
Ethical Decision-Making in Nursing


Added on  2020-06-06

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Applying legal andethical parametersto nursing practice
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Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Assessment task 1 – Knowledge questions .....................................................................................1REFERENCES .............................................................................................................................12
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INTRODUCTIONThe legal and ethical parameters of professional practice are performed by the nurses inorder to assist the rights of client and meeting responsibility of care requirements (Mitchell andTempleton, 2014). This report will examine the legal and ethical aspects that is taken by thenurses of Australia so as to provide quality care to the people.Assessment task 1 – Knowledge questions 1.a) The children in the workplace is satisfactory as the nurses provide special care to childrenwhen they are not able to decide or speak independently. The nurses make sure that theirperspective is presented by appropriate advocate. The vulnerable people such as children areidentified so as to secure them form sexual exploitation and physical harm. In order to determinethe care of children on the basis of informed decision-making the nurses value the legal andmoral right of people (Parandeh and Nouri, 2015.).b) The code of ethics for Nurses in Australia is satisfactory as for all people nurses value qualitynursing care. The respect and kindness are valued by nurses for self and others. The diversity ofpeople is valued by nurses. The informed decision-making is made by the nurses. The safety isprovided by nurses in giving nursing and health care. In order to promote heath and well-beingthe economic,ecological and sustainable environment are valued by the nurses.c) The code of professional conduct for nurses is satisfactory as with practised kindness andrespect for vulnerability and powerlessness of people in their care nurses actively preserve thedignity of people. The sensible measures are taken by nurses in order to develop a belonginessamong people who are receiving care. The professional boundaries are created by the nursesbetween themselves and the person being cared for. All the steps are taken by nurses to makesure safety and security of person at the health care (Code of professional Conduct , 2011)..d) The code of practice is satisfactory in the profession of nursing the trust and confidence isbuild and maintained by the enureses profession's good reputation is affected by the unlawful orunethical actions of the nurses. In most circumstances the sexual relationship between nurses andpersons with whom they have previously entered into professional relationship are inappropriate.e) The continuing professional eduction opportunities is satisfactory as with the help of CPDthe knowledge,competence ,skills of nurses will improve and will become broad. The personaland professional qualities will be developed which is required throughput the professional lives. 1
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The CPD requirements are that for registered nurses at least 20 hours,for enrolled nursesat least 20 hours and for nurse practitioners at least 20 hours for registration as a nurse andfurther 10 hour for endorsement. Within the twelve-month period the hours can be counted anytime prior to re-registration. They can ask the association if they are not sure about hours anyparticular CDP is equivalent to (Varcarolis, 2016.).f)The direct and indirect implication is satisfactory as the direct discrimination occurs when aless favourable treatment is given to person or group of people due to their background or severalpersonal traits. In Australia,under federal discrimination laws the direct discrimination isunlawful on protected traits such as sex,marital status etc. Indirect discrimination takes place dueto unreasonable rule or policy which is similar for all but may have unfair affect on people whoshare a specific attribute.g) Towards the nursing assessments,care planning,implementation and evaluation of care forhealth consumers the enrolled nurses can contribute. For the plan of care the registered nursesmaintain overall responsibility. With the activities of daily living the enrolled nurse assist healthconsumers and change in health consumers is considered by them and report these to registerednurse. The enrolled nurses need to work in a team in acute settings .A team of health careassistants is coordinate by enrolled nurses in acute settings under the direction and delegation ofregistered nurse. The enrolled nurse can work with registered health practitioner in some setting.The direction and delegation provide by health practitioner to the nurses. The legal limitationsand ethical parameters of the roles need to be accepted and recognized by the enrolled nurses.h) The section 145(1) of the equal opportunity act 1984 requires a public authorities to developan Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) management plan. The inequitable access to publicemployment is experienced by a range of employees belonging to diversity groups. This law willfree the nurses from any discrimination,harassment and inconsideration from workplace andprovide opportunities for job regardless their age,genders,race etc. This law is satisfactory fornurses has they will be give equal opportunity at workplace.I) It is satisfactory as the rights such as right to access service is given to address the needs ofheath are. The safe and high quality health services is given with skill,professional care adcompetence. The respect to people,belief,values and personal characteristics need to be shownby the care provided. The open,timely and appropriate communication must be providedregarding healthcare. The personal privacy ned to be maintained .2
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