
Plan a Health Promotion Campaign


Added on  2020-10-22

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Any health promotion campaign is well successful when multi- level approaches are used.Different strategies can influence groups and individuals at different level. Social like fast foodshould be prohibited in school premises and physical environment should be changed. Abouthealthy practices individuals can be educated. Different polices can support to promote healthand positive changes in community. Health promotion is supportive to increase knowledgethrough which people can be motivated towards healthy lifestyle. It is also helpful to facilitateright attitude that can make change and positive environment will encourage to adopt healthyhabits. Behavior of organization or institute can be change towards people. First thing whichincludes that what are the needs of body so assessment of health needs. Body requirementshould be fulfilled so it can function properly (Hartwing and Mason, 2016). A well maintainedroutine always helps to get desired health. A person should follow a routine like exercise andnutritional food. During special days and festivals people eat unhealthy food which can affectto healthy diet. So Rajesh and Shubha do not have to follow this kind of practices. The health promotion is required to be planned by making decision about targetpopulation along with establishing goal as well as specific objective. It is necessary to manageoverall resources to organize health promotion campaign along with specific informationprovided to target population. Maintaining diet on time is important if Rajesh and Shubha willeat food on time they can maintain a good lifestyle. People can consult to dietician andcommunity pediatric nurse so it can help in health promotion. These goals and targets can beaccomplishing by using certain models and strategies which is explained above. It is essentialto follow certain strategies for health promotion. People can be providing education regardinghealth promotion. The campaign is required to be organized in more attractive and effectiveway so that people will remember slogans and information displayed on the posters forimproving their eating habits for remaining healthy. CONCLUSIONIn above plans and strategies explained about health promotion, it will support the positivechange in environment and society. If campaign is well planned it will definitely change incommunity and promote health. There are different programmers for the common people topromoting health which are available for people. HEALTH PROMOTION STRATEGIESINTRODUCTIONPlanning any health promotion campaign is important to execute. Proper planning includesscope, develop, implement, evaluate and follow up. According these stages person can getbetter results. Finding any region's problem is primary step and then collecting data andthen how it can be solved and what are the method to solve it. Health promoting behaviorrefers to enhance well-being and health, prevent disease and reduce health risk. Therevarious ways to organize campaign for health promotion such as mass media, face- to- face,communication channels and different educational events (Clarke, Kuosmanen and Barry,2015). Designing message and any awareness topic can help in campaign to reduce thehealth risk in people. For public health campaign like electronic media, paid advertisinglike television, direct mail, radio and print media can be used and also unpaid media can beused. Programs should be conducted in universities, schools, worksite and in public places. Quit fast food campaign can be arranged by showing the disadvantages to reduce obesityregarding School health promotion. It involves that the target group for this campaign ischildren of community from where Rajesh and Shubha belongs to make them aware aboutharmful effects of regular intake of fast food & dizzy drinks. However, the needs of targetpopulation is to gather appropriate knowledge about fast foods intake and related healthissues like obesity which is observed in kids of Rajesh and Shubha. The goal of thiscampaign is to make people aware about several critical health problems related to regularintake of fast food. Meanwhile, specific objective of this campaign is to reduceconsumption of fast food and which facilitate to reduce health problem of obesity.Moreover, the resources required for health promotion includes poster, banners, slogans,medium of displaying advertisement and accurate information regarding harmful effects offast food on health. In addition to this, the content involves slogans for creating awarenessabout healthy diet and hygiene which can increase the survivability. Advancing consultdoctor than the home remedy so infection does not spread. The community survey can beused to evaluated health promotion campaign for to analyses improved health of people byadopting healthy habits. Drams can be arranged to aware common people about health. Andhow can people change their lifestyle and what are the advantages of that can be explained.Rajesh and Shubha can follow objectives such as reducing consumption of fast food andfizzy drinks so obesity will decrease and they can follow daily routine of exercise. Benefitsof healthy diet and what are the resources which are easily available for consumption canbe explained. Rajesh and Shubha are not financially stable so they cannot afford electronicmedia so for such people public health promoting programmers and face to facecommunication and designed campaign can be used. PLAN A HEALTH PROMOTION CAMPAIGNHealth promotion refers to a process improve awareness of people to get control overdisease in order to boost up their wellness. It includes to conduct health campaigns andevents in different regions to provide information for common people about effectiveprecautions in daily routine which facilitate to improve health.HEALTH PROMOTION
Plan a Health Promotion Campaign_1

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