
Investigation into Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact in Retail Fashion


Added on  2023-01-03

24 Pages8614 Words67 Views
An investigation into
leadership styles and
Organizational Impact
in retail fashion
Investigation into Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact in Retail Fashion_1

Table of Contents
Research Topic: An investigation into leadership styles and organisational impact in retail
fashion. A Case study on Superdry and Forever21..........................................................................4
Case study: Forever21 and Superdry...............................................................................................4
1.0. Introduction...............................................................................................................................5
1.1 Identify a specific researchable topic area............................................................................5
1.2) Importance of the problem...................................................................................................5
1.3) Aim of the research project..................................................................................................6
2.0. Research objectives and research questions.............................................................................6
2.1.) Research objectives.............................................................................................................6
2.2) Research questions...............................................................................................................6
3.0. Literature Review......................................................................................................................6
3.1) Introduction.........................................................................................................................6
3.2) Academic Development of leadership styles.......................................................................7
3.3) Impact of leadership styles on organisational performance.................................................7
3.4) Leadership in the retail industry..........................................................................................7
3.5) Leadership within Forever21 and Superdry........................................................................7
3.6) Conclusion...........................................................................................................................7
4.0. Methodology.............................................................................................................................7
4.1) Introduction..........................................................................................................................7
4.2) Case study: along with academic history and justification of case study as a valid research
5.0. Summary...................................................................................................................................8
6.0. Analysis of the results and findings..........................................................................................8
7.0. Conclusion................................................................................................................................8
8.0. Recommendations.....................................................................................................................8
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Investigation into Leadership Styles and Organizational Impact in Retail Fashion_3

Research Topic: An investigation into leadership styles and organisational
impact in retail fashion. A Case study on Superdry and Forever21
Case study: Forever21 and Superdry
1.0. Introduction
The leaders face a complex range of difficulties in this age of global and economic
instability. Transformation is on the company's radar, because new technology and the fast speed
of transformation continues to destabilise the business. CEOs will carefully analyse their
approach and the expertise ramifications of these powers, resolve any abilities shortages and
track cultural progress to ensure that their companies respond to demographic changes in the
labour force and among customers in diverse markets Rathle (2018).
CEOs must concentrate on developing the best plan and bring together the most qualified
peoplefor them. They will have to review their own management style at the same time and
adjust to innovative new business model Rathle (2018). The current research topic based on
investigation into leadership styles and organisational impact in retail fashion. The leadership is a
vital concept that plays an important role in motivating and influencing employees to have better
bushiness performance.
1.1 Identify a specific researchable topic area
Robbins et all (2015) states that great leaders in history have been identified by their
characteristics. Leadership Attribute hypotheses rely on unique attributes and traits. The quest for
temperament, emotional, physical or intellectual qualities that differentiate leaders from non-
leaders’ dates to the early stages of research into leadership. In the same time, Robins et all
(2015) argues that from the late 1940s through the 1960s, early-trait deficiencies prompted
researchers to question if there was anything special about how successful leaders act. Trait work
offers a framework for selecting the best individuals to guide. Contrariwise, behavioral
leadership theories suggested that we could train individuals to be leaders.
1.2) Importance of the problem
Every year thousands of business small or big fail and there are numbers of reasons for
that. Lavoie (2016) states that weak qualities in management have long-lasting consequences that
may affect a whole company, moreover, toxic misplaced leadership results extend far and large.
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It is important to determine the reasons of this issue and how it can be improved. How to
determine a management is defective and what it can be done on time before the business
1.3) Aim of the research project
Therefore, the aim of this study is to investigate and analyse why bad management
happens. is leadership learned or it is within and which styles of leaderships have worked best
over the years and which were the worst. In order to help me with my study I have chosen two
companies from the fashion retail sector; Forever 21 and Superdry. Each of the business are
confronting with different issues. Forever 21 has declared bankruptcy because of the
overconfidence of the CEO who did not listen to the management. Superdry, on the other hand
faces issues because the board wants to eliminate the CEO who is faulty to the business. The aim
of current investigation is “To evaluate about the reasons for bad management along with
analysing the need and impact of leadership styles on performance of organisation”. A research
work on Super dry and Forever21.
2.0. Research objectives and research questions
2.1.) Research objectives
To evaluate the changes in leadership styles through secondary data analysis
To investigate about the management and leadership style which would have worked
best within a retail industry for ensuring better performance and success of an
To determine about ways that can be adopted by a firm to deal with faulty management.
To analyse whether good leader are born or trained.
2.2) Research questions
Main research question
In what ways have leadership styles evolved?
What type of management works or have worked best in retail fashion?
Subsidiary questions
How to deal with a faulty management?
Is a good leader born or trained?
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3.0. Literature Review (2500)
It forms out to be one of the most vital and important part of any investigation as it tend
to lead the review and survey of pre existing data and secondary information about a specific
topic which is helpful to lead to base and also provides complete framework for a study. The
current literature review is based on the topic of investigation into leadership styles and its
organisational impact in retail fashion for which a series a online articles and journals are
reviewed, a discussion and analysis of which is provided as follows:
3.1) Introduction
Leadership is mainly associated with the art of influencing and motivating employees and
other candidates for better performance by the way of some dynamic, exciting and inspiring
activities to lead and brings a out a better impact on overall organisational performance. It has
been also analysed that the leaders are the one who set the directions and also guide the people to
reach their gaols in more smooth and more efficient way. Further, as per the view point of Popli,
S. and Rizvi, I.A., 2017, an analysis can be made out that leadership is a vital process that is vital
to influence view point and performance of employees to accomplish and achieve set objectives
and directions in a vital manner. Thus, leadership is vital and important for all organisation to
lead an organised and logical process to influence and motivate employees. Further, it can be
analysed that the concept of leadership is vital and important to motivate employees for higher
level performance by the way of positive and strong human relationship. Apart from this, an
analysis could also be made that leadership is important and vital for retail fashion industry as it
is helpful and vital to maximize the efficiency and performance level of employees for better
achievement of goals.
Further, with respect to the information provided by Melvin, L., 2020, it has been
analysed that the main factors and reasons that cause and leads to bad management within an
organisation comprises of failure to effective communication along with lack of proper
accountability which leads to a situation of chaos and confusion at workplace which tends to
hamper the overall performance and efficiency level of employees. Further, an implication could
also be made out that lack of alignment and poor execution of strategies due to lack of clear
vision are also the vital factors and points that leads to cases bad management and failure of
leadership at workplace that is always threatening for an organisation as it hampers the
efficiency and performance level of employees due to enhanced chances of chaos and conflicts.
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