1COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING Introduction Individuals residing in rural areas encounter a range of socioeconomic issues unique and diverse from those faced by affluent and privileged urban communities (Krometis et al., 2017). The following paper will thus briefly highlight the key barriers faced by rural patients and nursing interventions to mitigate the same. Discussion Barriers to Healthcare One of the key barriers impacting communities resign in rural areas is lack of healthcare accessibility and affordability. Individuals from rural areas are likely to live in remote localities which are too far from or not covered by the nearest healthcare center. The financial and time constraints encountered in order to access clinics and hospitals, in turn deter individuals from rural areas to engage in regular healthcare treatments, screening or follow ups (Krometis et al., 2017). Additionally, the remote nature of rural regions further pave the way for reduced influx of healthcare professionals working in those areas since it is perceived that these regions do not have the potential to become lucrative prospects. The lack of sufficient employment ventures in turn, contribute to poor income and inability of rural communities to afford healthcare services (Keiffer, Loomis & Goyal, 2020). Intervention The community nurse, in addition to engaging in family centered and evidence based nursing practice, are also obliged to advocate for patient communities. Thus, to address these
2COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING barriers,thecommunitynursecanadvocateforruralregionsandrequestgovernmental organizations to provide greater funding in establishing increased healthcare centers in the region (Krometis et al., 2017). The community nurse can also advocate and request educational institutes to in turn educate and encourage students to engage in professional practice in socioeconomically deprived regions. Lastly the community nurse can also educate rural patients on cost effective self-management healthcare strategies via virtual telehealth strategies so as to increase empowerment and reduce their need to engage in expensive or unfeasible medical treatments (Keiffer, Loomis & Goyal, 2020). Conclusion Thus, it can be observed that rural communities face difficulties in terms of healthcare accessibility and affordability. To conclude, nursing advocacy coupled with increasing health promotion and healthcare education, can assist in minimizing the impact of such barriers.
3COMMUNITY HEALTH NURSING References Keiffer, M., Loomis, J., & Goyal, D. (2020). Nurse Practitioner Student Clinical Placements: A Rural Community Immersion.The Journal for Nurse Practitioners,16(1), e1-e4. Krometis, L. A., Gohlke, J., Kolivras, K., Satterwhite, E., Marmagas, S. W., & Marr, L. C. (2017). Environmental health disparities in the central Appalachian region of the United States.Reviews on environmental health,32(3), 253-266.