
Assessment 4. Emotion Record Sheet. Emotion:. Boredom.


Added on  2022-11-18

1 Pages473 Words44 Views
Assessment 4
Emotion Record Sheet
Emotion: Boredom
You are encouraged to record three to five situations where your chosen emotion is present.
What happened?
Where? When? Who
Intensity of
the emotion
(0 – 10)
Somatic sensations
What did you notice in
your body? Where did
you feel it?
How did you want to cope with or
manage this emotion?
Did this help or would you have
preferred to cope differently?
Thoughts that were associated
with the emotion
What did you say to yourself when
this emotion showed up?
Behaviours that were
associated with the emotion
What did you do when the
emotion was present and you
had those thoughts?
When I have nothing to
9 I started feeling sleepy. “Let’s go out”
“Let’s sleep”
“I should watch this movie”
“I am feeling confused. Let sit relaxed
and decide”.
When I do so much work and I
have nothing left more these
emotions develops
While watching the
movie which is out of
my interest.
8 I feel like I should order
some food and enjoy
that instead of watching
this movie.
‘When this boring movie will end”. “I want to go out from theatre and I
want some fresh air”.
Sometimes when my friends to
force me to watch movie of their
When I study subject
which I do not like
10 I feel sleepy “When this boring lecture will over”. “I should go home and take a shower” Whenever I study subject which
is out of my interest area.
When I visit to my
relatives with my
9 I pretend fake smile on
my face.
“1 hour has gone but their
conversation is still going on”.
“I should not come here but Mom
forced me to come”
Whenever Mom forced me to go
and meet with relatives. I started
feeling bore.
When my phone
internet has stopped
7 I feel upset. “I should talk with customer care and
request them to resolve this as early as
“It is good if net is not working. At
least I am getting few minutes away
from radiation”
When I go to remote area I
generally faces this situations
As you record instances of your chosen emotion:
Consider the impact you (or your behaviour) may have on others in these moments
Notice as well how others may be experiencing and responding to the same emotion
This will be useful for the reflective journal element of the assessment.
Assessment 4. Emotion Record Sheet. Emotion:. Boredom._1

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