
Assignment Managing Successful Business


Added on  2020-06-06

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Managing a SuccessfulBusiness
Assignment Managing Successful Business_1

ContentsINTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................3TASK 1.......................................................................................................................................................3P1 Project aims and objectives................................................................................................................3P2 Project management plan that includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resources.................................................................................................................................................................4P3 Breakdown structure and Gantt chart so as to know the provided time frame and stages of completion...............................................................................................................................................5TASK 2.......................................................................................................................................................7P4 Carrying out the task with the use of Qualitative and quantitative research methods for attaining project aims and objectives......................................................................................................................7TASK 3.......................................................................................................................................................8P5 Evaluation of research and data with appropriate tools and techniques..............................................8P6 Appropriate recommendations in context with research in order to draw valid conclusion..............15TASK 4.....................................................................................................................................................15P7 Reflection on the value of undertaking research to meet objectives.................................................15CONCLUSION.........................................................................................................................................15REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................................16
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INTRODUCTIONManaging a successful business is a difficult task so to run a business in an effectivemanner it is required lot of skills and potential. As the time has lapse many technologies haveevolved that is assisting an organization in providing better services and facilities to itscustomers (Alotaibi and Liu, 2014). Most of the firms have upgraded their systems according tothe latest trends and market situations. Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Service is one of theleading companies that work for providing excellent services in context with hospitality. It isalso known giving platforms for hotel operations. This report will throw light on aims andobjectives for the company so as to develop a project management plan that will give anoverview on cost, scope, time, quality, risk, communication and resources that are related to theorganization. Apart from this, work breakdown structure and a Gantt chart so as to give timeframe and stages of completion is included in this assignment. Therefore, a qualitative andquantitative research is also mentioned in this report. Lastly, analysis and recommendations willbe provided in order to conclude a valid conclusion. TASK 1P1 Project aims and objectivesDeveloping of new technologies always provides maximum benefits to its customers andcompany as well. By implementing fresh technology it enables organization in deliveringexcellent quality products and goods. Therefore, according to recent time most of the firms aremoving forward and adopting the concept of using modern tools and machineries for effectivegrowth. Thus latest and new marketing trends are given importance instead of traditionalmethod. Apart from this, implementation of fresh technologies it is providing job opportunitiesto maximum number of people along with it is assisting the organization in having properinteraction between employees and superiors. As a result, it is helping the organization inmaintain healthy relations within all the members who are working in the same company.Henceforth, in context with Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Service, new tools and technologiesis providing them in operating their business in an effective manner. As this is assisting theorganization in maintain a transparency between their workers and subordinates so that they canshare their views and thoughts and hesitation. New system is helping them in maintaining therecord and data for a longer period time along with this it is providing security so that noinformation gets leaked. Topic: to determine the effectiveness of digitalization in order to operate their business in acompany.Background of the project: With the change in course of time, new and innovative technologiesare assisting the organization in attracting more and more customers towards their company as itis enabling them in manufacture the products as per the wants and needs of consumers.Therefore, Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Service is providing excellent facilities to its clients.
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For example: if any customers want to avail the services provided by the organization than theycan simply go to internet and book services according to the preferences and choices. Therefore,as compared to earlier times now people can easily gain the amenities in just one click. Thus, it isless time consuming and all the information related to Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Servicecan be easily accessed through internet. Henceforth, the company is utilizing various tools andtechnologies like social media, internet, newspaper, magazines and many more in order toprovide information to maximum number of customers related to the services company is giving(Pearlson, Saunders and Galletta, 2016). Thus, for attaining a better position at market place allthe employees and subordinates are working together as a result it is helping them in achievingtheir goals and objectives.Aim: Optimizing new tools and technologies in order to make some changes in the activities ofbusinessObjectives:To identify the effectiveness of implementing digital technology in a company.To estimate the proper utilization of technologies in business operations.TO evaluate the business transition according to the requirements. Research Questions:How to identify the effectiveness of implementing digital technology in a company?Methods to estimate the proper utilization of technologies in business operations?How to evaluate the business transition according to the requirements?P2 Project management plan that includes cost, scope, time, quality, communication, risk and resourcesProper planning is required if a company wants to run their business effectively.Therefore, planning can be said as a blue print that organization can follow so as to attain the settargets and objectives in limited time period. Thus, the role of project manager is very importantas they are the one who go through with all the factors that can before formulating the strategiesso that negative elements can be eliminated. Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Service, to hit theirtargets they are using latest tools and technologies that are according to the current marketsituations as a result it is providing them maximum benefits in return. Therefore, a manager ofthis organization is optimizing some of the points before, implementing the fresh strategies andthese are mentioned below:Scope of Project: With the increase in the expansion of market area and level ofcompetition in rising. Therefore, an increase in job opportunities can be seen in various fields ofthe job. Hence, because of the intensity in business it has became mandatory that all thecompanies provides services according to the needs and demands of customers so that they cansustain superior position at market area. Therefore, Oracle Hospitality Opera Cloud Service is
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