
Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation


Added on  2020-11-23

7 Pages1482 Words188 Views
Individual Essay
Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1Main body........................................................................................................................................11. Evaluation of the suggestion which are made in the assignment of Hofstede model.............12. Justification in terms of Agreement and disagreement...........................................................23. Suggestions.............................................................................................................................2CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................3REFERENCES................................................................................................................................4
Organizational Culture and Employee Motivation_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational culture provides the way in which employees try to interact with each other andthe healthy organisational culture plays an important role in encouraging employees tostay motivated and loyal towards the management. The organisational culture representcertain predefined policies and methods which guides the employees and give them asense of direction at work place(Byrne, Dwyer and Doyle, 2019). The essay present theHofstede model which defines the various ideologies beliefs and practices of theorganisation which makes organisation different from others. This essay evaluates thevarious suggestions which are made in the article of Hofstede's cultural dimensions.Main body1. Evaluation of the suggestion which are made in the assignment of Hofstede modelOrganizational culture plays an important role in improving the over all productivity of the firmthorough various element of the culture such as values, rituals, symbols, beliefs andthought process. The culture dimensions of the Hofstede model has great impact on theenvironment of the business. It includes individualism or collectivism, power distance,uncertainty avoidance and masculinity. The first cultural dimensions is collectivism, inthis individual who have common interest comes together and work as part of the team.In this organization believe that the output of the firm is more when individual exchangetheir idea and discuss things with themselves to come out with the innovative ideas. It isimportant dimensions of the Hofstede model which helps in increasing the productivityof the organization. Individualism also plays a significant role where organizationfollow a culture where individual not believe on working as a single unit and also preferwork individually(Kristjánsdóttir and et.al., 2017). The power distance culturedimensions also an important tool because it shows that power was distributed equallyamong all the employees irrespective of their designation which produce equal benefitsand rights to every individuals which encourage employees interest towards theattainment of the organizational goals. This dimensions create the healthy environmentin which each and every employee is accountable for his own performance, there is notany special person is appointed to take the charge of employees and this procedureboost the morale and motivation of the employee which ultimately results in the highprofitability of the enterprise. The masculinity cultural dimension element of the1
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