
Critical Reflection on Antenatal Colostrum Expressing from 37 Weeks Gestation as a Strategy to Prevent Hypoglycaemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers


Added on  2023-06-14

7 Pages2064 Words475 Views
Healthcare and Research
Critical Reflection.
Critical Reflection on Antenatal Colostrum Expressing from 37 Weeks Gestation as a Strategy to Prevent Hypoglycaemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers_1

Table of Contents
MAIN BODY.......................................................................................................................................3
Critical Reflection on Antenatal Colostrum Expressing from 37 Weeks Gestation as a Strategy to Prevent Hypoglycaemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers_2

The concept of reflective practices is generally a key skill for healthcare nurses. It can
allow healthcare nurses to manage impacts of caring for other people on their daily basis. It is
a fundamental element for professional development of all well-being clinicians. It can be
debated that at its best, reflection on good and bad, is generally a standard nursing practice
which is proven to pointedly enhances the skills of well-being care professionals. The main
aim of developing this essay is to critically reflect on the design and delivery of health
education sessions from obtained from teaching plan and rationale. This essay will include
recommendations and strategies for improvement. I’m doing the reflection with help of Gibbs
Reflective model to effectively edge reflection (Lyons, Currie, Peters, Lavender & Smith,
Reflective model of Gibbs is generally a popular model for reflection mainly
involving six specific steps such as description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and
an action plan. In first cycle of Gibbs reflective model, description include an education
session I will be reflecting on is a session plan to promote antenatal colostrum expressing
from 37 weeks gestation as a strategy. As it is quite important to promote antenatal colostrum
expression in order to prevent hypoglycaemia in neonates of the mothers that are diabetic.
Colostrum generally gives whole nutrients as well as fluids which a new born can effectively
requires in their early days. It is a substance that can effective against various infections
which can cause illness (Dyer, 2019). In this, as compared with mature human milk,
colostrum can involve proteins that are quite higher and slightly lower in sugar and mainly
lower in fat amount. In case of diabetic mothers, it is very essential to feed colostrum to new
born as they are under risk of developing hypoglycaemia in fast hours after birth. In order to
prevent such conditions among neonates, nurses are providing trainings as they need to be
more advanced as well as trained in promoting colostrum expressing the 37 weeks gestation
as one of its most essential aspects. In this, it is identified that the diabetic mothers generally
have most complicated pregnancies, and health care professionals, care providers and nurses
required to be educated as well as be trained about various effective information or
knowledges about secretion of colostrum (Abrams, 2018).
The main aim of having such sessions was only to further improve the proper
effective skills, abilities as well as requirements of learners, where effective skills have to be
Critical Reflection on Antenatal Colostrum Expressing from 37 Weeks Gestation as a Strategy to Prevent Hypoglycaemia in Neonates of Diabetic Mothers_3

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