Reflective Writing2 REFLECTIVE WRITING Inthispaper,IwillbereflectingontheACCT3010course(CorporateSocial Responsibility or sustainably). The reflection will encompass summary of learning, critical course concepts, the relevance of the course to program and profession, and performance feedback alongside for the identification and action learning opportunities. In respects to a summary of learning, we learned about the key concepts of sustainability accountingandreporting.Specifically,welearnedaboutCSR,sustainability,socialand environmental issues and international and local responses to such issues to ensure sustainability. I am now able to clearly define and give a clear meaning of CSR about business. I learned that CSR entails the legal, economic, discretionary and ethical expectations which society has of the firms at a specific point in time (Ball, Grubnic and Birchall 2014). Moreover, I have been able to understandthatCSRcanalsorefertoascorporatecitizenship,corporate(socialand environmental) responsibility, responsible business or corporate social opportunity. However, I have also learned that there has never been an agreeable shared definition of CSR. My understanding of CSR has improved in this course because now I recognize CSR to be more than corporate philanthropy. I have been able to understand that CSR is narrower than the ‘corporate responsibility’ or ethics. The sensitivity of CSR to the impact of the corporation and the fact that CSR can present opportunities for a competitive edge are additional concepts I have learned in this course. In regards to the relevance of the course to the program and accounting profession, I have been able to appreciate the need for sustainable business in the society. This course is essential to accounting profession and ACCT 3010 program because it will help produce professional who care for their corporation impact to the social and physical environment and hence will not only
Reflective Writing3 account for such impacts but also disclose them in their sustainability reports. This will be helpful to the society as they will be compensated for the externalities that any corporation might trigger upon them. This will then help the business to be sustainable since there will be disclosure which will make the business always to be engaged in ethical conducts in their operations with the social and physical environment in their mind (Tilt, Unerman and Rinaldi 2014). In regards to performance feedback to identify and action learning opportunities, this course presents the best opportunity to enable me to become a sustainability-oriented accounting professional in the future. This is because the course has shown the link between the corporate impact and the social and physical environment. Therefore, as an accounting student, I will be able to take keen interests in the impact of the corporations on the environment and report both adverse and positive effects (Gray, Adams and Owen 2014). Through this, I will be able to identify effective actions that if implemented by the organization, will make it generally accepted in the society and hence the creation of a sustained competitive edge. This is because the business will also be alive to the social and environmental issues it might cause the society and hence will always try to disclose them and take necessary actions to either stop, avoid or even compensate the society in case of inevitabilities (Lodhia and Hess 2014).
Reflective Writing4 References Ball, A., Grubnic, S. and Birchall, J., 2014. 11 Sustainability accounting and accountability in the public sector.Sustainability accounting and accountability, p.176. Gray,R.,Adams,C.andOwen,D.,2014.Accountability,socialresponsibilityand sustainability: accounting for society and the environment. Pearson Higher Ed. Lodhia, S. and Hess, N., 2014. Sustainability accounting and reporting in the mining industry: Current literature and directions for future research.Journal of Cleaner Production,84, pp.43- 50. Tilt, C., Unerman, J. And Rinaldi, L., 2014. The role of stakeholder engagement and dialogue within the sustainability accounting and reporting process. InSustainability accounting and accountability(pp. 104-125). Routledge.