
Understanding Conflict Management and Coaching Techniques for Team Building


Added on  2023-01-19

9 Pages2547 Words73 Views
An understanding of
conflict management and
use of coaching technique
for team buildings for
team building
Understanding Conflict Management and Coaching Techniques for Team Building_1

Table of Contents
Main Body.......................................................................................................................................4
How to resolve conflict- ............................................................................................................4
Understanding of coaching, its benefits and how the use of appropriate coaching techniques
( Listening, Questioning, Clarifying and Feedback) and models can be used to improve the
performance of an individual at work.........................................................................................6
Understanding Conflict Management and Coaching Techniques for Team Building_2

Sometimes a disagreement leads to a conflict and sometimes not to prevent it a person must
observe his response when are they rude or soft. When a person responds in a angry way or in a
upset way it reflects their behavior. Sometimes people tend to get angry at small situations such
as a situation where a friend broke a cup and the other one gets very angry at him. Anger must be
resolved or it will lead to harsh actions and people regret that later. Tempers will always be there
they may arise in any situation people must remain calm to control their anger. Questions cover
in this file are how to resolve conflict and benefits of feedback, clarifying, listening etc.
Main Body
How to resolve conflict-
The end goal is to make peace and keep peace with everyone such as not getting back to
someone for something hurtful he did or ignore thinking about getting revenge. Some people try
to resolve the issues with someone through a mediator because they feel it was their fault and the
other one won't revert to them even if they apologizes or some people think too much of their
pride and don't apologize by themselves. The idea (Sunstein, 2018) of mediator is to maintain the
communication with respect and meet at a place where both can talk and mediator sets a time on
which both agrees so that they can resolve the conflict. To resolve it both has to remain calm and
remember one thing that no one is here to prove their point they are here to settle the conflict.
Sometimes mediator helps them to settle it by suggesting them ways and trying out new methods
to forget this whole thing and put it under the ground this method is useful and helpful to those
who are facing these issue as it takes the pressure from their head and make them feel relax.
Settling the conflict and in mind they both are still angry or even one of them is angry then it is
of no use they must take a break and resolve it in a calmly way. Even after that if they are angry
both must take some time to calm down.
(Hauge and Ellingsen, 2018)Before thinking about meeting with the other person,
one must try to remember where he was wrong which led to this whole scenario and he must
accept it. One must try to keep things like his pride, personality and past issues aside if they want
to resolve this issue. One must just focus on the root cause of the problem and what they need to
change in their behavior and personality. Never think the conflict is all about yourself listen to
other person when he is making his point you will get your own turn for making your statement
because if the other one doesn't keep his concerns on the table and its just you then it is not
Understanding Conflict Management and Coaching Techniques for Team Building_3

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