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Analysis of Energy Consumption in Cheese Production Processes


Added on  2023/04/22

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This report analyzes the energy consumption in cheese production processes and identifies areas where energy efficiency can be increased. It also explores the suitability of using renewable energy technologies in cheese production. The report identifies the top five energy using manufacturing processes in cheese production, which are refrigeration, pasteurization, coagulation and curdling, compression, and ripening. The report also suggests various renewable energy technologies and strategies that can be used to reduce energy consumption and costs. The subject is Industrial Energy Systems 1 and the document type is a report.

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Industrial Energy Systems 1

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This report presents an analysis of manufacturing of cheese product. The main aim of the report
is to identify five major manufacturing processes of cheese product that use the largest
percentage of energy. These processes are refrigeration, pasteurization, coagulation and curdling,
compression, and ripening. The main type of energy consumed in cheese product analyzed in this
report is electricity (60%), followed by fuel (37%) and steam (3%). The total amount of energy
used to produce 1kg of cheese product was 60.5MJ. Out of this, 35.09MJ was applied energy
while 25.41MJ was process end use losses. It has been established that renewable energy is a
suitable option that can help the organization to reduce electricity bills, total production cost and
reduce environmental impacts of its operations. The various renewable energy technologies that
the organization can consider include: solar power (solar thermal systems, concentrating solar
power systems and solar photovoltaic energy systems), wind power systems, biomass power
(bio-power), geothermal power, and hydropower system. The organization can also reduce
energy consumption using the following technologies and strategies: automation, heat recovery,
using more energy efficient electrical equipment and systems, and providing adequate training to
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Industrial Energy Systems 3
Table of Contents
1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................4
2. Top Energy Using Manufacturing Processes...................................................................................4
2.1. Refrigeration..............................................................................................................................5
2.2. Pasteurization.............................................................................................................................5
2.3. Coagulation and curdling..........................................................................................................5
2.4. Pressing, compression or shaping.............................................................................................6
2.5. Ripening.....................................................................................................................................6
2.6. Measurement of Energy Used...................................................................................................6
3. Sankey Diagram, Energy Flows, Conversions and Losses..............................................................7
4. Suitability of Renewable Energy......................................................................................................9
4.1. Renewable Energy Technologies..............................................................................................9
4.2. Other Ways to Reduce Energy Cost.......................................................................................10
4.2.1. Heat recovery...................................................................................................................10
4.2.2. Automation.......................................................................................................................11
4.2.3. Improving energy efficiency of electrical components and systems.............................11
4.2.4. Training............................................................................................................................11
5. Conclusion and Recommendations.................................................................................................12
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1. Introduction
As argued by Kalla, Krishna, Devaraju [1], dairy processing industry consume a lot of energy
that can have huge environmental impacts. Some of the environmental impacts of cheese
production are shown in Appendices 1 and 2. This is a major concern today mainly because of
climate change hence the need to research and develop technologies of improving energy
efficiency in dairy processing industry cannot be overemphasized [2]. This report focuses on
manufacturing of cheese product, which is one of the most common and liked dairy products.
According to Johnson [3], the demand for cheese product has continued to increase over the
years and so is the energy consumption and carbon emissions associated with the manufacturing
of this product.
The main purpose of this report is to examine how energy is consumed in the production
processes of cheese product with the aim of identifying areas where energy efficiency can be
increased. The report is also aimed at determining the suitability of using renewable energy
technologies in the production of cheese products.
2. Top Energy Using Manufacturing Processes
From the study by Riva, et al. [4], cheese product manufacturing consume energy at different
stages including the following: raw milk production from farmers; transportation of raw milk;
actual production processes; storage of manufactured cheese product; and
transportation/distribution of cheese product to consumers. A detailed illustration of cheese
production processes is shown in Appendix 1. However, the scope of this study is limited to the
actual production processes of cheese product at the manufacturing plant.

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There is no standard procedure followed in making cheese. The method used depends on the
specific type of cheese product made. Nevertheless, the top five energy using processes involved
in the manufacture of cheese product in this report are as follows:
2.1. Refrigeration
Refrigeration is a very crucial process in the manufacture of cheese products. Milk being a
perishable product, it must be stored under controlled conditions. Most of the cheese product
manufacturing plants have refrigeration systems for storing milk that is delivered from suppliers
before it is used in actual manufacturing process. This milk is usually stored in sanitized
refrigeration system for one or two days until it is ready for use in making cheese products.
Energy is used in this process to power the refrigeration systems. As shown by Nunes, et al. [5],
these systems contribute to the largest percentage of energy used by a cheese product
manufacturing plant.
2.2. Pasteurization
This process involves heating raw milk mildly (heat treatment) so as to minimize or kill
microorganisms that may spoil the milk and also improve the environment for growth of starter
cultures. In this process, the milk is heated to a temperature of between 60 and 72 °C for 15-16
seconds. After heating, the milk is cooled to a temperature of about 32 °C. Energy is used in this
process for heating the raw milk to the required temperature and then cooling it thereafter.
2.3. Coagulation and curdling
Starter culture of Lactobacilli, Lactococci or Streptococci are added to the pasteurized milk
to facilitate fermentation of lactose in the milk. The fermentation takes place for 10-75 minutes
at a temperature of 32 °C. After the starter culture has inoculated the milk, it is held at 25-30°C
for 45-60 minutes to ensure that bacteria have developed acidity, are active and growing.
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Industrial Energy Systems 6
Coagulation is done by adding and stirring rennin enzyme (rennet) into the milk. When this
enzyme is added, the milk forms a curd (turns into a gel or coagulates) after 30 minutes.
2.4. Pressing, compression or shaping
This process involves shaping the cheese curds and removing more whey. It is done by
pressing the curds into a form or mold. Energy is used in this process to apply adequate pressure
that will drive out any excess moisture from the curds when they are compressed in the molds.
After the curds have been unified into a single body, they get salted by rubbing salt solution or
salt onto their surface or directly stirring salt into the curds.
2.5. Ripening
This is the final manufacturing process of cheese product. The process is useful in creating
distinct aromas, textures and flavors of cheese products. It is done by adding ripening bacteria to
the cheese curds and allowing enough time for the cheese to age or ripen. Energy is used in this
process to control the environment under which ripening takes place, including temperature and
2.6. Measurement of Energy Used
A study by Bawaneh, Overcash, Twomey [6] suggested that measurement of energy
consumption is the first and most important step that an organization can take towards reducing
energy consumption. This is because energy measurement provides information about the
amount of energy consumed in each process thus making it easier to identify appropriate
strategies of reducing energy consumption [7]. One of the methods that can be used to measure
energy consumed in manufacturing processes of cheese product is to manually calculate the
energy used in each process by considering the power rating, power efficiency, power losses and
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Industrial Energy Systems 7
operating time of all the electrical components used in that process. However, this method can be
cumbersome, tedious, time-consuming and less accurate.
Another method for measuring energy consumption is using metering devices such as
wireless local energy meter (Wi-LEM). As explained by Handhal, Rashid [8], Wi-LEM is a
device that is designed to measure the amount of energy consumed by an electrical device or
system over a particular period of time. The meter also provides information about peak loads or
peak hour energy consumption [9]. The energy can also be measured using other single phase
power meters, 3-phase power meters and force measurement systems.
Owodunni [10] suggested that power sensors can also be calibrated on machine tools or
electrical systems used in the manufacturing processes so as to measure the amount of energy
used. Last but not least, power predictive models can be derived and used to estimate specific
energy consumption.
3. Sankey Diagram, Energy Flows, Conversions and Losses
A Sankey diagram is a graphic illustration that provides an overview of flows. The Sankey
diagram in this case is used to show energy balances – main energy flows into, within and out of
the manufacturing process. The Sankey diagram in Figure 1 below shows the energy flows in the
main energy use manufacturing processes of cheese product.
Electricity or electrical energy accounted for the largest percentage of total energy used
(60%), followed by steam or thermal energy (37%) and lastly fuel (3%). The total energy
consumed by the five manufacturing processes to produce 1kg of cheese product was 60.5 MJ.
Other details of energy flows are illustrated in Figure 1.

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Figure 1: Sankey Diagram
Table 1 below shows the amount of energy used in each of the manufacturing processes of 1kg
of cheese product.
Table 1: Energy use for production of 1kg of cheese product
Electricity Steam Fuel Total Applied Losses
1.815 MJ
Coagulation and
Pressing, compression
& shaping
Applied Energy
Process End Use
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Industrial Energy Systems 9
Refrigeration 14MJ 6MJ 0.95MJ 20.95 MJ 11.74MJ 9.21MJ
Pasteurization 14MJ 13.5MJ 0.525MJ 28.025MJ 14.16MJ 13.865MJ
Coagulation and curdling 6.2MJ 1.2MJ 0.15MJ 7.55MJ 6.25MJ 1.3MJ
Pressing, compression and
1.5MJ 0.95MJ 0.085MJ 2.535MJ 1.855MJ 0.68MJ
Ripening 0.6MJ 0.735MJ 0.105MJ 1.44MJ 1.085MJ 0.355MJ
Total 36.3MJ 22.385M
1.815MJ 60.5MJ 35.09MJ 25.41MJ
Applied energy is the amount of energy that is directly used in the manufacturing
processes. Process end use losses is the energy that is lost during conversion of energy from one
form to another useful or needed form [11]. The process energy is consumed in activities such as
refrigeration, heating, cooling, electrochemical processes and machine drive.
The various energy conversions involved in the manufacturing processes of cheese
product include: electrical energy, thermal energy, chemical energy, mechanical energy, light
energy and human energy. Each of these forms of energy can be converted to the other, such as
thermal energy to steam; steam to mechanical energy; and mechanical energy to electrical
energy, among others.
From Figure 1 above, 42% (25.41 MJ/kg) of the total process energy used in
manufacturing of 1kg of cheese product was lost. The main energy losses were in pasteurization
where most of the process heating took place. Illustrations of energy consummation are provided
in Appendix 2, 3 and 4.
4. Suitability of Renewable Energy
4.1. Renewable Energy Technologies
One of the most effective strategies of decreasing the cost of energy and environmental
impacts of this cheese product manufacturing facility is for the plant to have its own renewable
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energy generating unit. Since most of the energy is used and lost in process heating and
cooling/refrigeration, solar thermal systems are a very good renewable energy option for the
facility. As postulated by Choi, Lee, Song [12], solar thermal systems are very efficient in
providing thermal energy needed by production facilities. Therefore the organization should
invest in efficient solar thermal systems to provide ecofriendly energy for heating processes.
Other suitable solar energy systems that the company can consider are concentrating solar power
systems and solar photovoltaic energy systems. Besides solar, these renewable energy systems
are also suitable for the facility: wind power systems, biomass power (biopower), geothermal
power, and hydropower system, depending on the availability of the renewable energy resources.
Renewable energy will significantly reduce the cost of power used by the facility hence it is a
suitable energy solution for the facility. Several studies [13], [14] have shown that renewable
energy also increases energy security, reduce health and environmental impacts, and promote
climate change mitigation.
Renewable energy is also the future of energy sector and will soon become mainstream in the
manufacturing industry. Global renewable energy production is also projected to continue
increasing (as shown by the graph in Appendix 5) [15]. Thus investing in these technologies now
will give the facility a competitive advantage in the near future.
4.2. Other Ways to Reduce Energy Cost
The facility can also reduce the cost of energy by using the following strategies:
4.2.1. Heat recovery
As show by Prakash, Henham [15], heat recovery involves integrating a heat recovery system
– better known as combined cooling, heating and power (CCHP) system to the energy generating

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unit. This will reduce the cost of energy by reusing excess thermal heat produced or converting it
into other useful forms of energy before reusing in other processes. As a result, power demand
will decrease, resulting to a corresponding decrease in energy cost of the organization.
4.2.2. Automation
This is where automated systems are installed or connected to all electrical components used
by the organization so as to monitor and control their energy use. The automated systems are
used to monitor consumption of both process and no-process power. Automation ensures that
energy is used only when needed thus reducing wastage. Automation can also be used to reduce
and increase energy consumption during peak and off-peak hours respectively. All these will
reduce the cost of energy used by the organization.
4.2.3. Improving energy efficiency of electrical components and systems
The organization can also reduce the cost of energy by buying and installing new electrical
components and systems that are more energy efficient. There are numerous new models
available in the market today. Alternatively, energy efficiency of these systems can be increased
through preventive and routine maintenance of the electrical systems, and timely repair in case of
4.2.4. Training
The organization can also reduce energy cost by training its employees about their role in
reducing energy consumption reduction and its benefits. Employees play a major role in
successful implementation of all other energy-reduction technologies or strategies thus they
should receive adequate training on how they can contribute to the success of reducing energy
consumption and costs.
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5. Conclusion and Recommendations
Manufacturing of cheese product is an energy-intensive activity. The top energy using
processes involved in the manufacture of cheese product include: refrigeration, pasteurization,
coagulation and curdling, pressing/ compression/shaping, and ripening/aging. Significant amount
of energy is used in each of these processes. Significant amount of energy is consumed in each of
these processes. Some of the methods that can be used to measure energy used in various
manufacturing processes of cheese product are: manual calculation of energy consumed by
electrical components and systems using information about their power rating, energy efficiency,
operating time and energy losses; Wi-LEM, power sensors, single phase power meters, 3-phase
power meters, force measurement systems force and power predictive models.
From the Sankey diagram of the cheese production, a total of 60.5 MJ of energy was used to
produce 1kg of cheese product. The types of energy used were electricity (67%), steam (37%)
and fuel (3%). Refrigeration and pasteurization accounted for the largest percentage of total
process energy. Out of the total process energy used in the manufacturing processes of cheese
product, applied energy was 58% while the remaining 42% was process end use losses. This
shows that energy loss is very high at the facility thus presenting opportunities for improving
energy efficiency and reducing energy cost.
Investing in renewable energy is a very suitable approach that the organization can use to
reduce the cost of energy used by the facility. Potential renewable energy systems that can be
used include solar power (solar thermal systems, concentrating solar power systems and solar
photovoltaic energy systems), wind power systems, biomass power (biopower), geothermal
power, and hydropower system. The organization should conduct feasibility studies to choose the
most suitable renewable energy system or combination of systems. However, solar power tends
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Industrial Energy Systems 13
to be the most suitable option. Other approaches that the organization can use to reduce the cost
of energy used in the facility include automation, heat recovery, using more energy efficient
electrical equipment and systems, and providing adequate training to employees.
There are great opportunities for the organization to improve energy efficiency and reduce
the amount and cost of energy consumed in the manufacture of the cheese product. Use of
renewable energy is one of the greatest options. Besides cost reduction, renewable energy will
also reduce health and environmental impacts of the manufacturing processes and contribute
towards climate change mitigation.

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Industrial Energy Systems 16
Appendix 1: Production processes of cheese product
Appendix 2: Type of energy used
Electricity Steam Fuel
Types of Energy Used
Type of energy
Amount of energy (MJ)
Feed Production
Manure management
Cheese processing
and fuel
Paper and
Solid waste

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Appendix 3: Energy consumed in different processes
Refrigeration Pasteurization Coagulation
and curdling Pressing,
and shaping
Energy consumed in various processes
Manufacturing process
Amount of energy (MJ)
Appendix 4: Applied energy and process end use losses
Applied Energy and Process End Use Losses
Applied energy (MJ) Process end use losses (MJ)
Amount of energy (J)
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Industrial Energy Systems 18
Appendix 5: Renewable energy production projections[15]
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