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Analysing the Seven Life Force Chakras


Added on  2023/04/07

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This article analyzes the seven life force chakras and their impact on self-expression and communication. It explores the energetic functions of each chakra and their effects on personal growth. The author reflects on their own nature and experiences with each chakra.

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Analysing the Seven Life Force Chakras
Part 1 – An analysis of my own nature
I am a journalist, and I am often able to express myself in a healthy, truthful and affectionate
way! I am often recognised as a creative and compassionate person. I am not often shy and
can ask for help whenever I need to. I am often aware of what I want and need, and I am not
troubled to express your weaknesses. I often make lot of friend and fans who are drawn
towards my honesty and creativity. They respect me for my ability to express openly.
It is easy for me to communicate with people and let my words make the best of me. I at
times wonder and get surprised because of how effectively and effortlessly I communicate
certain critical things which other, my colleagues or friend find so difficult and almost
impossible to say.
Vishudha chakra’s (Throat chakra) energetic function assists me in self-expressing and
conveying my deepest self to the world. I feel it helps in my directness in talk and expression.
It helps in being honest and having ownership of my feelings. (Chakras: What You Need To
Know About Chakra Alignment, n.d.). Whenever everything is fine with this chakra, l feel to
be able to say what I mean and also be well understood by others appropriately. (The Seven
Chakras, n.d.).
I believe I am linked to paradise and grounded to earth making me a peaceful, grounded and
calm person. Admits all these, I sometimes feel very disconnected from my body. Though I
communicate so effectively, but I sometimes get confused and frustrated. This sometimes
leads to lack of inspiration, depressed and lack of apathy.

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Sahasrara (literally, “thousand-petaled lotus”) Chakra helps me to work in
an enlightened manner and allows me to nurture self-mastery, and to connect with everyone.
(Seven Chakras of Kundalini Yoga, n.d.).
I am not a person who needs praise, appreciation or recognition for everything and I can very
comfortable give or do without a stint of credit. I feel I am whole and I have deeper wisdom
to do dedicate myself in the service of others and reinforce my spirituality. I find the mystic
oneness with everything and everybody. I often have an immense level of peace and
tranquillity in me which I think many miss. I surrender to the greater and deeper meaning of
Manipura Chakra usually delineated as an upward-facing red triangle, and it’s associated with
element fire. With strong inner fire (agni) helps me not just to digest food, but also to digest
the dealings of my life. (Seven Chakras of Kundalini Yoga, n.d.). Manipura’s
energetic function to enhance the personal strength to move in life with power and willpower.
I feel, Manipura provides me the confidence to understand and reject hat doesn't serve me. I
am able to and let it go with the help of this chakra. (Chakras: What You Need To Know
About Chakra Alignment, n.d.).
I am an artist of life who loves life and seek pleasure in it, living it profoundly. I often
experience the extreme feeling of sometimes terrible and some other times delightful. I often
live at the moment and I leave a flaring presence wherever I go. However, I live in the
adventures of life and disappear from one adventure to another with full of life.
Some say I am having Peter Pan Syndrome: I do not wish to grow up, I am never serious
about life and never take it seriously. However, all said, I appreciate the very moment, to live
just right now, right here and I don’t see life to be somewhere in the distant future, but at this
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I feel I am a house of the higher, “unstruck” or imperishable self as Anahata is associated
with the element air showing an emotional qualities like harmony, affection, and honesty in
me. (Chakras: What You Need To Know About Chakra Alignment, n.d.). I have a sense that
Anahata helps me tap into unconditional love. It’s often delineates as a bridge between my
mind, body, and spirit. Whenever everything is fine with this chakra, I find myself full
of sympathy for others. I relish in a deeper sense of inner peace with my open emotions. I
can completely feel my motions and also comprehend them with reasoning. (Seven Chakras
of Kundalini Yoga, n.d.).
I live life by using my inner guidance that comes from my powerful intuitive ability. I have a
positive attitude towards life though I at time fall into depression and isolation. I have a
developed clairvoyance and clairaudience. As I already mentioned, I can relate to everything
and everyone, I can relate to night a lot. I feel, my senses become refined at night and all my
body parts become active and awakened at night. So to say, I am an owl and can give my
best at night. As a journalist and an artist, I find night as my best performance time and I give
my best takes at night.
I am having a good sixth sense and I do prayer, meditation, and even practice yoga to
manifest my belief in the mystic state of consciousness.
Ajna Chakra is the base of my mind and of the awareness. (Seven Chakras of Kundalini
Yoga, n.d.). It’s not associated with any physical element, as this chakra is
functions “beyond” the physical elements. It is the source of intuition, idea, insight,
imagination, knowledge and confidence. Ajna chakra’s energetic function assists
in understanding self in the emotional, mental, and spiritual front. (Chakras: What You Need
To Know About Chakra Alignment, n.d.).
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I am not affected by aches and pains, mainly in the neck and throat region. And, a stiff neck
or the lumps created in the throat would disappear magically all of a sudden. I also never had
a dental issues, toothache, mouth ulcers etc. I rarely have headaches or migraines. I am
basically a healthy and sound person both mentally and physically with occasional feeling of
depression and isolation.
Part 2 - Chakra Test
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Part 3 - Reflecting on your results
The under-active state of my Root Chakra suggests that I feel vulnerable, freaked or
anxious. The vulnerability and the anxiety infiltrating in my thoughts, can make me feel
everything uncertain. My lack of concentration may be my reason of my constant
preoccupation with worries about my well-being which may manifest as hypochondria or
general paranoia in me. Physical issues caused by my under-active Root Chakra include pain
in lower back, lack of energy levels, and numb extremities. Mooladhara administers what
are thought-about the four original cravings: food, sleep, sex, and self-preservation. Its major
role is to assist me retain a way of grounded behaviour and inner steadiness. (Chakras: What
You Need To Know About Chakra Alignment, n.d.). Blocked Root Chakra results if certain
thing risks my elementary life requirements (e.g. food, a roof over your head or finance). A
mere fear that my basic survival is undermined, my Root Chakra comes out of alignment to
its response.
The under-active state of my Heart Chakra suggests that I often struggle to relate to
people. It suggests that I am less compassionate than common people and I am usually
impatient. That I find it harder to trust and I don’t often feel at peace is due to the under-
active state of my Heart Chakra. I may often feel restless and irritated. The under-active state
of my Heart Chakra also at times manifest physically resulting in high B.P. and low immune
system. Anahata (literally, “unstruck”) is found around the centre of my heart. Anahata is
often delineated as a green six-pointed star delimited by a twelve petals lotus and is
associated with element air. I feel I am a house of the higher, “unstruck” or imperishable self
as Anahata is associated with the element air showing an emotional qualities like harmony,
affection, and honesty in me. (Chakras: What You Need To Know About Chakra Alignment,
n.d.). Whenever I face a breakup, a grief, a troublesome relationship, or any instance of
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unkindness, my Anahata Chakra comes out of alignment to its response. (The Seven Chakras,
Conclusion #1: Two chakra guesses or more wrong/different
Though I even have an under-active Root Chakra, I have optimal weight and I am
grounded. At the same time unlike someone with under-active Root Chakra, I don’t have
constipation and anxiety. Even with an open Naval Chakra, I am shy with somewhat
infertility. I find low health and low confidence in me though I an open third chakra. I am not
critical, jealous or cold-hearted even though the report shows under-active Heart Chakra.
Though I have an open Throat Chakra, I am shy. I have problem with my eye or vision even
with an open Third Eye chakra. I suffered an issue with my nervous system even when I
found open status for my Crown Chakra.
Conclusion #2: One chakra guess or less wrong
Even though I predicted open Root Chakra and Heart Chakra, I am having an under-
active Root Chakra and under-active Heart Chakra to my utter surprise. This may be because
of higher open in my Naval, Throat and Crown Chakras.
Seven Chakras of Kundalini Yoga (n.d.). Retrieved from
An introduction to the energy centers and their effect on our being (n.d.). Retrieved
Chetan.M.Y. (2016, December 31). Special Poses to open your seven chakras.
Retrieved from
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(2015, June 9). Chakra Stones Chart: Learn About Your 7 Chakras. Retrieved from
Samuel.S. 7 Chakras: What You Need To Know About Chakra Alignment. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
Fondin.M. What Is a Chakra?. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The Seven Chakras. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Levin.J. A Beginner’s Guide To The 7 Chakras And how experts believe they affect
your health. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Taber.J.J. The Ultimate Guide to Chakra Meditation:
How to Activate and Balance the 7 Chakras. (n.d.). Retrieved from
The 7 Chakras – A Beginners Guide To Your Energy System. (n.d.). Retrieved from
Stessman.E. A Simple Guide to the 7 Chakras and How to Balance Yours. (n.d.).
Retrieved from
A Beginner's Guide to the 7 Chakras and Their Meanings. (n.d.). Retrieved from

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