
Australia Energy Market: Challenges and Proposed Solutions


Added on  2023-06-11

32 Pages13016 Words105 Views
Table of Contents
LIST OF TABLES ........................................................................................................................................ 2

CHAPTER I................................................................................................................................................ 2

1.0 INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 2

CHAPTER II .............................................................................................................................................. 3

2.0 CURRENT SITUATION OF AUSTRALIA ENERGY MARKET ............................................................... 3

2.0.1 The Critical Problem ............................................................................................................... 4

2.0.2 Liddell Power Plant ................................................................................................................ 4

CHAPTER III ............................................................................................................................................. 5

3.0 DIFFERENCE IN TECHNOLOGIES OF CLEAN AND BLACK COAL: ..................................................... 5

3.0.1 Clean Coal: ............................................................................................................................. 5

3.0.2 Black Coal: .............................................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER IV ............................................................................................................................................. 7

4.0 PETROLEUM USE FOR POWER GENERATION IN AUSTRALIA: ....................................................... 7

CHAPTER V .............................................................................................................................................. 8

5.0 NUCLEAR POWER OVERVIEW ....................................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER VI ............................................................................................................................................. 9

6.0 NATIONAL ENERGY MARKET OPERATOR: ..................................................................................... 9

CHAPTER VII .......................................................................................................................................... 10

7.0 ELON MUSK’S WORK IN SOUTH AUSTRALIA: .............................................................................. 10

7.0.1 Future Plans To Conserve Energy ........................................................................................ 11

CHAPTER VIII ......................................................................................................................................... 11

8.0 PROPOSED SOLUTIONS TO OVERCOME POWER SHORTAGE...................................................... 11

8.0.1 Victoria 2020 And Beyond ................................................................................................... 11

8.0.2 Efficiency Of Energy ............................................................................................................. 12

8.0.3 Shifting Of Demand .............................................................................................................. 12

8.0.4 Reduction Of Demand .......................................................................................................... 12

8.0.5 Behind The Generation Of Meter. ....................................................................................... 13

8.0.6 Storage ................................................................................................................................. 13

8.0.7 New Generation ................................................................................................................... 14

CHAPTER IX ........................................................................................................................................... 15

9.0 ROLE OF AUSTRALIA IN PROVIDING ENERGY COMMODITIES: ................................................... 15

9.0.1 Thermal Coal ........................................................................................................................ 16
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9.0.2 LNG ....................................................................................................................................... 17
CHAPTER X ............................................................................................................................................ 17

10.0 ANALYSIS AND DISCUSSION: ..................................................................................................... 17

10.0.1 How Can We Apply the Energy Objectives to a Particular Project? .................................. 18 First Element: .................................................................................................................. 18 Third Element: ................................................................................................................. 18

CHAPTER XI ........................................................................................................................................... 19

CONCLUSION..................................................................................................................................... 19

REFERENCES: ..................................................................................................................................... 31


Figure 1 Energy Commodity Export Values (Source Credit: Department of Industry, Innovation
and Science) ............................................................................................................................. 15

Figure 2 Energy Prices fluctuation graph Source Credit: Bllomberg HIS:RBA ......................... 16

Figure 3 Seaborne Thermal Cost Production Costs (Source Credit: AME Group) ................... 16

Figure 4 Australian Liquification Capacity (Source Credit: AEMO) .......................................... 17


Table 1 General Investment in National Energy Market ......................................................... 15



The world’s second-biggest exporter of natural gas suffering from severe crises that they even
can’t supply gas to facilitate their own citizens. The world’s richest economies of natural gas
are Australia and USA. The way of managing the resources is the main difference in these
nations. In Australia energy is getting very expensive. The National power system is in a
critical stage that is why the whole nation is suffering from high rates of electricity and gas.
This is a consequence of federal government’s and state government’s uncertain and spit
policies. There was no obvious and constant path to decrease the emission. This uncertain
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policy had badly impacted the energy system of Australia and caused considerable instability.
The main points are the stability of the National electricity grid, increase the cost to supply
the gas and new generation’s investment.

1.0.1 Changes to the Report:

We had to change the few outputs and solutions that we arrived in our Advanced Engineering
Project 1. This is due to few changes that have been observed in the Australian National
Energy Statistics. For instance, one of the power stations which was announced and thought
to really help in the additional power production in the state in 2017 was shut down in the
late 2017 due to environmental concerns. Hence, in this report, we have made the changes
in relation to the current statistics.



Currently, there are many rising challenges in Australian energy market that have a high
impact on the cost and dependability of the supply of energy. To address all these issues is
difficult; it needs combine act by the Australian government, regulatory authorities, and state
to offer the most suitable incentive in energy markets. The difficult interaction of government
and private businesses affect the energy supply to residential areas and businesses within the
country. The markets that are affected by these interactions are under the approach of
national co-operative between the governments and engage regulators of state, local and
district. The factors like condition of atmosphere and market, the supply of energy in each
state and international market’s exposure are affected the Australian energy markets (Pears,

In 2017, many problems have been addressed which were caused by the outdated policies of
energy. The gas industry is running with the help of Australian industry. The policy of climate
is urgent but suffering from controversies between the key policymakers. The export of fossil
fuel is at risk from the international pressure (Dears, 2017). The goal and objectives are
obvious: supply economical, reliable and provide energy services with low carbon to the
business area and households. How to deal and interpret these objectives is also a major
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problem. Some see opportunities while rest see risk in it. Investors are eager to protect their
powerful investments. In the meantime, different opponents are rising from many areas and
consumers shout for fairness, right, choice and justice.

2.0.1 The Critical Problem

The problems of energy in Australia is not caused by the processes of the free market but
dominant policies of energy accepted by the liberal parties and labor force. There are three
significant results achieved by the energy policies:

1. Elimination of usage of fossil fuels by increasing energies of wind and solar.

2. To reduce the emission of carbon dioxide power plants from coal-fired are closed.

3. In the New South Wales and South Australia, the expansion of natural gas is

The shutdown of electricity in South Australia that kept the whole area without electrical
energy for more than 28 hours was caused by too dependable on wind energy. The closing of
last power plant of coal-fired also affects the state. The report of 2014 submitted by the
operator of Australian energy market (that runs the energy market on a national level) and
Electranet (that runs the transmission grid of electricity on a national level) expected that if
policies of decarbonization continue than South Australia will suffer the blackout.

In spite of the considerable problem, the government of labor in South Australia still insists
to keep on the wind energy with the aim to supply 50 percent of the district’s electricity. The
state government is taking action because due to the shortage of natural gas industries are
closing their plants. Warning bells for the shortage of power have been ringing because many
power stations have been closed in Australia.

2.0.2 Liddell Power Plant

Regulators of Australian energy market predicts if the energy of AGL is not succeeded to
complete all the phases of its plan after the shutdown of Liddell power plant, the New South
Wales will need extra 900 megawatts of dispatchable generation capacity. AGL decided to
close the Liddell power plant in 2022 and change the coal plant with renewable, storage of
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battery and for peak period gas power will use. The alliance of Turnbull government and the
public wanted AGL to increase the Liddell operating life for at least 5 to 7 years.

Canberra request is refused by AGL and continue with their own plan. To replace the Liddell
power plant the additional capacity will come from Newcastle power plant (300 MW), site of
New South Wales, coal plant of Bays water (110 MW) and from renewable (1800 MW). Till
AGL successfully roll out all phases of its plan, the need for additional generation capacity in
NSW is required. After the closure of Liddell power station there is still a possibility of a
shortage of electricity, so AGL should be fully committed.

To decrease the risk of power shutdown, further 900 MW of dispatchable resources of power
will be added to the market of electricity by 2027-8. During the peak hours, to supply the
reliable electricity to the different region is only possible when additional dispatchable power
generation is added. The 1600 MW coal power plant, Hazelwood, Victoria’s has been closed
also. Removed 6% Australia’s base load and 25% Victoria’s. the development to supply the
natural gas to different parts of Australia is not possible with few coal power plants.



3.0.1 Clean Coal:

The term "Clean coal" indicates the extraction of carbon emissions by the process of burning
coals and the storing process which works under the earth. (australian atlas of mineral
resources, n.d.). Carbon captivation and capacity work, yet is costly to fabricate or to retrofit
onto old plants (Lenzen, 1998). We'd have to complete significantly more captivating and
storing it to have any kind of effect in engaging overall carbon outflows. There are different
disadvantages related to consuming coal, as well (Riedy & Diesendorf, 2003). Throughout
recent years, "clean coal" has been a political pipe dream. The thought coalour most
seasoned, dirtiest vitality sourcecould be reshaped in a way that gives us a chance to
continue utilizing it without doing as such much damage to the earth (Turner, 2001).
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The expression "clean coal" has been connected to numerous advancements, going from wet
scrubbers, which expel sulfur dioxide from the coal-created gas, to coal washing, which expels
soil and shakes from coal before it's sent to a production line. Speculatively, the term could
be connected to anything that makes coal plants more efficient, like modernization effect
(Van Dijk et al., 2001). Be that as it may, when individuals discuss clean coal nowadays, they're
normally looking at something many refer to as carbon captivation and capacity (Turner,

3.0.2 Black Coal:

The black coal is called black considering its dark shading. It fluctuates from having a brilliant,
sparkling gloss to being exceptionally dull and from being moderately difficult to delicate. It
has higher vitality and lowers dampness content than dark colored coal (Bird, Haynes, &
McAneney, 2014). Well known eras of are Permian age (around 250 million years of age),
however, bring down rank, more youthful stores of Triassic, Jurassic and Cretaceous ages are
likewise imperative (Clifton & Boruff, 2010). Permian dark coal from New South Wales and
Queensland is sent out in huge amounts to Japan, Europe, South-East Asia, and the Americas
(Lenzen & Murrary, 2001). The real utilization of the black coal is for creating power in control
stations, where it is thumped and consumed to warm steam-producing boilers. Coal utilized
for this procedure is called steaming coal. In 2008 77% of the power created in Australia was
delivered by coal let go control stations (incorporates the black and the browner coals) (Bird
et al., 2014).

A few kinds of black coals are reasonable for coke-production. These coals are called coking
coal and when warmed without air create gases and coke. Coke is a permeable strong made
chiefly out of carbon and powder. Great quality coke is hard, has a high squashing quality, and
is essentially utilized as a part of impact heaters that deliver press (Van Dijk et al., 2001).
Numerous natural chemicals, including tars and feed stocks for influencing different plastics,
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to can be set up from the side-effects of coke and gas generation. Some coal is utilized
principally to get these items (Lenzen, 1998).



A great part of the vitality traded from Australia is utilized for creating power abroad; three-
fold the amount of warm dark coal is sent out as is utilized as a part of Australia, and all the
uranium generation is traded (Lenzen & Murrary, 2001).

Australia additionally trades a lot of resources in the form of mineral items. the exports for
the aluminum metal, alone implant costs approximately 27 TWh of power for every year,
which is around 11% of the nation's aggregate gross creation and that's a huge amount that's
Australia producing (Riedy & Diesendorf, 2003). In the year 2015 around 34 TWh was utilized
as a part of non-ferrous metals (aluminum smelter generation represents the majority of this),
half of the business aggregate of 77 TWh. (australian atlas of mineral resources, n.d.)

Most of the development in esteem including producing in the previous 20 years have
originated from enterprises which are vitality and especially power escalated. The
development has happened in Australia because of generally low power costs combined with
a high unwavering quality of supply and the closeness of common assets, for example,
bauxite/alumina (Wilkinson, 2011). Australia is an individual from the Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) aggregate which elevate approaches to
enhance the monetary and social prosperity of individuals around the globe. (australian atlas
of mineral resources, n.d.)Australia is one of just three net hydrocarbons sending out
countries in the (OECD) and is the biggest exporter of the coal supplies. Australia additionally
sends out flammable gas, however, is a net shipper of oil (Lenzen & Murrary, 2001).

Australia is supplying vitality assets both universally and locally as it has vast assets in coal,
URANIUM and flammable gas. The OIL, GAS AND ENERGY ventures are real supporters of the
Australian economy. The KPMG Eco and tech expressed that "the oil business initiated $6.2
billion for every annum to the GDP. This is 66% the commitment of the materials, apparel and
footwear enterprises and double the ranger service and angling businesses.
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Australia is known to be the largest investor in the oil, gas and vitality businesses and with
proceeded with populace development and the consistently expanding requirement for
vitality, future monetary development is a distinct. Not all regions of the nation have been
completely investigated or misused for oil and gas holds. Australia has a solid development
potential in extending creations and expanding exportations (Bird et al., 2014).

Outside ventures contribute fundamentally to the financial development of Australia. Its
protected, steady and honest political and administrative arrangements and techniques make
Australia an appealing speculation opportunity. COAL SEAM GAS alone has gotten $31 billion
in speculations inside four months of creation in the year 2010 while different nations have
needed to sit tight years for financial specialists to contribute towards ventures (Riedy &
Diesendorf, 2003).



Although Australia has significant stores of uranium and is known to be one of the world's
principal exporters of the mineral, it doesn't itself misuse atomic power (Van Dijk et al., 2001).
This is regardless of the nation having a stable political and financial condition
notwithstanding generally stable topography, a vital factor as for the area of atomic power
stations and for putting away radioactive waste (Lenzen, 1998). Some unmistakable
Australian earthy people have pushed the utilization of atomic vitality as a low-carbon
contrasting option to consuming non-renewable energy sources, and a few nations
especially China and India as mentioned in the (IAEA, 2011a) are extending their atomic
enterprises with 65 atomic power reactors under development around the world (IAEA,
2011b) (Lenzen & Murrary, 2001). In Australia, in any case, the tenor of the verbal
confrontation about the likelihood of utilizing atomic power stays quieted. (Wilkinson,
2011.)Of the two noteworthy political gatherings, Labour’s longstanding approach is to
restrict its improvement, while on the other side the Liberal Party has for the most part upheld
the idea (Riedy & Diesendorf, 2003).
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