
Impact of CSR on Firm Performance


Added on  2020-02-05

16 Pages4460 Words753 Views
Impact of CSR on Firm Performance_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P1:Detemination of objectives and aims.....................................................................................1P2: Produce a project management plan that covers aspects of cost, Scope, time, quality,communication, risk and resources in the context of CSR at Waitrose.......................................3P3: Produce a work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart to provide......................................4TASK 2............................................................................................................................................6P4: By applying qualitative and quantitative research methods for carrying out small-scaleresearch appropriate for meeting aims and objectives.................................................................6TASK 3............................................................................................................................................9P5: Analyses research and data using appropriate tools and techniques.....................................9P6: The appropriate recommendations which are a result of valid data and research analysis todraw the meaningful conclusions are communicated..................................................................9TASK 4..........................................................................................................................................10P7:Reflect on the value of undertaking the research to meet stated objectives and own learningand performance in this research...............................................................................................10M4: project management process and use of quality research to meet stated objectives andsupport own learning and Performance.....................................................................................11CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................12APPENDIX....................................................................................................................................14
Impact of CSR on Firm Performance_2

INTRODUCTIONTo meet the organizational objectives and also the cost and the performance parametersan individual undertakes a project which is a set of coordinated activities which defines thebeginning and the ending points is known as business project. It is non repetitive set of activitiesfor achieving the time, financial and technical performance goals. Managing and successfulbusiness determine the organization goal and objectives in the form of company (Bucherer andet.al, 2012). The company uses the corporate social responsibility in the organization. Thisproject determines the smart objective in the organization. The smart objective determines thespecific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bounded project. Company creating theproject management plan and evaluating the best resources in the organization. Socialresponsibility of the business taking the responsibility of owner, customer, creditors, stakeholder,society, suppliers and community. The company uses the best knowledge and skill related to theproject in the organization. Company uses the best product and techniques in the organization.TASK 1P1: Detemination of objectives and aimsProject aims and objectives: A project duration is not fixed. The undertaken project is notof permanent nature. It is a temporary one-time exercise. The project is undertaken to achieve thedesired organizational objectives as per the needs which vary from time to time such as creatinga new product or service or even to change the business process.Project aims and objectivesAim: To evaluate impact of CSR on the Waitrose.ObjectiveTo find out positive impact of CSR on mentioned company.To identify negative impact of CSR on Waitrose.Performance: For any project to be successful the set standards of reliability, function,safety and performance should be met. The objectives in project management must bespecific, instead of being vague. Any time in the duration of the project it should notdeviate from its main purpose for which it was initiated . But adhering to the qualitystandards, is the work of the quality control department.1
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Cost: For smooth functioning, the expenditure should always remain within the budget.Such specific objectives will enhance the change of achieving the desired outcome of theproject.Time: After the clear understanding of the project objectives to the manager and theowner next step is to prioritizing the objectives should be done in order to know theprimary and secondary objectives. For the success of the project, the timelyimplementation of the project becomes the biggest task to accomplish. Proper planningshould be done well in advance so that all the significant stages of the project takes placeon or before the specified date of completion so that the actual progress matches theplanned progress. It should not be stretched till the last dates. (Söderlund , 2011). Budget: for any project, the budget structure is already set well in advance and the mainwork is to complete the project without exceeding the authorized expenditure. As thefinancial resources is not always available in huge quantity and if it found out that it ranout of money than the entire project may be asked to stop if it does not meet thecompletion dates. If such situation arrives, the entire time, money and efforts invested inthe project might go in-vain. And in the extreme cases, it targets the project contractor aswell. He might face a huge trouble and even the money spend on the project might bewritten off. Hence, proper attention is to be paid to the cost budgets and financialmanagement.Quality: As the introduction of the concept of TQM i.e. Total Quality Management itaims at maintaining the quality by the entire organization beginning from the topmanagement to the operational level staff.Keep customer happy: Customer are very important for all company and customer alwayshappy than business project are successfully. Every project success depends on companyproject.Meet requirement: meet requirement is very important for a successful business project. A twoperson are meeting to each other than decide to own plan success a business (Kowalkowski andet.al, 2011).2
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