
Measuring Employee Engagement in Organizations


Added on  2019-11-26

31 Pages9996 Words171 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big DataHealthcare and Research
Running Head: Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentHuman ResourceManagementEmployee Engagement
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentTable of ContentsChapter 1....................................................................................................................................2Introduction................................................................................................................................21.1Research aim...............................................................................................................31.2Research objective.......................................................................................................41.3Research questions......................................................................................................41.4Rationale of the study..................................................................................................41.5Research Hypothesis...................................................................................................5Chapter 2....................................................................................................................................5Literature Review.......................................................................................................................52.1 About human resource management in Myanmar............................................................52.2 Issues faced by human resources in Myanmar.................................................................62.3 Emergence of employee engagement...............................................................................82.4 Relativity of employee engagement with job security and organisational productivity11Chapter 3..................................................................................................................................13Research Methodology.............................................................................................................133.1 Data collection................................................................................................................133.2 Data analysis...................................................................................................................143.3 Research philosophy.......................................................................................................153.4 Research approach..........................................................................................................163.5 Research Design.............................................................................................................171
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Analysing the human resource issues and business development3.6 Set up plan for the project..............................................................................................174 Research limitations..............................................................................................................185 Findings and Discussions......................................................................................................196 Conclusions...........................................................................................................................217 References.............................................................................................................................228 Appendix...............................................................................................................................262
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentChapter 1 Introduction The thesis is about the human resource practice that happens in an organisation especially in Myanmar. As per the prevailing situations of Myanmar, the conditions of human resource management are not that good. There are issues carrying in the field of human resource aboutwhich the companies are highly concerned (Bratton, John, and Jeff, 53). Measures need to be undertaken to improve the current situation of human resources in the country. People in Myanmar were lacking the specialised training facility which results in poor working and adverse quality in the different industries be it hospitality, tourism, food and beverage, automobiles or infrastructure. There are different HR challenges that an institute has to face. There is a situation of changing management where turnover of top management results in changing decisions (Armstrong, Michael, and Stephen, 24). Some policies made by the previous management might get changed when new management comes up. Employees have to adjust accordingly well in advance therefore appropriate training and knowledge of changing management should be rendered to the employees so that they could easily retain the changes and accept the challenges but most of the time prior information to employees is lacking which becomes the cause of concern for the organisation. The next challenge that an organisation and its employee’s faces are leadership development; the appropriate leader has to be chosen who is flexible and understanding. The one that could analyse the problems faced by the employees and resolve the issues that employees are suffering. The leader should be rigid to make out the work from the subordinates but the leniency should also be there to understand the employee and making things easy for them and co-operating them to deliver the work more effectively and efficiently (Stahl, Günter, Ingmar & Shad, 13). The competency of HR should be taken into consideration to promote the organisational effectiveness. The environment is customer focusing and in order to serve the customer and increasing the consumer gap the organisations generally forget about the most important assetof the organisation and that is the employees. Those companies that pay equal attention to its customers and employees are likely to flourish in the domestic as well as international market. They are the employees who deal first with the consumers and are the one to create the positive image of the company in the market. If the ill-treatment is given to the employees3
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentthen this will affect their performance to the great extent and thereafter the growth of organisation might get depleted. To improve the condition of employees and resolve the HR challenges appropriate recruitment criteria has to be followed. Recruitment could be made either through campus selection, participating in the job fair and selecting the candidates fromthere or the employment exchange are given the responsibility to hold the recruitment and selection criteria, for this the requirement details are given to them and accordingly the selections are made. After selection, it is the prime responsibility of the company to conduct appropriate learning and development sessions for the newly recruited employees. Adequate training has to be given to avoid further discrepancies. Also, employees must be given benefits, bonus and incentives to boost up their morale and retain the employees for the longer period of time. In case of any accident or injury compensation to the employee and hisfamily should be given to carry on the living and adopt the accurate treatment. These things develop the sense of belongingness and create loyalty among the employees and the zeal to work gets an increased to result in the better generation of income and gain the satisfaction ofthe employees (Budhwar, Pawan & Yaw, 10). On learning a bit about the above challenges that the HR faces, there are various techniques which are used to improve the business scenario and leading the organisations towards the success. The best technique which is connecting the entire human resource system is employee engagement. Employee engagement is the link to human resource development. When the employees are highly satisfied they would feel the attachment and there will be the sense of belongingness among the employees. The organisational commitment gets created with the result of employee engagement in the organisation. Employee engagement assists in building the business and making it hit the heights and achieve the desired objectives (Marchington, et.al. 23).1.1Research aimThe research aim is to analyse the areas where human resource management is lacking and to identify the technique of improving the development of the business. One particular area has to be selected which operates and link the entire organisation and helps in changing the situation of Myanmar in context of human resource management. Such options have to be evaluated which can handle the complete organisation and solve the problems of employer, employee, customers and organisation as a whole. Each aspect of the human resource should be studied and one best solution should be researched upon in order to resolve the problem of4
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmenthuman resource and build up strength in the particular field to bring upon the essential changes (Explorable). 1.2Research objectiveThe objective of conducting this particular research on the human resource issues in Myanmar is as follows: To analyse the current situation of Myanmar in context of human resource.To concentrate on the employee engagement program. To study the importance of employee engagement and how it will enhance the productivity of the organisation. To research upon the other relevant factors that affect the growth of the company and how can they be fixed (Farrugia, et.al. 278).1.3Research questionsThe study is been conducted so as to answer the certain questions on the completion of this research. These questions are the area of queries for which the research has been conducted. The solution of these questions will be answered in the entire thesis:1.What are the major areas of issue related to a human resource in Myanmar?2.What measures could be taken to improve the human resource conditions?3.What role does employee engagement play in the development of the human resource in the companies?4.How employee engagement is related to job security and increasing the productivityof enterprises?1.4Rationale of the studyThe rationale of the study is to learn about the depleting scenario of human resource in Myanmar. This topic is selected in order to research and develop the understanding that why the performance of employees in Myanmar is destructive and what measures couldbe taken into consideration to improve the prevailing conditions. For this, both the primary and secondary data is collected and quantitative as well as qualitative analysis will be made (Driver et al., 3). The research will be such that the data collected and analysed will be reliable as questionnaire will be framed and made to filled up by the employees of various organisations and their viewpoints are collected and in secondary 5
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentresearch derivation and result will be brought up through own understanding and ideas from the other authors and experts (Master papers). 1.5Research HypothesisThe hypothesis is the assumptions made to analyse the actual situation and reaches to the accurate decisions which might bring the changes in the existing environment (Best,John & James, 13). As per the following research, the hypothetical assumptions are as under:H0: Studying the development of business through the application of employee engagement will positively result in the improvising the conditions of human resource department in Myanmar. HA: Studying the development of business through the application of employee engagement will not positively result in the improvising the conditions of human resource department in Myanmar.Chapter 2 Literature Review2.1 About human resource management in MyanmarAs per Hendry, in today’s scenario where high competition is prevailing, there is a need to perform in an outrageous way and undertake out of the box techniques to gain the fame and development. Human resources are the asset for every organisation and country. Many authors have given different definitions regarding human resources but basically, it is the maintenance and collection of competent humans (Hendry, 8). Human resource management involves the recruitment and selection of right person at the right place at the right place for the right job. But actually it is not just confined to the recruitment and selection, it is the wideaspect and there are lot more things that follow selection procedure. On selection, the induction program is conducted which includes the initial training level and basic introduction about the company. The newly recruited employee is made learn about the rules 6
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Analysing the human resource issues and business developmentand regulations that are followed by the company. The policies and procedures are clearly explained to them and instructions are launches to highly abide by those policies and rules (Reiche, Sebastian, Mark & Gunter, 103). They are made introduced to the entire staff and different departments and entire knowledge regarding the premises, its manager, employees, behaviour and work are explained to the employees. The company should follow the employment law and adhere to it so that exploitation of the employees are avoided and reputation of the company gets retained thereby increasing the market goodwill of the organisation. Appropriate training should be rendered to the employees and proper monitoring should be done to keep the watch over the performance of the employees and figure out who all are outstanding and fewer efforts are required on them and who all are having issues in understanding the job and more efforts need to be paid on them (Business topic). Equal treatment should be given to the employees and discrimination on the basis of country, religion or culture should be done. Since in an organisation entry and exists are common, thus exist procedure should also be genuine making the journey of the employee memorable. According to Pedersen, the appropriate termination and retirement policies should be built and employees must be paid the entire amount entitled to them. The gratuity, PF and pension amount should be duly paid to the employees. Also in the employee where several people work together, it is likely to have certain conflicts and for that conflict, resolution committee should be framed (Pedersen, 35). Grievance redressal team should be there and appropriate arbitration must be conducted to give out the fair results and maintaining the harmony within the organisation. It is the duty of the human resource manager to see towards the environment and relations with the employees with one another. In an organisation better employer and employee relations should be framed to maintain the soothing environment of the organisation should be the priority (Tanaka, 45). 2.2 Issues faced by human resources in Myanmar According to Dal (2015), human resource management is the energy or say lifeline of the company. In order to ensure the growth of the organisation and thereby the country, it is important to have a hold on the human resources. Along with the customer satisfaction, the employee satisfaction is also equally important because more satisfied the employee more energetic will be their performance and there will be the sense of job security which will render job satisfaction and employee will feel committed towards the employees.7
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