
Significant Features of Australia’s Climates


Added on  2022-09-01

3 Pages685 Words15 Views
Australia’s climate
Australia continent has varied climates that changes with latitude this includes; tropical north
that is attributed to monsoon that have dry winter and wet summers, arid interior that is attributed
to dropping of high pressure cell and south having Mediterranean climate with wet winters and
dry summers. The Australia climate would also be affected by altitude where the temperatures on
top of mountains would become cooler as the height increases, such as Snowy Mountains at
approximate rate of 6.50C for every 1, 000 meters.
The significant features of Australia’s climates zones would comprise of;
Warm humid
Warm humid would comprise of hot – wet zones and this would be found in regions of
tropical north of Australia’s continent.
Hot arid
Hot arid would comprise of hot – dry zones and this would be found in regions of west coast
and Centre of Australia’s continent.
Temperature would comprise of rainfall and moderate temperature zones and this would be
found in regions of eastern and southern coast of Australia’s continent.
Mediterranean would comprise of wet winters and dry summers zones and this would be
found in regions of southern parts of South Australia and southern parts of West Australia
The diverse Australia climate zone would be caused by the following factors;
Australia’ west coast cold ocean currents
Australian continent flatness
Supremacy of a system of high pressure
The shape of Australian continent
Significant Features of Australia’s Climates_1

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