
Assignment on Understanding and Leading Change


Added on  2020-06-06

16 Pages5374 Words46 Views
Leadership ManagementProfessional DevelopmentEconomics
Assignment on Understanding and Leading Change_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1TASK 1............................................................................................................................................1P.1. Compare different organisational examples that have an impact on organisation’s strategyand operations.........................................................................................................................1TASK 2............................................................................................................................................3P.2. Evaluate the ways in which internal and external driver of change affect leadership, teamand individual within M&S organisation...............................................................................3P.3. Evaluate the measure that can be taken to minimize negative impact of change onorganisational behaviour........................................................................................................5TASK 3............................................................................................................................................6P.4. Explain different barriers of changes and determine how they influence leadershipdecision-making in M&S company........................................................................................6TASK 4............................................................................................................................................7P.5. Apply different leadership approaches to dealing with change in M&S organisation....7REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................10
Assignment on Understanding and Leading Change_2

INTRODUCTIONIn this investigation, this study describe about to the changes' management which makebig effect on the business effectively. This assignment define about to comparison of towdifferent organisational in which change has been made great impact on the organisationalstrategy and operational level effectively. Moreover, this study review about to the external andinternal drive of changes by which the organisation get affected more effectively. Furthermore,this assignment refer to the measurement of the factors which could decrease the negative impactof changes in the organisational behaviour in effective manner, at the last stage of thisassignment, this study review about to the various kinds of leadership approaches which dealwithin the organisational structure more effectively. TASK 1P.1. Compare different organizational examples that have an impact on organisation’s strategyand operationsOrganisational changes occurs where a business make some business activities by whichorganisational status goes towards essential changes within the firm in effective manner.Nowadays, several kinds of changes are being done in various types of the organisation in thecountry because of several companies wants to make changes in their organisational structureand strategy by which they will be able to survive more efficiently within the internationalmarket more effectively. Moreover, in the UK, numbers of companies in the country are makingchanges in their organisational strategy and operational level so that effective decision can bemade by business leader and manager in order to making proper management of changes withinthe business effectively (Prileszky, 2013). Changes management is now has been made morecomprehensive factor in which business leader and manager need to make effective decision inorder to keep themselves ahead in the complex competitive world. Technological changes: In case of the UK, it could be seen that from last few years,several of companies can make effective services in which they can generate some of theireffective changes by which the organisation can make essential changes in the firm. Technologychanges has been become most common factor for the changes in the structure and workingprocess of the company at operational level so that organisation will be able to raise theirproduction and services level in more efficient manner technological changes play very vital rolein case of some growth of the business in the industry in more efficient form (Jafari, 2015.). In1
Assignment on Understanding and Leading Change_3

case of mark & Spencer Company, there are several technological changes has been made uponthis company in order to make efficient changes in retail sector to furnishing effective retailproduct and services in more efficient manner in the market. M&S firm’s leader and mangermajor focusing on making appropriate technological changes on the business and provingeffective retail services at their retail outlets at various region so that effective retail services canbe served by the company’s employees within the firm in efficient manner. M&S recentlyannounced some of technological transformation program in the country in which they will makeeffective technological changes in their retail services and process so that their customer willmore attract towards their company’s retail outlets art various region in the country (Enge, 2010).Moreover, as part of five year transformation plans in the country, there are several kinds ofdigital technological changes in the country in order to proper development of their retailservices in the country in more effective way. Leader and manager of M&S company need tomake impressive decision by with they can implement the latest technological equipment’s andapproach at their workplace in order to proper development of their service experiences at theirvarious retail outlets. The manager and leader of the company need to change in their strategyand operational level in efficient form in order to keep themselves ahead in competition level. Organisational structure: Organisational structure changes has been made moreeffective in order to proper development of their issues in more efficient form. Organisationalstructure define about to the process by which the business objectives, role and responsibilitieshave changes efficiently in order to accomplishment of organisational goals and objective inmore efficient for in order to proper development of their effective services and processes inorder to make efficient changes in the business structure. Morrison which is one of the leadingretail company in the UK and they need to make changes in the organisation according to currentdemands of changes in the world in terms of keep ahead in competition in the market. There areseveral organisational changes occur in Morrison business from last few years. Leader andmanager of Morrison Company need to formulate decision towards essential changes in theirstrategy and operational level in order to make their sufficient to sustainable development in theirorganisation effectively in terms of accomplishment of their organisational goals and objectivesin more effective form (Mate-Kodjo, 2012). So it could be said that organisational changes in thecompany make impact on the firm’s strategy and operational level in more efficient mannerbecause of this world nowadays adopt changes in rapid manner and their leader and manager2
Assignment on Understanding and Leading Change_4

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