
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training.


Added on  2022-08-01

31 Pages8471 Words134 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentK12Higher EducationTeacher DevelopmentLanguages and CulturePolitical Science
Assignment Code: DET4AB51
Programme: Diploma in Education and Training
Unit Number & Title: Unit 4: Wider Professional Practice
and Development in Education and Training.
Unit reference number:J/505/0837 QCF Level: 5 Credit
Value: 15
Module Tutor: xyz
Learner Name: ......Fatima Ansari...............................
Registration Number: ...26121...............
Date: 04/05/2022
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Table of Contents
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Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._1

Task 1:
1ADefine and explain the concept of professionalism and dual
professionalism in education and Training..............
Explain and analyse the ways in which professional values in
education and training influence your practice in your specialist
subject area and the broader context of education and
Task 2:
2AExplain the ways in which social, political and economic
factors have influenced current education policy in the United
2Bimpact of current educational policies and organisational
requirements on curriculum and practice in your specialist
subject area and the broader context of education and training.
2CAnalyse the impact of organisational requirements and
expectations on curriculum practice in your specialist subject
area by considering the key aspects of policies, codes of
practice and guidelines covering the subject delivery within
your organisation.... 15
3.AExplain the role of stakeholders and external bodies in
education and
3.Baccountability to stakeholders and external bodies impacts
onorganisations in education and training, including your own
3.CExplain the importance of working in partnership with
employers and other stakeholders in education and training.
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._2

3.Dhow being accountable to stakeholders and external bodies
impact curriculum design, delivery and assessment within your
area of specialism....................................................................................................22
Task 4:
4Aquality assurance and improvement cycle within your
institution and explain the function of self-assessment and self-
evaluation and the quality
4BIdentify a learning programme in which you are involved and
make an evaluation taking account of the quality maintenance
of own organisation. You should now use the outcomes of this
evaluation and identify areas for improvement
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._3

Educators and trainers are the focus of the report. This report proposes ways for
teachers to become more desirable in the eyes of students. Additionally, in this
report, those approaches are going to be developed for achieving a quality
assurance framework for assessing students. In the educational institute and training
sector, all conditions will be met. There will be a number of approaches and
requirements for education and training described. Students and teachers are
introduced to all the procedures, strategies, and advantages for the improvement of
their teaching. Throughout this report as an educator, I will investigate the
professional practices in the education and training fields.
TASK – 1
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._4

A. Define and explain the concept of professionalism
and dual professionalism in education and Training.
I am expected to show professionalism and develop my dual professional skills after
completing my DET teacher training. In dual professionalism, my main aim is to
demonstrate professionalism at work. By becoming a subject specialist and teacher,
I will emphasize essential knowledge, values, and skills. I will follow the educational
standards set by the sector.
The author (Hoyle, 1975, p. 315) states that extended professionalism is a means by
which members of an occupation aim to improve their status, salary, and working
conditions. According to Scales (2008), professionalism is a characteristic of an
effective teacher. His definition of a professional includes how educators behave, look,
interact with students, speak, and prepare and plan their work.
A professional is someone who has skills and capabilities. A professional is
someone with the following skills, great communication skills, disciplined and
organized, reliable, respectful, responsible, and supportive, positive, fair, punctuality,
appearance and outfit, appropriate language, integrity and dignity (Pratte&Rury,
1992, p.60). Examples of professionals include, teacher, lawyer, judge, doctor,
nurse, optician, engineer, accountant etc. Professionalism is also defined by the
(LLUK 2006) as an ability to teach well. A professional approach to teaching involves
not only a code of conduct, a code of behaviour, and knowledge, but also the ability
to do an effective job. They have to value all students individually and equally.
Someone who is a dual professional is someone who is primarily knowledgeable
about their subject as well as their teaching practice (Sims, 2011). Dual professions
are those in the learning and skills sector who have training in one field and are
teachers who are committed to developing their skills and knowledge in teaching
(Plowright and Barr, 2012: 8). Those who are dual-trained as teachers and subject
specialists are committed to developing expertise and knowledge in both fields of
study to ensure that students succeed (Green, 2015; Education and Training
Foundation, 2014). Training as a teacher requires me to meet the standards set by
professional bodies. As an example, treating all students equally, being prepared,
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._5

and maintaining good attendance, once I complete my Diploma in education and
training, I will become a dual professional since I will have subject knowledge and a
professional teaching qualification. With my degree in education and the DET, I'll
have a dual career
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._6

B. Explain and analyse the ways in which professional values in education
and training influence your practice in your specialist subject area and
the broader context of education and Training. (1.2)
I must achieve and work within certain values as a member of the teaching and
training profession. The values I hold influence how I practice my profession and
how I relate to others. I always considered organisational values as an important
aspect of being a critical reflective teacher. Teachers' professional qualities are
measured by their professional values, including responsibilities, attitudes, fairness,
integrity, commitment, loyalty, cooperation, justice, faithfulness, respect for others,
and self-discipline (Strain, 1995:47-48). In addition to meeting the organization's
policies, promoting equality in teaching and learning, setting high standards, referring
to the current awarding organization requirements, and engaging in professional
development, all of those qualities assist me in meeting the organization's
Halsted and Taylor (2000:177) acknowledge there are two assumptions behind
professional values for teachers. As a teacher, you have a responsibility to influence
the development of your pupils' values. It is also clear that a pupil's values are
consciously shaped by the example set by his or her teachers in the way they
interact, behave, or teach. For a teacher to portray a professional image, they must
demonstrate reliability, consistency, and honesty.
Professional values
The way we view ourselves as professionals can be defined through the values we
hold. These values are determined by our beliefs, attitudes, motives, and
experiences. They shape our teaching decisions. Professional values that we
already possess and then develop as we teach, are influenced by society's attitude
to education, learners, morals, and ethics. Culture and society have a large impact
on our value systems because the people and institutions we interact with shape our
values. My performance is influenced by how I follow organizational policies
and procedures, promote equality in learning, establish high standards, share
best practice, work towards the current awarding organization's requirements,
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._7

participate in continuing professional development, and meet my own
Dress and behave appropriately. Deliver work within agreed timelines and quality
standards. Someone who displays professional values will follow all of the above
values. These are the qualities a teacher must possess. It is important to incorporate
these values into the practices of work, such as adhering to organisational policies,
complying with legal requirements for an inclusive learning environment and
promoting equality. Through their teaching profession values, educational institutions
are able to demonstrate their policies and procedures for good practices.
A value like "honesty" will enable me to follow your organization's policies and
procedures as a teacher. Teachers will use these guidelines. Integrity will help to
create a good relationship with the students. People can trust easily through these
people, and a sharing environment will be embedded. Teachers who are adaptable
will be able to cope with the requirements of the current awarding organisations. A
teacher's communication skills and attitude will influence the quality of both teaching
and learning. As part of ongoing professional development, teachers need to update
their specialized knowledge and expertise. We as teachers are role models of values
and honesty, and that impacts the way I teach. Having a commitment to my learners
is one of my guiding values. That involves emotional investment and a morality of
excellence. I will have to adapt resources to support the earner, good relationship
and positive encouragement will help with building relationship with the learner.
Valuing, indorsing and respecting inclusion and equal opportunity.
Professional standards
In 2014, the education and training departments developed professional standards.
The professional standards underlines the list of responsibilities that I have to intake
as a teacher concerning my learner, the community, stakeholders and other
organisations. 2014 professional standards for education and training outline clear
expectations for effective practice. Provide teachers and trainers with guidance on
their own professional development (Halstead and Taylor, 2000:17). These
standards describe a teacher's professional attributes, professional knowledge, and
professional skills. In each career stage, they clarify what is expected.
Wider Professional Practice and Development in Education and Training._8

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