
Launching a New Air Route in Irish Market: Public Relation Strategy


Added on  2023-06-13

19 Pages3980 Words234 Views
Public Relation
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Launching a New Air Route in Irish Market: Public Relation Strategy_1

Executive Summary
In quest of expanding the business process in different market Airline has decided to launch a
new air route in Irish market. The primary environmental factors that can leave a major influence
on the overall market entry route of Ireland are discussed. Ireland is not very much advanced in
economy. Therefore, Airline has decided to implement low cost strategy for drawing the
attention of Irish people. The Irish people are not very developed as per their technological
competency. Therefore, the customers may have to get overview about the tickets and services of
flights though internet. The primary aim of Airline is to expand their business wings in various
corners of the World. Public relation tools are used in order to make a good rapport with the
customers through both directly and indirectly
Launching a New Air Route in Irish Market: Public Relation Strategy_2

Table of Contents
1. Situational analysis:.....................................................................................................................3
2. Target audience:...........................................................................................................................5
3. Objectives:...................................................................................................................................5
4. Key Messages:.............................................................................................................................6
5. Strategies:....................................................................................................................................6
6. Risk analysis:.............................................................................................................................10
7. Budget:.......................................................................................................................................13
9. Monitoring and Evaluation:.......................................................................................................15
Reference List:...............................................................................................................................16
Launching a New Air Route in Irish Market: Public Relation Strategy_3

1. Situational analysis:
Before launching the air route in the Irish market Airline would have to make an effective
situational analysis in order to evaluate the environmental factors. The primary environmental
factors that can leave a major influence on the overall market entry route of Ireland are as
Ireland is the sovereign state of Europe occupying six islands. Being a north Atlantic
Island Ireland is not very much developed in economy as well as technology. As per political
structure Ireland is divided into two parts including Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland.
However this specific state is constituted with stable political structure. In addition, due to
transportation issue this particular state is not endowed with remarkable business industries
(Austin and Pinkleton 2015). Therefore, Airline has decided to launch an air route in the Irish
market and occupy their business wings in this market for delivering low cost services.
Ireland is not very much advanced in economy. Therefore, Airline has decided to
implement low cost strategy for drawing the attention of Irish people. After evaluating
geographic, demographic and psychographic market segmentation it has been observed that Irish
people are constituted with low income status. Therefore, they have to face immense challenges
in using premium services (Stacks 2016). Keeping these facts in mind, the business experts of
Airline have decided to implement low fare cost based on which people from average income
status can easily use the services of Airline. In addition, Ireland being a developing state is not
Launching a New Air Route in Irish Market: Public Relation Strategy_4

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