
Digital ID Security and Privacy


Added on  2019-09-23

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Assignment-5- Privacy, Security and Ethical Reflection About the case MySupport is an application portal run by the charitable institution giving income supportservice to disadvantaged people, homeless people and the people requires mental service.Earlier the service users require to access service at 3 different government agencies along withcharity but as per the request of the Government of Australia, the new portal will integrateeach platform into a single platform so that a service user incase needs any other specializedservice, he/she need not require to approach multiple agencies for acquiring service. With theintegrated platform (which is also connected to government’s citizen charter), the clients ofcharity will get all required services and support. [Ayed, G. B. (2014)]Here in this report, we are addressing privacy and security threats and ethical issues with thenew approach. We will also recommend some actions that the client of MySupport that theycan take in order to protect their private information at their level. Personal and ethical implication of privacy of NGO clients It is said that from now onwards, it is the digital ID of the service users will be used in order tointegrate each and every community and healthcare service that government and thecharitable institution are offering. Under the new plan, each such services will be managed atone particular space i.e. MySupport. As it is an integrated service system which not only thecharity but also government can access the client information, it is raising the followingpersonal and ethical effect on privacy of the information. The effect can be discussed in bothpositive and negative manner. Positive effect on the person (client of the charity) on privacy in MySupportIntegrated service- One of the biggest advantages that client will perceive from the new systemis availability of all required services in on platform. As the client is having a digital ID, he/she
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will not require to approach a number of service agencies or departments to reveal thehealthcare or community services. This will help in keeping the information (data that client islikely to keep private) confidential over the digital network. The only way such information willbe used is to use the specific digital identity to access the data thus anonymity can’t bemaintained for using such data. Secured network- Government of Australia has laid specific guidelines and laws under itsinformation privacy and security Act.1988. So system that government is promoting toimplement with the charity will keep that Act rules and guidelines in mind. This will ensure theclient that his/her health and other private information will be safe in the network. Moreover,as the service includes privacy agreement with providers, it minimizes the chances ofconfidential information vulnerability. [Windley, P. J. (2005)]Full range of service- MySupport is a portal that will provide a wide range of information aboutthe different support services available to the people requires care and support. Earlier, theservice user has to look for services to fulfil the need but with such integration, the person canapply for the services he/she wishes to without incurring further time, cost and effort. Eventhey don’t need to resubmit all information which can increase data vulnerability because theservice provider will take the information straight from the portal with authentication practice. Standardization of information- Earlier, the service providers may ask different information thatmay or may not be relevant for the service. This has the privacy risk of the client which will benow minimized by the standardized set of client information. In the portal, there will bestandard biodata format which client needs to fulfil. Unless some additional information isrequired, the service provider will use those standard information only. This will giveconfidence to the user regarding the new system privacy. [Recordon, D.,et.al2006]Negative effect of the implication It is not that the service user will have only influence on the new portal system, it can havesome negative effect on privacy case. This can be-
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Network security- The government has not expressed the digital ID security to the client thusthe user will always in dilemma whether the new system is free from virus, Daniel of serviceand any other malware risk factors to keep the confidential information remain same. Misuse of private data- Until now the information about client was accessed by one serviceprovider only. Now as all services are included, all can see the private information about theclient which can create confidentiality issue for the network. What if the person dead? - In future, all client information will be in digital database which islinked to Government’s citizen database. If the user is no more, how all information will betreated, is still a question mark. How the data will be destroyed or removed from the system,who will do so, who will ensure etc. questions will rise in person’s mind. [Cross, D. B et.al2010]Change in behavior There will be certainly behavioral changes will take place among the users of the new servicesystem. The behavioral changes among the user will depend on the privacy provisions inMySupport portal. If the government and the charity provide adequate security to the digital ID(for e.g. access with figure print, retina scan etc.) then user will show trust and confidence onsuch portal to provide adequate information for service effectiveness. Otherwise, user won’tproduce full data if any doubt or confusion on data privacy is there. Ethical implication on privacy of client for MySupport portal These can be the ethical consequences that can arise in relation to privacy challenge withMySupport portal.Invasion of privacy- One of the key ethical issues associated with the new system isgovernment’s full accessibility to the client’s data. Government can use such information tohave personal gain (vote bank or support). It can also sell the information to any outside partieswithout notice of the client and charity that will affect the privacy of information of client. Thiscan be considered as lack of consent risk associated with the portal. [Hansen, M.,et.al2008]
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Limiting the service- As the user of the service is disadvantaged people or people with mentalillness, so it is expected that some other person will create ID digitally for the users (may be thecharity employees or their relatives or friends). This will limit the availability of service as theremay be users who may not able to feed all private information in the digital network due to lackof technology knowledge or trust factor. Control of Government or influence on service- As the Government is approaching to integratesupport service, it may influence the charity’s privacy rules and guidelines with their own.Unless government signs a privacy agreement with charity and users with specified privacyclauses, the influence of government on private data usage will be there. User consent- Although a privacy agreement is signed regarding usage of information butnormally it is expressed to use for service delivery but the government may use the informationfor some other purpose secretly without expression of client. This can violate privacyagreement. On positive note, ethical implication can be-Control over data usage- Due to centralized database server, the service provider has to use theinformation available in the server. If it requires more, they need to provide reasons andpermission from the client. This will improve monitoring of data usage. Copyright- MySupport portal is exclusively designed for the charity thus no other organizationcan seek information from client who are not registered with the portal. Service to all- Earlier it was not possible to address all needs of the client with the private portalof the charity but by integration with government, now more people will come under theprogram and government can explore more support service provisions. [Chow, S. S et.al2012] Personal and Ethical Implications on Security of the client of NGO Likewise privacy, there can have both positive and negative impact of MySupport approach onthe security aspects of the client of NGO. The security aspects can be addressed at personal andethical level as below-
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