
Digital Marketing Plan for LO'real


Added on  2020-12-29

16 Pages4974 Words92 Views
Digital Marketing Plan
Digital Marketing Plan for LO'real_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1Impact of environmental factors on LO'reals digital presence within the organization.............1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4Critically assessment of LO'real for the assessment and comparison of its store presence anddigital presence............................................................................................................................4TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6Plan for digital marketing helping in improving the multi channel capabilities of theorganization in various divisions:...............................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................9Key factors for evaluating, monitoring and measuring a digital marketing plan........................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................12REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................13
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INTRODUCTIONThe digitalisation operations that are been undertaken within an organisation will impact theoperations. It helps in evaluating the digital promotional operations followed by the firm andthus will lead to carrying out of suitable assessment of operations carried out by the firm. Theinternet based promotions are faster, convenient and helps the organisation to reach largeraudience that supports a good accessibility of operations and thus, supports a good rise incapabilities of the firm. The current report is based on the digital promotional measures that arebeen undertaken by LO'real. It is a French enterprise that deals in skin and personal careproducts.The report will emphasis the environmental factors that can affect the digital marketingoperations that are been carried out by the organisation. Besides this a suitable comparison willbe carried out that will evaluate the digital and physical store based presence of the organisation.The marketing plan to organise the multi channel capabilities of the firm. Besides this, the keymethods of evaluation, monitoring and measuring effectiveness of digital operations are beencarried out.MAIN BODYTASK 1Impact of environmental factors on LO'reals digital presence within the organizationThe online promotional measures that are been carried our by the organization areeffectively affected by environmental factors which will impact the performance of selected skincare firm. Internal and external environmental factors will be carried out by the firm that willhelps in proper planning of business operations it includes micro and macro environmentalfactors such as:Macro Environmental factors affecting the digital presence of the organisationPESTEL analysis of L'orealL'oreal is one of the top brands in beauty and cosmetic products. Every company has itsown business objectives but there are some factors which influences and helps in achievingbusiness objectives which are analysed with the help of Pestle analysis. Pestle stands forpolitical, economic, social, technological, legal and environment. L'oreal looks for expansion ofcompany by implementing and promoting through digital marketing.1
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Political factors- This factor is consists of rules and regulation which are made by nationgovernment. Every nation has its own government and they make their own policies which needto be followed by every organisation. For example to promote products through digitalmarketing, it is a big challenging task for L'oreal to promote products in China because socialsites like Facebook is banned in China due to which digital marketing becomes hard for L'orealto expand its market (Hamill, 2016.).Economic factors- This factor consists of economic situations based on inflation rate,growth rate, interest rate, investment rate. Those countries who has low currency rate arebeneficial for L'oreal to invest in manufacturing process there because labour cost is too less. Itdirectly increases market share of company and leads to better growth. Digital marketing savespromotion cost as it do not include any advertisement cost to pay to government or any other. Itis free of cost to promote products on social sites.Social factors- This factor helps the company to give information about public interest,demands, expectations and their needs. With the help of digital marketing, L'oreal gets to knowdirectly about public interest, quality of existing products, new demands and expectation andwhat is lacking in society. On social sites like Facebook, public can directly comment onproducts launched by L'oreal so that it can take care of those complains, ideas and informationand bring changes by implementing them in launching new product.Technological factors- This factor is to analyse the latest scientific researches andimplement them in processing and procedures of manufacturing products so that qualitativeproduct is produced and in same proportion. While promoting products through digitalmarketing, L'oreal can also show to customers about their new techniques involved inmanufacturing process which helps to gain trust of customers. It makes the products trustedbased on current trend and add additional factor to success of company.Legal factors- To maintain sustainable growth of organisation it is mandatory to followlegal rules made by government. Legal laws are like equality act, health and safety law, non-discrimination law, Data protection law, etc. through digital marketing, it is advantageous forL'oreal to share that data only which is necessary for consumers. By following data protectionlaw, employees in L'oreal are strictly prohibited to leak information. But digital marketing can beboth positive and negative impact for L'oreal because anyone can leak information worldwide onsocial sites.2
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