
Organisational Behaviour Analysis 2022


Added on  2022-10-16

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentPolitical Science
Organisational Behaviour Analysis 2022_1

Blog 1
“Can cultures be managed within organizations?”
What is organizational culture?
Culture is the set of values, beliefs, attitude and behavior shared by a group of people in the
society. Organizational culture encompasses values and behaviors that contribute into the society
in which the business is operated (Spencerstuart, 2019). The culture of an organization represents
the policies in which employees are trained and also gives the direction to work at the workplace.
In this blog, we are taking ford motors to discuss about its challenges that it faces while changing
the culture at the workplace. Ford Motors is a multinational automaker company of America.
Ford Motors has high brand image in the market due to its quality or innovative products (Ford,
2019). The company hires the people from different background and performs their performance
appropriately. The main aim of selecting this company or industry is that it faces the challenges
related to the organizational culture.
What are the Challenges Faced by the Ford Motors?
It has been found that Ford Motor faced challenges due to financial crises and organizational
culture. Earlier, the massive nature of organizational culture and the perception towards the
diversity, workplace obstacle is negative due to which the company suffers with the heavy loss.
It also affects the brand image of the company in the market as it breaks down the record of
suffering loss just because of its massive management (Notesmatic, 2017). The company was
follows the culture of disparity between women and minorities in order to compare with the
white men at the workplace. It can be said that the company follows the glass ceiling; the word
Organisational Behaviour Analysis 2022_2

glass ceiling is considered as the cultural norms which describe the discrimination at the
workplace (Lombardo, 2017).
Handy's Model of Organizational Culture
(Source: Toolshero, 2019)
Handy Model of Organizational Culture is a model of organizational culture which is design by
Charles Handy. This model is based on four basic organizational types such as power, task, role
and person. The model is used to analyze the culture of Ford Motors to observe that how the
company follows the culture work at the workplace. It helps to analyze the current situation of
the company in terms of culture.
Power describes the authority to take the decision for the organization. It has been seen that the
Ford Motors follows the decentralization but they have to report to their senior managers or
senior position authorities while taking decision regarding any particular matter. The company
does not distribute the authority to lower level as it creates the many issues. Alan Mulally is the
CEO of Ford Motors that follows the cultural mantra to reconstruct the company. The entire
Organisational Behaviour Analysis 2022_3

senior manager has to organize the meeting once in a week to take the report about work. It is
essential for the executive to take the participation in the meetings. Role defines the
responsibilities of the employee that are allocated as per their capability and interest. Employees
of Ford Motors represent their business and its values by builds the integrity and positive
behavior among workers. The company follows the culture which includes the terms such as
initiative, courage and corporate citizenship. Person is the people who work with the company in
order to support the organization. The employees of Ford Motors follow the initiative, courage
and the citizenship to represent the business in the market. Teamwork is the most important
priority of the company which is also necessary to follow by its employees. Tasks are allocated
to the employees by dividing teams or groups to achieve the targets. The top managers of the
company always distributed the work among the employees to attain target. It has been seen that
the top management take the decision towards the company. Although, the company is trying to
fulfill the target but it has been seen that the company is not flexible in order to perform their
work (Tutor2u, 2019).
What Strategies will recommend to company?
It has been found that the organization changes its culture but still there are some areas where the
leader has to focus to implement the changes to attain high success.
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