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Manage Follow Up to Performance Management in an Organisational Context


Added on  2023/01/16

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This assessment task requires you to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to manage follow up to performance management in an organisational context. You will answer scenario-based questions on topics such as reinforcing excellence in performance, monitoring and coaching, legal context, seeking advice, counselling and support, and dismissal.

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Assessment Task 4: Manage follow
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This assessment task requires you (the student) to demonstrate the skills and knowledge required to
manage follow up to performance management in an organisational context.
You will answer a series of scenario-based questions on the general topic of following up on
performance management, and on discipline and dismissal processes.
Assessors will record the outcome of each question as either Satisfactory (S) or Not Satisfactory (NS) using
the Assessment Task Checklist 4 students will have a maximum of two (2) attempts to achieve a Satisfactory
result for all Essential Criteria’.
Students must complete all essential criteria unassisted by the Assessor or another person but, students may
refer to the learning resources and any reference material. The trainer/assessor will set a time for students to
submit their answers and students should submit their written response and a correctly completed Assessment
Cover Sheet by that due date.
Context of assessment conditions
This assessment task may be completed in a classroom, workplace or independent learning
Students will require printed copies of this task along with pen, paper and office equipment and
resources, business technology, organisational policies, procedures, quality systems, manuals and
guidelines for customer management, examples of products/services and promotional strategies, case
studies and, where possible, real situations, interaction with others to attempt this assessment.
Students must complete the Assessment Cover Sheet
Submissions must be made in written form unless reasonable adjustments are approved by the RTO
manager. Submissions must be hand written and/or word-processed..
Decision-making rules
To achieve a satisfactory result, students must answer all questions correctly.
Essential Criteria
Students must:
1. Review the Australian Hardware simulated business documentation provided to you by your
assessor, particularly relating to performance management requirements.
2. Review and answer the scenario-based questions in Appendix 1.
3. Submit supporting documentation to your assessor in accordance with the agreed timeframe, format
and the below specifications. Keep a copy for your records.
You must:
Submit written responses to the scenario-based questions.
Your assessor will look for demonstration of your ability to:
Seek assistance from human resources specialists where appropriate
Reinforce excellence in performance through recognition and continuous feedback

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Outline the legislative and regulatory context of the organisation regarding equal employment
opportunity, anti-discrimination, competition and consumer protection, privacy, industrial
relations, health and safety (OHS/WHS), environmental issues and other relevant requirements
Outline relevant awards and certified agreements
Explain unlawful dismissal rules and due process.
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How could variables such as recognition and continuous feedback help reinforce excellence in
Give two examples that could work at Australian Hardware to affect performance.
It is very important for Hardware and Homewares company to identify different methods that will
help in enhancing the performance. It has been determined that recognition and feedback to
employees is very supportive in improve the quality of work done by staff member of respective
company. Manger of Hardware and Homewares company can motive its employees by recognizing
the great work done by employees. Continuous feedback provided by manager to employee will
support in identifying the area in which employees can improve. Recognition of the work done by
employees is helpful in encouraging them as well as other to perform better and accomplish set
targets. Respective company is able to retain top talent by appreciating or recognizing the great work
of employees. This will help in inspiring other to perform well and identifying their strength and
weakness by proper feedback given by managers.
Example of recognition for improving performance is celebrating the great work of employees and
providing award to employees in meeting. Continuous feedback example includes manager is
discussing the progress of employees work and giving feedback in every week. Both of these two
approaches can be used by Manager of Hardware and Homewares company as this will lead to have
major impact on performance of employees.
How would you apply Australian Hardware procedures to monitor and coach individuals, specifically those
with poor performance?
Australian hardware company is using a systematic approach to manage as well as monitor
performance of employees. Monitor and coach to individual employees is very supportive in
enhancing performance as well as motivating them to perform well. Performance management cycle
of respective company includes plan, manage and review. This company is focusing on the time in
which employees are performing business task in order to improve the potential of employees. This is
the most appropriate time for enhancing the overall skills and capability of employees though
monitoring and coaching. There are many employees that is performing organizational activities of
Hardware and Homewares company and its important to manage individual performance. So that
respective company can achieve set goals as well as improve the capability of employees of
specifically those individual with poor performance. Monitoring and coaching approach will support
identifying those skills in which employees are weakness in order to improve those abilities. This
will lead to provide specific solution to employees with poor performance in order to manage their
capabilities and helping them to carry out their work in better manner. So motioning and coaching
approach will be very supportive in enhancing capabilities of employees.
Question 1: Monitoring and coaching
Consider the following scenario.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store.
You consider the organisation’s performance management policy and resolve to undertake
some research into ways to improve the system or its implementation.
Answer the following:
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Question 2: The legal context of performance management
Consider the following scenario.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. You are
concerned about your application of performance management and want to work according to legal
Answer the following:
For three of the following areas, what are the relevant pieces of legislation applicable to
performance management at Australian Hardware?
equal employment opportunity
competition and consumer protection
industrial relations
health and safety (OHS/WHS)
environmental issues.
There are various legislation and laws that have impact on performance of employees as well as organisation. It
is essential for manager of Homewares company to analyse different legal requirement in order to manage
performance. Different legal requirement and legislation are mention below in detail. Equal employment opportunity – This act will lead to have major impact on performance of employees
as this legislation focus in providing equal opportunity to employees. This refers to the employment
practice in which right and fair opportunity is provided to employees irrespective to their race, age,
colour and background. It is essential for respective company to be implemented this for enhancing
performance of employees. Anti discrimination - This law is developed by government for preventing discrimination against specific
group of people. This law play crucial role in overall enhancing the performance of employees as well
as developing better relationship with employees. By following anti discrimination right and capable
employees will get benefits for their great work and this will lead to motive employees of respective
Health and safety – This refers to providing appropriate health and safety to employees while performing
business activities. It is responsibility of organisation to provide compete safety to its employees when they are
performing task of Homewares company. This will help in conducting task and activities in effective and
efficient manner.
For each piece of legislation identified above, identify at least one requirement relevant to
performance management at Australian Hardware.
It has been determined that all of the above mention legislation are very relevant in managing performance as
well as improving it in effective manner.
Equal employment opportunity
Equal employment opportunity will lead to increase the overall equality of work done by employees.
This is helpful in providing fair opportunity to show employees skills and well as capabilities in order to
accomplish desired goals of organisation. Equal opportunity act will help in motivating employees as well as
boosting their moral
Anti discrimination
Anti discrimination law is helpful in improving the work quality the work employees of employees. This
act will lead to improve organisational culture as well as enhancing the relationship between employee and

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organisation. Anti discrimination act will lead to increase the contribution of employees in business task.
Health and safety
Health and safety of employees is directly related to performance of employees as they will be able to
conduct task and activities in better manner. When respective company is giving importance to the health and
safety of employees then it will lead to increase the loyalty of employees with the company.
Question 3: Seeking advice
Consider the following scenario.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of your
customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting performance expectations.
You have tried setting goals in consultation with the employee, ongoing coaching and feedback. You have
conducted two formal performance reviews. You are not sure what else you can do.
Answer the following:
Name any positions of an internal source you could approach for HR or performance management
There are various internal sources that will help in performing in enhancing the performance of
employees in better manner. In order to improve the capabilities of Kim Smith Human resource
manager approach will be used as an internal source. Human resource manager have appropriate skills
to manage performance of employees. It has been analysed that human resource manager will be very
effective internal source to provide more accurate advice in managing performance of sales or customer
care service representatives. Human resource manager have complete knowledge and information
about each and every employees. They will be able to identify the main reason for poor performance of
Kim Smith. HR manager of this company is able to develop better and effective approach to meet with
the requirement employees as well as resolving their issues to perform task in better manner. So HR
manager will be more appropriate manner as well as accomplishment of desired goals.
Name one external source (individual professional, consultancy or government) of HR or performance
management advice, particularly for managing poor performance.
For improving the performance of Kim Smith respective company needs to consider the individual
professional. This external source will help in enhancing the performance of employees as well as
motivating them to perform task and activities in better and effective manner. Individual professional
can be describe as a person who is have required skill and knowledge about the customer service as
well as sales. By consulting with individual professional Homewares company will be able to provide
proper guidelines to its employees through which they can perform task and activities in better manner.
It has been determined that individual performance have right set of skills as well as requirement
knowledge to guide its employees that is not performing well. Professional are considered as
specialised in their field and performing task in best manner. Individual professional should guide Kim
Smith as they can give proper tips to conduct their job role in effective and efficient manner. They are
capable of giving proper advice on managing as well as enhancing performance of Kim Smith. This
will help in conducting task of customer care services as well as enhancing sales for achieving desired
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Question 4: Counselling and support
Consider the following scenario.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of
your customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting performance
expectations. You have decided to counsel the employee to alert her of poor performance in a formal way
and to inform her that dismissal may be an option for the future if her performance does not improve.
Answer the following
What steps would you take to counsel the employee in accordance with organisational policy and relevant
legislation for disciplinary meetings?
There are various set of steps that needs to be followed by organisation in accordance to
organisation policy. It is essential for respective company to first give oral warning to Kim Smith so
that she focus on their work as well as try to improve the quality of the work. When she is not able to
improve performance written warning as well as reduction in pay can be consider as effective
method to control the quality of work performance. Demotion or suspension method is relevant as
per organisational policies of respective company. Termination is the last policy of Homewares
company that need to be taken for meeting disciplinary action.
What legislation is the most relevant in this scenario?
As per this scenario fair work act that is developed by Australian government will be more
appropriate. This act is developed for all those unfair practices that is conducted by organisation
during termination of employees. Fair work act will support reducing various unfair dismissal
activities of organisation. It is essential that respective company is giving valid reason to employee
regarding their dismissal. This company needs to provide proper notice period to Kim Smith as well
as warn earlier for their dismissal. By following this act and law respective company will be able to
develop better image in market area.
What is the relevant award for the employee’s role at Australian Hardware?
There are various approaches that could be used by Australian Harware in order to provide award to
employees. Recognition as well as appreciation will be very effective for this company as it will help
in motivating employees. It is crucial for this company to identify the great work done by employees
as well as analyse their role in organisation. When employees are using their full capabilities and
skills to conduct business task in best possible manner it is responsibility of Australian Hardware to
provide award and rewards to its employees.
What support services could you offer the employee?
It is crucial for organisation to provide better and appropriate services to its employees so that they
can conduct task in appropriate manner. Manager of Homewares company to provide effective
services to its employees as this will help in retaining talented employees with in organisation as well
as developing strong relationship with them. It is important to maintain positive and friendly working
environment with in organisation so that employees can focus on their quality of work. It is
responsibility of manager to maintain health and safety of employees so they employee do not get
hurt while working business activities.
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What is the process of termination in accordance with organisational policy and legal
requirements? Summarise the details.
Termination process includes five steps that is supportive in conducting smooth termination of an
employees. Different steps of termination is mention below.
First, manager needs to do verbal counselling to its employees regarding their poor behaviour or
performance of employees. In this manager will discuss about the different actions that needs to be taken by
employees for improving their performance as well as attaining set goals.
After this, proper feedback as well as counselling actions needs to be taken by organisation for
further improvement in employees. These actions are helpful in managing poor performance of employee as
well as improving its.
When employees is not able to improve its poor performance, organisation need to provide oral and
written warning to employees. This will includes all consequences that could be faced by employee due to
their low performance.
After this feedback and confrontation is provide on issues being unsolved. In this a proper
agreements need to be signed by both party for termination of employees. It includes well written note
with the all set of action that is made by to improve performance of employee.
The last stage of termination process includes failure to resolve the issues as well as redeployment
or termination of employee.
What are the relevant unlawful dismissal rules and due process that you must follow?
There are various relevant unlawful dismissal rule that must be followed by organisation for smooth
functioning of organisation.
It is important for organisation and manager to provide appropriate reason for the dismissal of
employees. It is essential to have clear and right reason for terminating employee for organisation. Valid
reason for the termination of employee will help in keeping things clear with both ends.
Notification is very important before termination of employee and it is crucial to give employee an
opportunity to respond in better manner. Notice period is beneficial of organisation as well as employees as
through this respective company will be able to maintain better relationship with its employees.
Manager of respective company needs to give warning it employees for their poor performance. This
warning can be consider as a chance for employee in which that can improve their performance as well as
conduct task in better manner.
All of the above mention are relevant practices that needs to be conducted by organisation in
order to full fill different organisation policies and take accurate decisions.
Question 5: Dismissal
Consider the following scenario.
You are the Hardware and Homewares Manager at the Australian Hardware Wollongong store. One of
your customer service and sales representatives, Kim Smith, is consistently not meeting performance
expectations. You have decided to
terminate her.
Answer the following:
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