodide among others (Song et al., 2011). Muscle Blaze MB, on the
other hand, has the following ingredients. Calcium, zinc, iron, vitamin B-6, folic acid, vitamin D,
proteins, vitamin C, carbohydrates, fat, grape seed extract, Ginko Biloba extract, and energy
among others.
In general, the two products have almost similar ingredients that include 25 vitamins and
minerals. These ingredients contain all the 13 essential vitamins. However, other ingredients are
present in centrum advance and absent in muscle blaze MB. This variance is due to the
difference in the functions of the two products. In general, Centrum Advance helps in
maintaining an effective release of energy, keeping healthy skin, maintaining a strong immune
system, and ensuring that digestive enzymes are functioning properly (Song et al., 2011). Muscle
Blaze MB, on the other hand, helps to supplement high performance for professional
bodybuilders and athletes. It also helps in building strong immunity. From these descriptions on
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