
Justification of Library Management System


Added on  2019-09-27

5 Pages1008 Words122 Views
IntroductionProvide a justification of why this system needs to be developed: This system need todeveloped this because we have a big library in the library we have around 15K books and abook have many copies as like as we see in every library. We divide library in sex part. Inpart one we have library all information like book id, in which year book was publication,who was the written and who was take this library’s book. We have all information relatedto library. Every table have unique id with some have foreign key this type all information issave here. When ever we want the data related the library just click one and got it allrelated data. Description of business case, justification & business benefits from implementing thissystem: Automatic update records of available books, members and transactions of themembers.ER Diagram: -Here we information store about book include unique_ID, title, ISBN, publication_year,author & publisher. Here have Library’s has over 15K book. A book might have many copy aslike as we seen in every library. Copy of a book have uniquely_identified (ID) by copy ID butthe copy_id follows the main book with similar name, cover and book_ID. An author ischaracter by author_ID name and date_of_birth. There Author_id is Unique or primary keywe use here in Author_Id. In the publisher data set is referenced by unique publisher_ID,name & addresses. As usually we seen a book is written by one or many author but sometime one book written that’s why we don’t use the primary key in author. A publisherpublishes many books. We have data set in member who can borrow one or limited booksbut the member should have unique_id or primarykey constraint. Library member areidentified by member_ID primarykey. The library store’s each member’s_name,member’s_address, member’s_date_of_birth and contact_number. An member can takeone or many books. We should have all information with reservation_date is also beingrecord. We Draw the ER_Diagram from Draw io open the search media and search draw.iofor ER_diagram and any other diagram. When ever you go on the site then one pop show.Each time a member_borrows a book, system_records the member_ID, the bookcopy_borrowed, the date of the book borrowed and the expected date to return the book .
Justification of Library Management System_1

Click on create new_diagram then select the diagram which one you want to create. Click onsoftware option at Right end side showing. When we click here eight_diagram we see here,select the entity_relationship diagram and pres the create option. There we show different-2 tables. First of all, we should be select the table and changing in the tables name options.Changing the tables options name and other variables. Here we should be show the primarykey. we have only one primary_key Book_id and other are not use more constraint andindex. Same choose the seconds tables and changes the variables and tables name withneed primary key or foreign key. Similar did for all the tables and variables. All aboveinformation should be follow related to table we use here. For the best analysis We use SQLserver, in the sql server easy to draw the diagram. First of all we need to create the tables inSQL server then draw the ER diagram. Possibility that the draw diagram is not correct butfirst, we create table in SQL and then draw the diagram it is 100% correct-diagram we drawwith we have all data about the primary key & the secondary keys. We create some data aschar and some num Variables. Entity_Relationship_Diagram: - For the Database diagram we use SQL server 2017. We havesome tables on base of foreign keys & primary key in almost every tables with variables typeand allows null.
Justification of Library Management System_2

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