Systematic Reviews and Studies Analysis
Added on 2020-07-23
16 Pages4132 Words142 Views
Based on the way of delivering What arethe types of educational programs/ toolsthat support adults with type two diabetesmanage their glucose level?
Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................3Aim for the research.........................................................................................................................4Objectives of the research................................................................................................................4Background of the research ............................................................................................................5Importance of managing glucose level for diabetes type 2 patients............................................5Importance of organizing educational programs / tools for diabetes type 2 patients..................6Analysis of various educational programs / tools for diabetes type 2 patients............................8RESEARCH METHODOLOGY.....................................................................................................8Search strategy.............................................................................................................................9Inclusion criteria..........................................................................................................................9Exclusion criteria.......................................................................................................................10Search results.............................................................................................................................10Quality Appraisal of Studies..........................................................................................................11REFERENCES..............................................................................................................................14
Topic: Based on the way of delivering What are the types of educational programs/ tools that support adults with type two diabetesmanage their glucose level?INTRODUCTIONDiabetes is the metabolic disorder in which glucose level build up in human being. But in such condition hormone insulinassist to manage sugar level in the body. Bit type of diabetes is the disorder in which cell fail to respond to insulin (Bellei,2018). There are many adults those who suffer from type two diabetes. It takes place in the persons mostly those who areoverweight or physically inactive. Symptoms of diabetes are such as increase thirst, feeling tired, blurred vision, unexplained weightloss etc. Statistical records show that number of cases of type two diabetes is high in many countries. Every year diagnoses patientsand people those who are taking treatment are increasing (Group Education in Diabetes: Effectiveness and Implementation, 2003).Pancreas is responsible to make insulin in the body and cells convert glucose into energy. But the persons those who are sufferingfrom type 2 diabetes make insulin but their body cells fails to perform their work effectively thus, level of sugar gets increased inhuman body. There are various causes of occurring type of diabetes. These are such as genetic, overweight, metabolic syndrome, poorfunctioning of cells, broken beta cells etc. All these are major causes that develops diabetes in people (Childers, and, 2018). It isscientifically fact that DNA affect cell function, if parents of the person have this issue then there are high chances that child getsuffered from the same problem. Most of adults do not involve in physical exercise thus, they may suffer from diabetes. Considering the statistics of Australia, diabetes is an epidemic and it is the biggest challenge that the Australian health careassociation is facing, in order to control the same. There are around 280 Australians who are diagnosed with diabetes every day. It isequal to one individual being diagnosed diabetic in every 5 minutes. Around 1.7 million of Australians in total suffers from diabetes.However, there are up to 500,000 people who are left undiagnosed due to their no visit to the hospital (Lu and It is very important that adults manage their glucose level by own. There are various types of educational programs that canassist in making people aware with the ways of managing glucose level. Face to face interview is considered as effective way (Gélinasand 2018). In this medical professional can make them aware with the causes of problems and how this can be managed
properly. In face to face discussion practitioners can get information about how much individual, have knowledge about their medicalillness so that knowledge can be deliver accordingly (Bellei and,2018). Furthermore, group education is another bet way ofdelivering education to type two diabetes patients so that they can manage their glucose level by own. In the group educationalprograms health care professionals organize camps or programs where mass people are involved. They all get same information.Telehealth is another way of delivering knowledge to the patients so that they can take care of their health and can live a healthy life(Childers, and, 2018). One of the major reason of conducting this research is that number of diabetes patients are increasing in the nation thus, it isessential to make them aware with causes and prevention methods so that they can take care of themselves and can live a healthy life.This study will review literatures on type two diabetes, its causes and effective way of delivering education to patients so that they canmanage their glucose level easily. It will shed light on educational programs / tools that support adults with type two diabetes in orderto manage their glucose level.Aim for the researchIt is important to have an effective aim based on which the dissertation that be prepared in effective manner. Hence, the aim forpresent research is: -“To analyse various educational programs / tools that support adults with type two diabetes in order to manage theirglucose level”Objectives of the researchBased on the above aim, following objectives can be formulated,To ascertain the importance of managing glucose level for diabetes type 2 patientsTo assess the importance of educational programs / tools for diabetes type 2 patients.To analyse various educational programs / tools that support adults with type two diabetes in order to manage their glucose level
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