
Employee Attrition: Causes, Impacts, and Retention Strategies


Added on  2023-04-21

17 Pages4651 Words183 Views
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Employee Attrition: Causes, Impacts, and Retention Strategies_1

Table of Contents
Problem Statement...........................................................................................................................4
Relevance and Significance.............................................................................................................6
Literature Review............................................................................................................................6
Issue identification.........................................................................................................................11
Existence of problem.....................................................................................................................12
Employee Attrition: Causes, Impacts, and Retention Strategies_2

The study focuses on the essential analysis of the subject of organizational risk
management. The various prevalent issues that tend to affect the businesses of organizations are
addressed through the work. The specific problem area that has been focused in the study is the
issues of employee attrition. In the recent years various organizations have been critically
affected by employees leaving their jobs. This has significantly contributed towards lower
productivity and revenue across the various organizations that have been affected. Hence, there
is a significant need to identify the literatures considering the risk of attrition. Many gaps in the
literatures have also been identified that need to be essentially considered for future researches.
The evaluation of the issues is much important.
Risk management has been one of the major issues that is present in today’s society. This
section leads to the aspect that the projects that are undertaken by the business organization does
not get affected due to the risk that might affect the functioning of the organization. In this study
the projection of the employee attrition is considered as one of the main points of mitigating the
risks that are present in the maintaining the quality of the products. Among the several issues that
are present in the employee attrition section includes experiencing of the labor turnover. It is
noted that the demands of the experienced employees have been high and the demands are often
surpassing the ability of the business organization. The experienced employees are well aware of
the ramification. The employees are also aware of the turnover that they provide to the business
organization that they are working for as per the production provided by them. These are the
most viable risk present in management of the issue. An employee is recruited keeping in mind
Employee Attrition: Causes, Impacts, and Retention Strategies_3

that the employee will keep on performing at the same level or with continuous improvement for
a prolonged period. In case the employee leaves the business organization before completion of
the expected time the company will be at loss. Hence the need of identifying the issues that are
leading to these consequences are important. The health of the employees plays an important role
in the retaining of the employees. In case the business organization does not support the
employees during their physical problems the main issue that will be arising include leaving the
business organization. This poor health will lead to decrease in efficiency of the functioning of
the employees. In case of not supporting the employees, the employees might not continue to
serve the organization and switch to other organizations. Employee turnover has been the major
issue that has been affecting the functioning of the business organizations. From the recent
scenario it can be stated that with the increase in growth in industries the retention and attrition
of the employees have been getting more difficult. This makes the experienced employees more
dedicated to their careers and professional growth rather than being committed to their
companies. The basic reason that the experienced employees are leaving their jobs are due to the
aspect that they are unhappy with the stagnation in their job role. Development and growth in the
job profile is absent. This stagnation in growth of individual careers have been a major issue.
These are the reasons that the companies are facing issues regarding the attrition of the
employees of the organization.
Problem Statement
Vision: The business organizations wants to retain their experienced employees, with the
help of the required amnesties and benefits that are demanded by the employees of the
organization, keeping the employees’ content regarding their job prospect
Employee Attrition: Causes, Impacts, and Retention Strategies_4

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