
Attitude and Behavior at Workplace


Added on  2020-03-23

8 Pages2070 Words372 Views
Leadership Management
Running head: ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR AT WORKPLACEATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR AT WORKPLACEName of the student:Name of the university:Author note:
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1ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR AT WORKPLACEAttitudes can be defined as the way about how the employee feels about himself andcarries himself in the working environment. This mainly reflects the feelings he holds towardshis coworkers and also his position within the company. The employee also develops an attitudeabout the environment which might be positive or negative. Behaviour can be taken as the wayby which the employee responds to his attitude (Tso 2014). Therefore behaviour can also be bador good which entirely depends on how the employee views his own position within theorganization. The assignment will show how attitude determines productivity at individualistic,team and organizational levelAttitude at an individual level us very important as it influences the behavior and also atthe same time governs the choice of action. These ultimately affect the performance as well asthe productivity. Employees may show negative attitudes in their workplace which may be dueto the number of reasons. These are in turn found to be affecting their behaviour and alsoperformance. Internal factors which are often linked to the working environment like quality ofsupervisions,, working conditions, general management styles, general remuneration level, aswell as culture if the workplace (Judge et al. 2017). Some of the external factors that oftenchange a person attitude may result from economic, social, political as well as person specificfactors.When an employee has a bad attitude, little things in workplace like complainingcoworkers or lazy coworkers may result the employee getting excited which may affect hisconcentration and destroy his potential to work for the day. This would affect his productivityand he would feel dissatisfied with his performance if the same employee has a positive attitude,it would help him put events sequentially in a proper perspective so that he can handle thecoworkers’ effectively with strategies and at the same tome enjoy his job giving higherproductivity. The employee needs to see problems as minor setbacks which can be quickly
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2ATTITUDE AND BEHAVIOUR AT WORKPLACEcrossed rather than portraying them as maintains which will take days to climb. A bad attitudecan put the individual at a risk of missing out on promotions, raise as well as other awards. If theemployer gets hint of an employees’ temper, he might not promote him to a leadership level ashe might think that it might have negative effects on the team members (Valentine, Fleischmanand Godkin 2015). This will snatch away his scope making him dissatisfied with his job.Employees with negative attitudes are seen to spend more time on shooting down other people’sopinions and solutions to problems. They find issues in every simple thing in the workplace andcreate huge issues which automatically cut short their time for providing productivity of thecompany and hence that affects the performance (Tuna et al. 2016). This inhibits the flow ofideas and also undermines productivity. All these result in criticism of the employee for whichshe or he might not be respected or loved at workplace. He might have to work alone withoutanyone’s help which increases stress and thereby hampers job satisfaction. An importantcompany is Australia is the Infotrack Company which is an It based private company. They havemade sure that the employees at individual level remain happy and shows positive attitude whichis very important for both their individual and company’s benefits.Attitudes and the values that one transmits will determine the different nature of the relationshipsthat one individual develop with others in the team person will positive attitude will besuccessful in developing a good coordination as well as teamwork with others. An individualwho will be showing a negative attitude will automatically become burned out as well as feeldetached from work (Hauer et al. 2014). He may also become skeptical with other’s work whenthere are no proper results obtained. This negative attitude will never develop trust among thedifferent individuals and as a result the environment of knowledge sharing can never bedeveloped. A person with a positive will show proper body languages that will face people when
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