
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express


Added on  2023-04-24

31 Pages5854 Words429 Views
Leadership ManagementMarketingData Science and Big Data
Analyzing the level of customer satisfaction in Tesco Express
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Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_1

Executive Summary
The study is summarized on the level of customer satisfaction of Tesco Express. By
means of various situation analysis tools, the interior as well as exterior commerce
environment of Tesco Express is to be determined. Based on analyzing the business
environment of the business, there are both positive as well as negative changes into
the business. The researcher is performed primary research by means of survey as well
as tools for situation analysis such that the company can able to identify its internal
issues which they are facing while operating in the market. The reasons behind
customer satisfaction level are being measured using the situation analysis tools. The
aim of research study is done for raising the stage of customer satisfaction along with
lead to make profitability such that they can attract more and more customers towards
their food industry. The primary research study is helped to analyze the statistical data
using survey by which they can evaluate customer’s requirements and components for
the client satisfaction.
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_2

Table of Contents
Component 2:...................................................................................................................3
1. Introduction...............................................................................................................3
2. Situation analysis......................................................................................................3
2.1 Background of case study organization..............................................................3
2.2 Business analysis tools.......................................................................................4
3. Problem identification............................................................................................... 7
3.1 Data collection methods and tools......................................................................7
4. Proposed solutions/possibilities................................................................................7
4.1 Assessment of approaches and justification of approach chosen.......................7
4.2 Primary data........................................................................................................8
4.3 Cost based analysis and business case to assess options...............................11
4.4 Risk assessment and stakeholder analysis......................................................11
5. Plan of action..........................................................................................................12
5.1 Work breakdown structure................................................................................12
5.2 Critical path analysis.........................................................................................12
5.3 Gantt chart........................................................................................................ 15
5.4 Resource planning charts.................................................................................20
5.5 Aim and objectives............................................................................................23
5.6 Risk assessment...............................................................................................23
5.7 Stakeholder analysis.........................................................................................26
5.8 Detailed plan of action...................................................................................... 27
6. Conclusion..............................................................................................................28
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_3

Component 2:
1. Introduction
In this paper, there is interior and exterior analysis of business case of Tesco
Express so that the company can gain higher level of customer satisfaction. By means
of situation analysis tools such as SWOT, porter’s five forces, PESTLE and BCG matrix,
the commerce environment is analyzed. In order to determine the issues within Tesco
Express, primary data collection method is used. It is performed from the side of the
customers by taking their responses using questionnaire method. In order to analyze
the approaches for the company, risk assessment as well as stakeholder analysis tools
are being used. In this study, a plan of action is implemented based on the
considerations of project management approaches like project schedule, planning of
human resources, and work breakdown structure along with critical path analysis.
2. Situation analysis
2.1 Background of case study organization
As a sub brand of Tesco, Tesco Express is operated in UK market in area of
Cranford, Bath road. The company is making profits into the business by meeting with
the customer’s demands by providing them food items such as sweets, processed
foods, biscuits and others. The company gained a market share of 25% to make more
profitability. It is seen that 9.08bn USB is the brand value of the company and there is
grocery sales is 46.6bn USD (Tesco plc 2016). The company is operated a total of 277
stores so that it can promote their sales and also profits.
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_4

2.2 Business analysis tools
SWOT analysis of Tesco Express
Strengths: Tesco Express is introducing various fresh as well as healthy foods
so that they can achieve a higher market share. Higher standards are to be achieved by
Tesco Express so that the customers can access to higher quality of products. They can
achieve a higher market position to become one of the leaders in the supermarket of
UK. They are recently addition of 800 stores in the product lines.
Weaknesses: In the main store of Tesco Express, the price factor is not
considered as good. There is also limitation of wide varieties of stores of the company.
Because of the smaller departmental stores, there is weak turnover of their store
inventory. The staffs are not able to respond to the customer’s queries on time which
causes to increase in customer dissatisfaction.
Opportunities: The Company is leveraging their business into the Euro Zone for
attracting more customers towards their food businesses. The organization is bringing
up into the density locations (Tesco plc 2016). They are also thinking to expand into the
international market so that they can get private labeling schemes into the business
Threats: There are some factors which have threatened the internal and external
business functions of Tesco Express like credit crunches and economical recessions
(Tesco plc 2016). Those factors can threaten the marketplace share in addition to
productivity of the company. There is higher interest level in UK, due to which the
company can face critical conditions into the foreign marketplaces.
PESTLE analysis of Tesco retail
Factors Details
Political There is import of the food items as well as goods which can affect
the organization when it is importing inventory into countries like East
Asia and China (Tesco Plc 2016). The local council of UK proposed a
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_5

tax on the larger supermarkets while the government is being refused
to overcome on price rises.
Economic The price factor can provide an influence on the supermarkets
business of Tesco Express. They are focused to increase the cost
which will decrease the profit (Tesco plc 2016). Due to increase into
the customer’s demands, there is increase into the supply of the food
Social The company has opened is food stores in and out of the UK so that
they can meet with the customer’s requirements as well as demands
(Capon 2009). For all ages and classes of customers, food products
of the company are produced so that they can meet with the
customer’s demands plus tastes to change in their lifestyle. .
Technological The company is introducing automated system in their store instead
of traditional system. They come with paperless payments so that
there is change in the market value of Tesco Express.
Tesco Express has introduced billing system call, Till where the
customers can pick and invoice (Johnson et al. 2017).
Legal There is following of strict rules as well as regulations so that the
organization can warm the customers about the legal issues. There
should be smoking free environment into the business premises.
Environmental There should be no usage of plastic bags and on time it is required to
recycle it. There should be usage of renewable sources of energy and
till the year 2030, there is generation of electricity (Tesco plc 2016).
Porter’s five force analysis of Tesco retail
Porter’s five force
Threat of new
entrants (Medium)
Innovation into the food products and food delivery
Lower the fixed cost per units caused due to economics
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_6

of scale
Bargaining power of
suppliers (Low)
Effective suppliers to deliver the food products
Higher competitions from supplier side
Improvement over operational profit margins due to late
payment of suppliers (Wysocki 2014).
Bargaining power of
buyers (Low)
Large customer base is created
Keeping food products price as low and better quality to
achieve profitability
Innovation over the products cause higher customer
Threat of substitute
of the products
Creating unique brand equity of Tesco Express
2. Increase in customer's loads (Worthington and
Britton 2015).
Rivalry among
existing competitors
Determining a sustainable food product differentiations
2. Rise in market size due to market collaboration
BCG Matrix of Tesco retail
High market growth
Higher growth of Tesco Express due
to creating new food products,
therefore the company invests more
in food market.
High market share
Due to gaining higher market
growth, in coming days, Tesco
would gain higher market share.
Question Marks
Low market share
Low market share
There is low revenue of the
products as Tesco Express has
smaller stores, leads to lower
the market share.
High market growth
Higher development of the
market leads to positive
sources of the products
Cash Cows
High market share
The food products of Tesco Express
have reached its maturity point to
achieve higher market share.
Low market share
There is improper managing of
business units; the company
has invested in other market
leads to losses of products.
HighMarket growth
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_7

Low market growth
There is required to have capital
input for gaining lower growth, then
cash cow is profitable for the
Low market growth
There is low chance of the
company to grow as there are
issues regarding food items.
3. Problem identification
3.1 Data collection methods and tools
In this research study, primary data collection is performed so that it can help to
identify the issues which are identified from point of view of the clients as well as
stakeholders involved into the Tesco Express. There are total of 20 participants those
are selected for this study and age group considered is 18-45 years. Both male and
female are involved into the primary data collection from West London. The primary
research work is performed throughout using situation analysis tools. The primary data
method is consisted surveys plus descriptive research. Primary data collection is
conducted through using survey method along with direct communication with the
project participants. It is useful to determine customer’s satisfaction level (Slack et al.
2018). This investigate study is mainly performed by the business of Tesco Express in
order to modify food services and food items.
4. Proposed solutions/possibilities
4.1 Assessment of approaches and justification of approach chosen
There should be conducting of in-depth research of the market situation of Tesco
Express within Cranford, Bath road, by means of primary research. A market analysis is
being performed using the primary research approach. Collected raw data help the
investigator to determine and study current market position of Tesco Express
(Association for Project Management 2012). The collected data provides data validity
along with data reliability. The responses are being evaluated from the participants so
that sensitive information is considered in this case.
High LowMarket Share
Analyzing the Level of Customer Satisfaction in Tesco Express_8

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