
Obesity: Causes and Global Trends


Added on  2020-02-05

13 Pages5021 Words164 Views
Obesity from global management & Leadershippoint of view( US & UK)1
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TABLE OF CONTENTSPART A (obesity in usa)..................................................................................................................3Appreciate the problem................................................................................................................3Specify the scope behind the problem.........................................................................................3Causes of the problem..................................................................................................................3PART B (obesity in uk) ..................................................................................................................4Solution........................................................................................................................................5Implementation ...........................................................................................................................6Review.........................................................................................................................................8Learn ...........................................................................................................................................9CONCLUSION..............................................................................................................................10REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................122
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PART A (OBESITY IN USA)Appreciate the problemObesity within USA is regarded as one of the contemporary health concern. Obesity isthe medical condition wherein excess of body fat is being accumulated to extent that it hasnegative impact on the health of individuals (Gupta and et.al, 2012). The percentage of obesity inincreasing to a greater extent. This is because of the changing lifestyle of the people to a greaterextent. In USA the people with overweight are increasing to a significant level. In USA thepercentage is very high and this is contributing factor to 100000- 400000 deaths within US everyyear. This is existing among the officials that is one of the major preventable causes of death.There is increase in the childhood obesity as well. This is regarded as the national emergency. Specify the scope behind the problemThe rates of obesity are increasing USA and this has increased to a greater extent frompast few years. This is to an extent of excess of 20% of the population (Popkin, Adair and Ng,2012). The higher prevalence of the obesity in adults is alarming. The causes of obesity raterelates with the fundamental imbalance among the energy intake as well as energy expenditure.The World Health organization determines reduction in the physical activity that is combinedwith increase in consumption of more energy dense, nutrients poor foods with higher level ofsugar and saturated fats. This has resulted in increasing the rate of obesity which has increasedover three fold since 1980 in some part of UK, Eastern Europe, the Middle East, the PacificIslands, Australasia as well as China (Mistry and Puthussery, 2015). The major trend of worrying is obesity among childhood that tracks to adulthood with allits attached risks (Misra and Shrivastava, 2013). This has been determined that initial generationof the children who are likely to die before their parents. This is because of the effects of obesitythat results in cardiovascular diseases. There is presence of several people who make changeswithin their lifestyle. This is in order to tackle obesity the scope of the problem is increasing to asignificant level. This has greater impact on the individual's survival rate. Moreover, it isinfluencing the survival to a greater extent (Byrne, 2014). Causes of the problemThere are several causes of obesity among the people of USA. This has been enumeratedin the manner stated as under:3
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Diet: Dietary energy supply varies among several regions as well as countries. This haschanged over significant duration of time (Pandit and et.al, 2012). The food habits of thepeople are changing significantly. Today there are more number of people in UK and Uwho are making consumption of fast food on regular basis. Because, of such there ismajor issue faced in relation with obesity. This has major contribution in increasing theother health related issues as well. The presence nutritional guidelines has contributesless to address the issue that relates with overeating as well as poor dietary choice (Cai,2014). Sedentary lifestyle: The role of such factor has greater role in obesity. There is greatershift towards less physically demanding work (Gujral and et.al, 2013). There isincreasing number of population that is engaged in doing physical exercise. This is due tothe reason of increase use of mechanized transportation and labor saving technologywithin homes. This is regarded as the major cause that is increasing rate of people that aresuffering from situation of obesity (Kukaswadia, Pickett and Janssen, 2014). In bothadults and children there is greater association among time for television viewing as wellas risk attached with obesity. Genes and family history: It is regarded as another major cause of obesity. Childrenmakes adoption of the habits of their parents (Bajaj and et.al, 2013). Child who possessoverweight parents eat high calorie foods and are not active become overweight as well.But in situation if the family makes adoption of healthy food and physical activity thenthere is chance that overweight is minimized. PART B (OBESITY IN LONDON) Obesity in United Kingdom is regarded as significant contemporary health concern. Inaccordance with the new data analysis it has been gained that greater number of individualswithin UK are either overweight or obese than at any other time in past three decades (Seth andSharma, 2013). UK is third highest rate of excess weight in western Europe behind Iceland andMalta. It is being analyzed by researchers that overweight and obesity within children as well asadolescents is increasing problem in United Kingdom. The rate of obesity in UK are the highestwithin Europe. This has increased dramatically over the past few years to a greater extent. This isexcess of 20% of the entire population which are obese. Thus, the cost to the economy of UK4
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