
Assignment on Human Resource (HR)


Added on  2020-06-06

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Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentData Science and Big Data
Assignment on Human Resource (HR)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................11.1 Formulate and evidence possible investigation report outline specification........................11.2 Factors that contribute to the research process.....................................................................31.3 Critical assessment of key references...................................................................................41.4 Research project specifications.............................................................................................91.5 Gantt chart and work break down structure........................................................................10TASK 2..........................................................................................................................................112.1 Resources required for research process and shows connection between “researchresources and question”.............................................................................................................112.2 Research investigation by designing effective questionnaire.............................................132.3 Record and collate data from participants in table form.....................................................15TASK 3..........................................................................................................................................173.1 Interpretation and analysis of collected data.......................................................................173.2 Recommendation and conclusion.......................................................................................23REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................26
Assignment on Human Resource (HR)_2

INTRODUCTIONHuman resource are considered as a valuable assets as well as lifeblood for entirecorporate world because all the work is managed and handled by them only. Main objectives ofevery enterprise is to strengthen the performance of employees by implementing variousmethods and technology; for instance training and developing programmes, conductenhancement classes, coaching, mentoring, seminars or conferences etc. Business firms aregoing to pay full attention on improving workers personality by gathering relevant data andinformation which is used by company while creating new plans for employees development(Mackey and Gass, 2015). Therefore, it has been identified that effective training sessions is verymuch significant for polishing the talent, skills, learning and knowledge of employees as well asappropriate for overcoming their weakness. Thus, HR department of bank always try to hiredemployees having experience, advanced learning so that they can easily remove their obstacles,mistakes, barriers etc.TASK 11.1 Formulate and evidence possible investigation report outline specificationThis research report plays a very signifiant role in strengthening the knowledge ofcurrently employed workers as well as newly hired candidates because it is based on influence ofhuman resource on company performance (Flick, 2015). One of a major reason behindappointing experienced employees is that they are full of confidence and learn how to overcometheir problems. Company is mainly concerned about applying various creative tools, techniquesor methods for management of human resource and managerial team trying to conduct classesfor training their employees various things; like how to deal with customers, ability to facebusiness risk, instant challenges, modes of convincing clients, personality development. Last butnot the least, customer satisfaction is major key of gaining maximum range of profit or revenueat marketplace which means current working employees must know how to deal with theirclients by improving their overall work performance (Khan, 2011). Topic:- To identify the impact of human resource management on the futureperformance of an organization: A case study on HSBC bank. Instead of individual, there are number of public and private companies are presentwhich are going to select HSBC bank for their long term loans because of their skilled labours,1
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services full of security or safety, absence of fraudulent activities etc. (Smith, 2015). Basically,employees performing at bank are full of energy or activeness towards their job role whichautomatically impress numerous of customers and also due to friendly or healthy environment ofan organization. Specially, managers of bank set an appropriate criteria for recruitment processbecause reputation of an enterprise is fully depend upon behaviour or performance of workers.Therefore, they always try to fill the vacant position of an organization with eligible anddeserving candidates so that they can maintain decorum of their association. Hence, currentresearch project is based on influence of labour performance because it helps in forecastingupcoming presentation of Bank (Panneerselvam, 2014). In banking sector HRM practices andfactors plays a very vital role in minimizing losses and aids in maximizing profit. Instead of allthe above information, managers of company have various alternative in which campaigning isalso act as a useful tool in strengthening presentation of labours. Theme:- To identify the impact of human resource management on the futureperformance of an organization: A case study on HSBC bank. Aims:- The main and foremost motive of current study is “to identify the impact ofhuman resource management on future performance of organization”: A case study onHSBC bank. It means its fully based on monitoring influence of employees on companiesupcoming performance because labours are seen as a lifeblood for success of entire associationdue to their roles and responsibilities . Aim of the research project is a most compulsory partbecause entire work is totally depend on this because further investigation is done on the basis ofmotto.Objectives:- To identify the role of human resource in HSBC bank.To critically evaluate the factors effecting future performance of HSBC bank.To identify impact of best human resource in performance of organization. Research question:- What is the role of best human resource in organizations? What are the factors influenced to future performance of HSBC bank? 2
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What is the role of human resource in performance of HSBC bank? How skilled employees are beneficial for the future growth of HSBC bank? 1.2 Factors that contribute to the research processIntroduction:- As everyone knows that humans are considered as a indispensable part forevery enterprise either small or large due to their eminent role played in success path. Asa multinational bank HSBC offers high or best quality services to their consumers at lowinterest rate due to which millions of people selected this association for financialsupport. Along with this, enterprise also introduced various impressive and uniquestrategies or promotional techniques for capturing the attention of numerous of clients.Literature review- This can be seen as a most useful or necessary part of research projectbecause it plays a most prominent role in carrying out activities related with investigationprogrammes towards appropriate direction for attaining accurate outcome as per planningprocess. This is utilized by researcher team for conducting effective or broader researchso that learning capacity of learner may achieved. In this report, data and content isgathered by using secondary sources due to their simplex rules which is easy tounderstand (Geerts, 2011). In fact, this part of project is very much appropriate and usefulin providing accurate and concise information about the components which are indulge inspecific research work. Along with this, it also highlight various methods that will beused by learner for understanding the topic in-depth and its benefits during decisionmaking process. With the assistance of effective review, investigator get succeeded inconducting entire work towards corrective direction by overcoming barriers which isfaced by organization while enhancing performance of their employees. Furthermore,critical evaluation is also going to conducted through various authors or scholars forunderstanding the impact of human resource on future performance of HSBC bank inmore detail form. Main motive of literature review is to identify all the necessaryelements related with research title and trying to answer every questions which might beasked in future investigation programmes (Hunleth, 2011). Data Collection:- This part is considered as a most effective part of investigation projectbecause it supports in directing entire assignment towards right direction for measuringappropriate result. In fact, in this section research is going to identify the various methodsin which project might be conducted in an appropriate manner. Therefore, for drawing3
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legitimate conclusion, investigator team may adopt various useful or impressivetechniques that are applicable on above explained title. Furthermore, this part is mainlyfocussed on modes of gathering accurate information or data with the use of suitabletechnique by considering relevant facts and figures. Thus, researched team is trying toselect best method of collecting precise or concise data which is used by HSBC bank forfinding better result. Data evaluation-Another part of research project is assessment of accumulated databecause it supports entire work in monitoring performance of employees for futurebetterment of an enterprise. Basically , this section is going to measure the information inorder to gain better and accurate result by preparing impressive and effectivequestionnaire which are linked with current assignment topic. Furthermore, data analysisconsist of data interpretation with the help sample size for deep understanding or to assistan organization while decision making process. In other words, interpretation shows theinformation in graphical way by highlighting factors in an effective manner. Therefore, ithas been analysed that, assignment prefers this section for getting updated about reviewor customer feedback which supports them during making plans, policies and variousstrategies. Recommendation and conclusion:- For strengthening employees performance bysatisfying their customer for establishing goodwill of HSBC bank at marketplace. Thus,administrators need to give them marked and qualitative items and services. It will beuseful for them to increase high competitive advantage from target marketplace. Asidefrom this, businesses likewise need to accentuation after leading advertising examinationand investigation; through which they can know needs and requirement to focus andadditionally potential purchasers of the firm. 1.3 Critical assessment of key referencesa) Methods of enhancing employee performanceEmployees are consider as a lifeblood for every organization either small or largebecause of their roles and responsibilities towards success of enterprise. HSBC is a very largestand reputed bank which requires skilled or talented labours to run their business operationsbecause their goodwill is fully depend upon presentation of their workers as staff members areresponsible for dealing with customers (Snyder, 2012). Therefore, it is essential for organization4
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to pay full attention on personality development of employees because they act as a end dealerthat means they deal with their customers; thus impressive look of workers is very muchnecessary for attracting millions of clients. Hence managers of HSBC bank is going toimplement numerous of plans or policies consist of effective methods for enhancing knowledgeand skills of entire human resource or employees hired by recruitment team. Techniques or toolsare stated as follows:- Proper and healthy communication:- First and foremost method is to create healthy andeffective interaction process in order to make friendly relations with supervisors. Alongwith this, managers of HSBC bank need to maintain the decorum of an organization sothat every employee get chance of expressing their ideas in-front of higher authoritywithout any fear or hesitation. Thus, proper communication is very much indispensablebecause it helps in visualizing hidden issues, terms and conditions due to whichconfusion created (Guest, 2011). Apart from this, effective interaction is very muchbeneficial for entire association as it helps in removing conflicts or barriers of success.Training and development:- Another techniques through which employees getstrengthened their performance is by attending effective training programmes which isconducted by HR team of HSBC bank. In fact it is beneficial for success of humanresource because main motive of training sessions is to improve the efficiency of currentas well as newly hired employees by updating their knowledge. Sharing information/incentives/medical facilities:- According to this tool, if employeesget aware about the companies benefits then they automatically get encourage towardstheir roles and responsibility which resulted in improvement of their performance(Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). Thus it means if worker knows about theircomplimentary advantages for examples incentives on monthly basis, quarterly, healthfacilities, bonuses, rewards, appreciation programmes etc. All these things supports in improving presentation of labours because of they get extra carethen they become more curious for attaining assigned objectives in a given time frame. Performance reviews/ feedbacks:- Re-warts on presentation is also plays a very eminentrole in motivating labours towards improvement as if they get positive feedbacks then itact as a major tool for enhancement in performance. Along with this, employees alsorequires appreciation from their higher authority (Purce, 2014). 5
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Clarification of problems:- According to this component an organization needs to createa team for listening issues faced by workers at workplace so that employee does not feelneglected. Additionally, mangers of HSBC bank needs to focussed on obstacles whichcreate problem for employees while performing their job role because it influence theiroverall performance.Hence, at the end it has been analysed that improvement in employees learning is one ofintrigant part for future performance of an organization as image of a bank is fully depend uponthem only because initially employees have to interact with customers; therefore it is compulsorythat they must know how to deal with them as everyone knows “first impression is the last one”(Wright and McMahan, 2011). b) Influence of training and development sessions on employee performanceTraining and improvement is seen as one of the appropriate methods for every businessbecause it plays a major role in assisting employees towards their roles and responsibility forproducing more benefit and income for organization. It is basic for HSBC is to give viablepreparing system to their new and additionally existing workers for improving performance ofemployees and encourage them to perform their task or activity in a proper manner. Preparing isbest in nature which have a greater affects on hierarchical execution. As a British multinationalbanking organization, HSBC is worried on giving prominent training sessions to their staffindividuals so that they get updates about changes which arises at international marketplace aswell as customer taste. According to the viewpoint of Huselid and Becker, 2011 training is seenas most essential criteria for every business firm to improve the aptitudes, knowledge and skillsof every person who are putting their huge endeavours in building up their working capacity. Oncontrary to this according to Budhwar and Debrah, 2013 there are number of significantmethodologies which are useful in measuring the viability of representative preparing, some aredepicts as under: Reaction: This part helps in measuring the capacity of students to learn on instructionalmeeting. It comes under primary data through which student can see how well thepreparation was picked up, how workers respond on it and measuring any sort of gapwhich are required to enhanced in gaining benefit and development. Learning: This level of assessment measures the aptitudes and capacity of student whichare increased through training program. It is essential for firm to make some compelling6
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