
Assignment on Consulting Project


Added on  2020-09-17

11 Pages3550 Words38 Views
Materials Science and EngineeringEnvironmental Science
Consulting Project
Assignment on Consulting Project_1

TABLE OF CONTENTSINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9ILLUSTRATION INDEXIllustration 1: Solar tree...................................................................................................................3Illustration 2: Solar Power Tree Artifact........................................................................................5
Assignment on Consulting Project_2

INTRODUCTIONIn present era, as population is growing at a faster rate, there is greater need of energy.Today, scarcity of the non-conventional energy sources cannot be denied. It is required at everypoint of view from charging mobile phones, to powering their home. Broadly classified, it is oftwo types conventional and non-conventional sources. As non-conventional sources willeventually deplete, the importance of these sources cannot be denied. Moreover, utilization of thenon-renewable energy resources has increased adverse impact on the environment. Largeamounts of minerals are used to generate the energy, but are unable to fulfil the demands ofcitizens. The report briefly presents the importance of non-conventional sources of energy owingto the backdrop of conventional sources (Bahadori and Nwaoha, 2013). Greater emphasis istaken from the recent case of nuclear power incident involving radiation fallout that has occurredin the northern hemisphere. Along with this, Australia's politicians have indicated that theirrising energy needs will not be met by using nuclear power so they want an effectiveconventional solution that is photovoltaic technology or solar energy. There are greater changes that can be seen across Australia regarding the energy crises.Major factors that have concern scientist, people and others are the cleanliness, cost, efficiency,environmental effects and stability. All these energy factors can be achieved through thesupplying power either from the non-conventional and limited conventional sources.Conventional sources of energy or non-renewable energy sources are those that are minerals orresources that are extracted from the nature and then used for the energy generation. Forexample, coal, natural gases, petroleum, nuclear and hydro. These resources are limited in natureand are getting extent due to excessive consumption. However, energy from the Nuclear are notlimited as small amount of uranium (main product) can generate energy for large period of time.Practically the energy provided by nuclear sources are inexpensive, clean and does not polluteenvironment as carbon-di-oxide as emitted by the coal-fired generation (Hua, Oliphant, and Hu,2016). However, there are other potential risks that can arise while harnessing the energy fromthe such sources. Fukushima leak and the Chernobyl meltdown disasters are examples of suchfailures of the containment systems of nuclear reactors which has tremendously harmed humans,animals and environment. Radioactive materials leakage from those areas and has createdproblems to the people. In Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, there were 37 with non-fatalphysical injuries and 2-workers were carried to hospital due to radiation burning. Other than this,1
Assignment on Consulting Project_3

there were other diseases that has occurred at that place such as miscarriages, stillbirths andmental-disorders in babies born after the accident. Due to such accidents, more than 100,000people were evacuated. The major reason is the radiation that affects the water, air and nearbyenvironment where the nuclear plant is situated. In Australia, the coal-fired generators are 10-years nearer to closure and the countryneeds some of the reliable power sources to critically replace them. If focus on energy generatedthrough the nuclear sources is made then issues like temperature rise, its waste disposal and otherenvironmental impacts will increase. Along with this, small mistakes can cause huge amount ofloss to life and money as the raw-products required for the plant are way too expensive. It is alsodifficult to control such devices, which requires specific training (Green and et. al., 2015). Evenpoliticians are concerned about the challenges of energy-security and a climate-change response.Using the Nuclear sources for energy generation is little expensive and riskier for the country.Moreover, there are cases that nuclear projects have financially affected Britain and US. Thefailure case of Fukushima, has made Japan and Germany to quit these technologies and focus onthe renewable resources. Along with this, there are greater issues while disposing off the wastematerial and it is also expensive if the country supplies that waste in other country to dispose dueto environmental impact. There are other non-conventional sources that can help the country in preventing suchlosses and can help to even provide energy back to grid. Along with this, they are plentiful insupply and are infinite in nature. Besides this, they are hygienic sources of energy and helps toprotect the environment. There are various people that are aware about conserving the nature andhave started focusing on such areas. Its cleanable and sustainable existence has compelled peopleand politicians to think seriously about it. In order to make clean energy, Scientists andEngineers are continuously working in this domain. Non-conventional sources of energy aregenerated or achieved from the sun, ocean, earth and wind. The best among them is sun as it hassupplied continuous energy from past millions of years. There are many ways by which energycan be harvested directly and indirectly from the sun. Photovoltaic, solar thermal systems andpower-stations can convert solar irradiation-directly into usable energy. There are enormousadvantages that people have by utilizing this technology. It is environmental friendly, clean,cheaper and many more benefits that makes it more favourable. From mobile phones to home2
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