
Leadership Assignment 2022


Added on  2022-10-07

11 Pages3243 Words57 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional Development
Running head: LEADERSHIP
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Leadership   Assignment   2022_1

Leadership refers to a process with the help of which the executives direct and
influence behaviour and the work of the other people that can help in accomplishing the goals
in a situation. Leadership is indicative of ability of the managers of inducing subordinates
with the confidence that can aid in the process of effective performance of employees. The
leaders should develop the visions that can help in providing motivation to the members of an
organization (Conger 2015). It refers to the human factor that helps in binding group together
so that they feel motivated to attain their goals. Leadership is indicative of capacity of the
management of achieving the challenging goals that can inspire the other people so that they
can perform to the highest level. The case study, “Her Vision of a Model Research Center”
throws light on the leadership styles along with the techniques employed by Rachel Adams in
the Independent Center of Clinical Research (ICCR).
Rachel Adams started her career in the role of a researcher within the large
pharmaceutical company. She collaborated with the other researchers that proved to be
instrumental in launching a new company. Rachel was able to prove herself in the role of
leadership and with the help of her strong leadership skills she became the President of ICCR.
The able leadership of Rachel helped in facilitating the growth of ICCR that was able to earn
revenue of around $ 6 million. The company was able to earn profits of around $ 1 million
with the help of the leadership techniques that were employed by Rachel. Rachel wanted
ICCR of continuing the pattern of the formidable growth. Rachel had a noble vision for the
company and she wanted to evolve it so that it becomes the model research center that can
help in blending the credible science with that of the clinical trials. She wanted to create an
innovative model that can help ICCR in standing apart from the other pharmaceutical
companies (Antonakis and Day 2017). Rachel took care of the fact that the company
collaborates with the academia, community along with the industry that can facilitate the
growth of the company. The company was situated within the confines of large urban setting
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that helped in the development of the company. The unique leadership style of Rachel helped
in propelling the development of the company that has helped it in achieving a prominent
position in the society.
Rachel was open to the new ideas and she was a free thinker that made her adopt the
innovative approach in the company. Rachel was imbibed with positive thinking that helped
her in taking the risks within the company. Rachel used to enjoy nuances of the life that
helped her in instilling a positive culture within ICCR. Rachel had an optimistic outlook that
helped her in devising successful strategies in the company. It helped in the area of
achievement of the company that also influenced the organizational climate. The leadership
of Rachel helped in putting the company in a good position and the positive treatment of the
employees along with the customers helped in the development of the company (Klenke
2016). The women employees within ICCR were strengthened with the help of the
progressive policies of the company that made them conceive of Rachel as the role model.
They envisioned a strong position in the future with the help of the leadership of Rachel that
helped them in delivering effectively in the company. They were moved with a zeal owing to
the determination that she received from the leader (Western 2019).
The women were able to rise above in the professional positions with the help of the
guidance offered by Rachel. She supported the concerns of the women in the company that
helped the women in realizing their complete potential in the company. The support for the
concerns of the women can be said to be evident in the kind of the drug studies that were
carried out by the company. Rachel carried out valuable service to the national committees
pertaining to the health along with the research issues of the women. The company also
designed the on-site day care program that can work to the benefit of the women in the
company. The company provided the opportunity of flexible scheduling for the mothers so
that they can take proper care of the children (Rosenbach 2018). This can help the women in
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focussing on their work that can increase the effectiveness of the performance of the
employees in the company. The women were also provided with the benefit package so that
they can get the opportunity of the full-health coverage. The part time workers were also
given the opportunity so that they can carry out their motherly duties in the proper manner.
The companies want to include the women in the leadership positions that can help in
revealing the empowerment of the women in the wider society. The company has been
successful in placing the women in the leadership positions that helps in showing that the
company puts in efforts for recognizing the efforts of the women.
There were certain problems that were being faced by ICCR within the changing
environment. Rachel had to spend a large amount of time in travelling across the company
that made her distant from the daily operations within ICCR. He felt that she was losing
control over the company that can prove to be disastrous for the future of the company. She
used to hold weekly conversations with the supervisors that helped her in knowing about the
developments taking place in the company. She was not being able to maintain direct contact
with the supervisors that can cost the company in the future.
Rachel Adams exhibited the traits of the transformational leadership style that helped
her in bringing about positive changes in the ICCR. Transformational leadership is indicative
of the leadership style where the leaders inspire the employees for the creation of change
within the company (Ghasabeh, Soosay and Reaiche 2015). The transformational leaders take
recourse to innovation so that it can help in shaping future success of the company. The
transformational leaders provide opportunity to the employees so that they can act in a
creative manner and find the solutions to the problems (Komives 2016). The vision of Rachel
Adams was to transform the company into a model research center by blending the science
along with the clinical trials that are cost-efficient. The innovative approach was adopted by
Rachel that can help the company in catering to the needs of a large number of people. The
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