
Assignment - Organizational Behavior (OB)


Added on  2020-12-09

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Leadership Management
Assignment - Organizational Behavior (OB)_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1P1 An organisations culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour andperformance.................................................................................................................................1P2 Content and process theories of motivation and motivational techniques enable effectiveachievements of goals in Google................................................................................................3P3 Effective team as opposed to an ineffective team ................................................................5P4 concepts and philosophies of organisational behaviour.........................................................6CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................8REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
Assignment - Organizational Behavior (OB)_2

INTRODUCTIONOrganisational behaviour is relates to study of the human behaviour that how theyinteract with each others within groups. This study applied to achieve the more efficient businessorganisations. Main idea of the organisation behaviour study is that a scientific approach canapply on the workers of the organisations. This report summarized the influence of culture,politics and power on the behaviour of others in the Google, content and process theories ofmotivation and motivational techniques, factor that makes an effective team and ineffective teamand concept and philosophies within an organisational context.P1 An organisations culture, politics and power influence individual and team behaviour andperformance.BasisIndividual behaviour andperformanceTeam behaviour andperformanceCultureOrganisation culture relate tothe atmosphere of theemployee's beliefs andpractices in company. Apositive culture of thecompany help the employee'sto engaged with company onlong term period. Whereemployee get the respect of hisidea and work it will make himmore effective and efficient.Google has a positive culturemodel where they allow theemployee flexible hours,embraces creativity. Its helpthe google by providing awork satisfied employees. On There are many organisationsculture in the organisation.Some are make a positive andsome make negative impact onthe team behaviour andperformance. A positiveculture of Google help theemployee to working in teamwith collaboration and try todo something with creativity.Its help the employees toestablish a good relationshipamong the employees. Amotivated and happy team willwork very effectively andwillingly. If company will notable to make a positive culture1
Assignment - Organizational Behavior (OB)_3

the other hand a negativeculture environment make theemployee unhappy towards thework and they will not even beloyal to the company.of the company then there willbe always conflict will createbetween the employees andmanagement, they will neveragree on the each othersthoughts and ideas so it wouldbe tough for the Google toachieve there objectives. PoliticsPolitics has play important rolein the organisations forindividual. A positive politicalculture encourage theemployee to be moreproductive. Effective politicsis not about to achieve theobjectives on any cost it'sabout to maintain the relationwith the situations. on theother hand organizationalpolitics don,t have anysignificant impact on theemployee performance. Thereis negative impact thatorganizational politics distractthe employees from theirtask(Christina and et.al.,2014.). If the politics is not good in theorganisation this will harm onthe effectiveness on the team.Employees who are working inthe team they have to deliversatisfying results in with theperformance. A well politics inorganisation give manybenefits only if the employeeunderstand that how tonavigate the politics. anegative politics impact on theproblem solving. Teammembers will not be able tofind the solution of the timethey will give much time tofind out the answer of theproblems.PowerThere are many types of powerin the organisations. A rightuse of the power help theemployee of the Google toPerson who has the power theyare very important people ofthe organisations. They givethe decisions to the team that2
Assignment - Organizational Behavior (OB)_4

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