
Assignment on Communication in Business


Added on  2020-04-15

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0BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONBusiness CommunicationName of the StudentName of the UniversityAuthor Note
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1BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONIntroduction In contemporary world, there are several codes of conduct and behavioral patterns whichare accepted to be appropriate. These conventions are even more important in the social andprofessional domains of the individuals and are often collectively known as Etiquette. Having itsorigin from the French term “étiquette”, which means label, the word in broad sense refers tomaintenance of an overall decent behavior in the social and professional domains1. This isespecially important in the professional sphere as the etiquette of an individual in his workplace,have immense implications (positive as well as negative) on the career and professional progressof the individual. This is mainly because people have a tendency to judge the credibility andprofessional attitudes of individuals by observing various attributes of the same, of whichetiquette is one of the primary ones2. Considering this, the essay tries to analyze the etiquettes prevailing in general in Japan,taking into account the countries rich cultural and social patterns. The essay also tries tohighlight the aspects in this regard, which may be observed and incorporated by the foreignentrepreneurs, who are trying to venture in the markets of Japan. To study the same, the essaytakes into account the case of Emily, who being an Australian and owning “The AromaticCondiment Shop”, flies to Japan to meet a Japanese potential client, with the objective ofexpanding her business. The essay also tries to highlight the code of conduct, which she canincorporate to create a positive impression on her potential Japanese client3. 1 Books.google.co.in,Business Communication Today(2017) Google Books <https://books.google.co.in/books?hl=en&lr=&id=_xAwDwAAQBAJ&oi=fnd&pg=PP2&dq=business+etiquette&ots=7qdQ97hPTv&sig=hDkB42uHImG3Zle3rWRspTALuKo#v=onepage&q=business%20etiquette&f=false>.2 Aismar.net,“Excuse Us, Your Manners Are Missing!” The Role Of Business Etiquette In Today’S Era Of Cross-CulturalCommunication(2017)Aismar.net<http://www.aismar.net/UploadLinkPageimages/TBRV2N1June2014.pdf#page=27>.3 S3.amazonaws.com,Formal Forms Or Verbal Strategies? Politeness Theory And Japanese Business EtiquetteTraining(2017)S3.amazonaws.com
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2BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONJapan: Economy and Culture Japan, has over the years emerged as one of the global economic giant in thecontemporary international scenario and is currently the fourth largest of the economies in theworld, with the per capita GNP of the country being more than $45,000. The country hasachieved immense success in technological aspects and with years the country has emerged asone of the most lucrative economies for the investors, both domestic as well as international, toventure and expand their businesses4. However, despite of progressing hugely in the economicand industrial aspects, Japan is also known for their immensely deep-rooted cultural heritage,which have been maintained and preserved through generations. Japanese people diligentlypreserve and practice the strict etiquettes and behavioral pattern, in their social as well asprofessional domain5. Keeping this in consideration, if Emily wants to venture in the markets of Japan, toexpand her business prospects, then in order to be successful in her endeavor, Emily needs toemphasize on incorporation of the professional etiquettes of the country. This may help hercreate a positive impression in the first meeting with Mr. Hamasaki, who is a senior singleJapanese businessperson and the store manager of the popular Japanese store with which Emilywants to collaborate. Professional Etiquettes in Japan <https://s3.amazonaws.com/academia.edu.documents/38475420/Dunn2011.pdf?AWSAccessKeyId=AKIAIWOWYYGZ2Y53UL3A&Expires=1511236201&Signature=fHn8neC0HpTmnCGJvmnhTyFyQfU%3D&response-content-disposition=inline%3B%20filename%3DFormal_Forms_or_Verbal_Strategies_Polite.pdf>.4 Unpan1.un.org,Cities And Growth: Theory And Evidence From France And Japan(2017) Unpan1.un.org<http://unpan1.un.org/intradoc/groups/public/documents/APCITY/UNPAN014315.pdf>.5 Scholarworks.uni.edu,Speaking Politely, Kindly, And Beautifully: Ideologies Of Politeness In Japanese BusinessEtiquette Training(2017) Scholarworks.uni.edu <http://scholarworks.uni.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1000&context=sac_facpub>.
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3BUSINESS COMMUNICATIONProfessional etiquettes though may apparently appear to be trivial or insignificant, holdsimmense significance in creating professional impressions about a person in Japan, especiallywhen the person is a Non-Asian and it is his or her first meeting with a Japanese. This is becausethere are huge cross-cultural differences and variations in professional etiquettes in these tworegions, which may affect the business deals indirectly. The aspects in this regard, which have tobe emphasized upon are as follows: First impression- The first impression of a person, in any kind of communication, is ofutmost importance as it does the work of image building of a person, if not at least the last.Moreover, in Japan, this is of utmost importance as Japan has a strict framework of etiquettesespecially in formal communications. In Japan, while addressing people, usage of Mr. or Mrs. isabsolutely mandatory which has to be followed by surnames. It is not recommended to use firstnames to address someone in very first meeting. Meishi or business cards and the ways in whichthey are given and received play significant role in initiation business communications6. Conversations- The most significant part of a meeting in Japan, where etiquettes are of utmostimportance, are the conversations. In Japan, silence is preferred over loud talks as Japanesepeople treats silence and composed behavior as a sign of intelligence, wisdom and self-control.This aspect of behavior in Japan is strikingly different than those in the Non-Asian countries,where being outgoing in the professional domain is treated as a sign of smartness. Japanesepeople also respect individual privacy to such an extent that they also have the right to removetheir names from phone books according to their will. Thus, Emily should also be careful to6 Rep.polessu.by,EXCHANGING BUSINESS CARDS AS A MAIN ELEMENT OF BUSINESS MEETING(2017)Rep.polessu.by <https://rep.polessu.by/bitstream/123456789/2603/1/91.pdf>.
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