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E-Marketing and Social Media Strategy for ASOS Company


Added on  2023/06/15

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This report explores the various marketing and promotional strategies used by ASOS Company in the digital era. It covers their customer service and relationship, loyalty plan, and promotional timeline. The report highlights the importance of developing an emotional connection with customers through digital marketing and social media.

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E-Marketing and Social Media Strategy
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The emergence of the various new media channels has lead companies to resort to
digital marketing. Digital marketing and social media are the most advanced and responsive
tools for marketing in this modern era (Chaffey and Ellis-Chadwick 2016). The reach of
internet is so huge that businesses are using it to gain customers and increase their popularity.
The chosen organization for the report is ASOS Company and the various marketing and
promotional strategies used by the company shall be explored.
Customer service and relationship
ASOS is an online brand deals in fashion and caters primarily to the youth. The brand
is so popular in the UK that it is regarded as one of the top brands of online shopping (Woods
2017). The company sells more than 80,000 branded and self-branded products (ASOS
2018). The online presence of the brand is huge and all their profiles on the various social
media platforms are highly responsive. The online profiles have the maximum number of
followers and all of them cater to the needs of the customers. New purchasers to solve their
queries regarding a purchase that they are planning use the facebook profile. On twitter, the
company has a separate customer service handle that resolves the problems of the customers
and their complaints. The official twitter ID of ASOS has more followers than any of the
rivals in the market (ASOS 2018). The issues of the customers are solved rapidly and the idea
to keep a separate twitter handle to deal with the complaints keeps the company image in the
public better. The customers feel glad due to the diligence in the replies of the brands through
their various online portals. The instagram account mainly deals with giving the customers
personal touch, various behind the scenes images are uploaded and it brings the customers
closer to the brand ( 2018).
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Loyalty plan
ASOS always keeps thinking of strategies that can help develop the emotional
connect of the consumers with the brand. The recently launched loyalty plan of the company
is a reflection of that motive. The company has introduced a loyalty program that includes
various offers for those who make a purchase on the ASOS platform. Every purchase an
individual makes is rewarded with some points and then after accumulation of such points
they can be redeemed into vouchers that can be used on ASOS for shopping (ASOS 2018).
The recent program where the customers are asked to post a selfie of them wearing an outfit
from ASOS on the instagram with a hashtag of “AsSeenOnMe” will enable them in getting
vouchers from the company. Such programs help the brand in connecting with the consumer
base; it helps in increasing the brand loyalty of people towards a company and enables a
brand in retaining the consumer base so that the sales are not affected (Martínez and del
Bosque 2013). ASOS has successfully been able to penetrate into the consumer base with
such strategies and created a strong emotional connect with them, hence people take such
huge liking for the brand and deter from any other site when it comes to online fashion
Promotional timeline of ASOS
When it comes to promotional campaigns and drives to establish the brand within the
people, everyone regards ASOS as a pioneer due to their excellent marketing strategies. The
global urban tour campaign was the first promotional drive by ASOS and is until date
referred to as the most edgy drive that was lead by ASOS. The campaign included for the first
time a focus on Men fashion rather than Women. The consumer could click pictures of the
various dresses and shop for them on the ASOS platform. The feature that allows users to
create looks and add those to the archive of ASOS, this campaign led to people feeling
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connected to each other and provided a sense of creativity to the users where they could
design according to their wish (Goh, Heng and Lin 2013). The company took a major
marketing leap with the removal of charges for delivery and returns on the products. The
innovation of the mobile app was a revolutionary step taking by ASOS and it reflected in the
annual reports as eight weeks time the company went on to the become the biggest e-
commerce platform. The use of the social media such as facebook, twitter and instagram is
not only limited to bringing in sales but also effective in creating customer relationship (Goh,
Heng and Lin 2013). In the coming days, the company looks forwards at going global and
launch themselves in China.
The internet is such a huge platform that it lead to creating or destroying a business.
ASOS used all the tricks perfectly to enable highest growth in the industry. Digital marketing
is one of the most effective ways to make sure that the audience is always kept connected
with the brand. The value of a brand only increases when it develops an emotional connect
with the customer and not just financial.

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ASOS. (2018). About Us | ASOS. [online] Available at:
[Accessed 12 Feb. 2018].
Chaffey, D. and Ellis-Chadwick, F., 2016. Digital marketing. Prentice Hall. (2018). Forbes Welcome. [online] Available at:
instagram-marketing-the-right-way/#7a7d1b047d93 [Accessed 12 Feb. 2018].
Goh, K.Y., Heng, C.S. and Lin, Z., 2013. Social media brand community and consumer
behavior: Quantifying the relative impact of user-and marketer-generated
content. Information Systems Research, 24(1), pp.88-107.
Martínez, P. and del Bosque, I.R., 2013. CSR and customer loyalty: The roles of trust,
customer identification with the company and satisfaction. International Journal of
Hospitality Management, 35, pp.89-99.
Woods, B.I.E.J., 2017. The battle of The Fashion Retail Giants to Capture Millennials:
Examples from Boohoo, H&M, New Look, Asos and Primark. Month.
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