
E-commerce Impact on Argos


Added on  2020-02-12

30 Pages5356 Words289 Views
E-commerce Impact on Argos_1

TABLE OF CONTENTS1. Introduction..................................................................................................................................31.1 Research Aim.........................................................................................................................41.2 Research Objectives...............................................................................................................42. Literature Review.........................................................................................................................43. Research Methodology................................................................................................................73.1 Sampling................................................................................................................................83.2 Data collection methods.........................................................................................................83.3 Data analyses methods...........................................................................................................93.4 Ethical considerations............................................................................................................93.5 Research Limitations.............................................................................................................93.6 Research Work plan.............................................................................................................104. Findings and Discussion............................................................................................................115. Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................................................................166. References..................................................................................................................................187. Appendices.................................................................................................................................202
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1. INTRODUCTIONIn the modern era most of the organizations are engaged in the E-commerce. Its an onlinetransaction business which provides multiple benefits to the consumers and entities both. In theglobalized era consumers take much interest in purchasing through online stores rather thantraditional mortal stores. Business to business (B2B) is the fast growing business in whichcompanies exchange information and goods to consumers via internet and other advancedtechnologies (Coiro and et.al, 2014). Online trading has increased the revenues of most of theorganizations to great extent. Apart from this overall operational cost of the entities have beenreduced as firms do not have to spend much amount on maintaining their retail stores. With thehelp of this medium, companies can attract mass audience and can make effectivecommunication with the large number of customers to great extent. Online trading supports inenhancing sales and revenues of the organizations and it builds strong relationship with the massaudience. With the help of e-commerce, firms are able to expand their business and to makeconnection with the customers those who belongs to other country or nation. That is the easiestway to increase brand image of the company and through e-commerce entities can sustain in thecorporate market for longer period (Gray and Malins, 2016). Impact of e-commerce is the wide subject and there are number of researches have beenconducted by many other researchers. So sufficient data on the topic are available that can helpresearcher in conducting the good research. Area of interest is another reason of selecting thistopic, as investigator has good interest and experience in the topic so that can help in preparingeffective report on the e-commerce business. But as cyber crime is increasing day by day sothere is neccessity to understate the issue related to the e-commerce business otherwise it mayharm the overall reputation of the company to great extent and it can give huge loss of theentities. It is very important to understand the impact of e-commerce on the retail industry andrisk which are associated with the web trading. With the help of research future growth of retailindustry in e-commerce business can be examined by the scholar (Leavy, 2015). Present report will discuss the concept of electronic business and its impact on the Britishretail industry will be discussed. There are many issues which are faced by the entities while3
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engaging in the E-business. All these problems will be identified in this study for betterunderstanding the positive and negative impact of E-commerce on the Argos, Wood Greenbranch. Furthermore, study will emphasis on the technological changes and their impact on theconsumer buying behavior (Bakker and et.al, 2015). There have been many studies done beforeit but there were some gap, as investigators were unable to discuss the latest trends and moderntechnologies. So real impact of online trading due to technological advancement have not beendiscussed by the previous investigators. For conducting the present report data will be collectedthrough primary and secondary sources. Primary data will be gathered through questionnaire andquestions will be asked by the mangers of Argos, Wood Green branch. 1.1 Research AimTo understand the impact of E-commerce on the British retailer; Case study of Argos, WoodGreen branch.1.2 Research ObjectivesTo understand the conceptual framework of E-Commerce.To analyses the impact of E-commerce on Argos, Wood Green branch.To investigate the issues related to E-Commerce on the British retailers.To provide recommendation for improving e-commerce business of Argos, Wood Greenbranch.Research QuestionWhat is the concept of E-commerce?What is the impact of e-commerce on the Argos. Wood Green Branch?What are the major issues faced by the entities while engaging in the E-commercebusiness?2. LITERATURE REVIEWConcept of E-commerceElectronic business is the wide range of online trading in which organizations offervariety of goods and services to the consumers. It is the transaction between two parties throughelectronic mediums such as internet etc. Rater than physical contact. Such types of transactionoccur as B2B, B2C, C2C business. According to the view of Kratochwill, 2013 Electronicbusiness is the broad application and that helps to attract mass audience from different locations4
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(Kratochwill, 2013). Author has described the e-commerce as transformation process of anorganization for delivering the additional quality services to the consumers with the help ofadvanced technologies. As per the view of McNiff, 2013 E-business is the organized efforts oforganizations in which entities sell its products online to gain higher profit. They deliver suchgoods which help in meeting with the needs of clients and in satisfying them (McNiff, 2013). Bythis way people get attached with the firm for longer period and will give benefit to thecorporation. Firms can approach via internet to the consumers and can offer them attractivediscounts that will help them in increasing the sales volume of the firms to great extent. As nowa days clients are much more aware with the internet and latest technologies. For smalltransaction they use internet and buy products after analyzing the price and quality of the goods. Berger, 2015 has argued that e-commerce business is giving two fundamental types ofbenefits to the entities such as value creation and enhancement (Berger, 2015). As with the helpof internet and web technologies corporations are increasing communication with the serviceusers and try to find out their needs and requirements. That gives benefit to the organizations inoffering them goods as per their demands, so that they can get satisfied and be loyal towards thebrand. By this way brand image of the companies can get improved. Apart from this e-commerceis giving benefit to the firms in enhancing the value, as people will be loyal towards the brand sothey will buy the products frequently. That would help in increasing sales of the organizations soit will enhance overall revenue of the entities to great extent. Electronic transactions are alsobeneficial for the users as well, as they will have option to record their bill transactions and theywill be able to check online balance. On other hand Cozby and Bates, 2015 has viewed that dueto electronic business fraud is increasing day by day. It has increased fear among users and dueto this online trading has been reduced over the past few years. People are getting fraud calls andtheir transactions have been declined. That is why electronic business have been decreased(Cozby and Bates, 2015). Impact of E-commerceAccording to the Falzon, 2016 e-commerce has affected the British retail industry to greatextent. The major impact have been taken place on the consumers. Now service users have beenempowered and they have multiple choices of getting quality goods at lower rates (Falzon,2016). As due to zero maintenance of retail stores, overall operational cost of the company can5
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get reduced with the help of electronic business. Consumers will have to pay less amount for theproducts online, as compare to retail stores. That is why trust and loyalty of the consumers havebeen increased in this industry. As per the view of Myers, 2013 electronic business haveincreased the sales of the companies. Due to hectic schedule and high pricing people do not gofor purchasing at the retail stores frequently (Myers, 2013). But e-commerce have given optionto buy the goods through online mediums and free delivery of the goods have encouraged them.So e-commerce has impacted positively on the British retail industry to great extent. Wang, 2014 has argued that electronic business has negatively affected the British retailindustry (Wang, 2014). As use of advanced technologies have decreased the employmentopportunities in the retail industry. As machines are able to do work of multiple employees somost of the organizations are decreasing their number of workers. That reduction has impactednegatively on the economic growth of the country. As per the view of Zheng, Zhu and Wang,2016 stiffer competition is the negative impact of the e-commerce business (Zheng, Zhu andWang, 2016). As this medium helps the entities in expanding their business globally so suchmass area of trading increase competition in the market, that can negativity affect the salesvolume of the organization in the retail industry. There are many more retail firms such asASDA, TESCO etc. those which are operating globally. So it is very tough for the entities tomeet with the too high competition. That some time decreases brand image of the company if itfails to meet with the standards. According to Rohr and et.al, 2016 e-commerce impact on the employees of the retailindustry to great extent (Rohr and et.al, 2016). As many of people are not well aware with thelatest technologies so it becomes difficult for them to survive in the organization where theyhave to do online trading. But companies try to provide them necessary training so that they canenhance their skills and can stay in the workplace for longer duration. Most of organizationprovide them incentives and cash bonuses so that they get encouraged and talent retain in theorganization for longer period (Schu and Morschett, 2017).Issues related to E-Commerce on the British retailerAs per the view of Graham and Peleg, 2017 privacy issue is the major risk in the ecommerce business (Graham and Peleg, 2017). As while trading online, people have to paythrough debit or credit cards so there is high risk that personal details of bank account and others6
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