2 AUTISM EMOTIONS Autism is a serious developmental disorder characterized by difficulties in communication and social interactions and by repetitive or restricted patterns of behavior and thought(Uljarevic & Hamilton, 2018). People with autism emotions have various symptoms that begin since their childhood. Scientific research shows kids with that autism emotions begin to display the symptoms as early as when they are only 12 months old, making 2-3 years of age as the period of diagnosis. The symptoms displayed by people with autism emotions are classified into three classes which include behavioral, communication and socialization. People with autism emotions find it hard to socialize with others as they don’t understand the nonverbal cues, reactions, and feelings of others. On the other hand, other people don’t understand the feelings, nonverbal cues and reactions of people with autism emotions, which makes it hard for them to socialize(Uljarevic & Hamilton, 2018). The communication skills of people with autism are very poor which makes them poor in communication. The people with autism are rigid, and obsessive in their interests, behaviors, and activities(Uljarevic & Hamilton, 2018). Diagnosing autism emotional disorder involves a complex process. Early intervention can help a person with autism emotions improve his/her life. The basic truth is that autism doesn’t have a known cure(Uljarevic & Hamilton, 2018). The inconsistency that every autism victim has makes it hard to target a specific cure for effective treatment. Though, some behavioral and physical therapies are offered to the emotional autism victims to enable them to manage their situation. Applied behavioral analysis is also another way that can be used in treating people with autism. There are also medications such asAntipsychotics, Anticonvulsants, Stimulants, and Antidepressants which can be used in controlling other conditions that may be catalyzed by autism(Uljarevic & Hamilton, 2018).
3 AUTISM EMOTIONS References Uljarevic, M., & Hamilton, A. (2018). Recognition of Emotions in Autism: A Formal Meta- Analysis.Journal Of Autism And Developmental Disorders,43(7), 1517-1526. doi: 10.1007/s10803-012-1695-5