
Behavior in Organizations OBM260 Case Study


Added on  2021-06-08

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BEHAVIOR IN ORGANIZATIONS OBM260 INDIVIDUAL CASE STUDY CASE STUDY (1) PREPARED FOR: MADAM NOORSURAYA BINTI MOHD MOKHTAR PREPARED BY: MUNIFAH BINTI PAZAMI2018219844BA118 4CFaculty Business and Management Diploma in Office Management and Technology Universiti Teknologi MARA Pahang Branch Jengka Campus SUBMISSION DATE: 3 JULY 2020
Behavior in Organizations OBM260 Case Study_1

ACKNOWLEDGEMENT Bismillahirrahmanirrahim. Alhamdullilah, I am most grateful to Allah S.W.T for the completion of this Case Study as one of the requirements that need to be accomplish in the course work assessment for the code OBM 260 which is Behaviour in Organizations. In this case, I would like to wish a very deepest gratitude to my lecturer which is Madam Noorsuraya Bt Mohd Mokhtar and her kindness in helping me during the process of completion of this case study. She has given a good service by teaching and providing useful information to us even through by the online session because of Movement Control Order (MCO). Without madam, I would not be able to complete my case study. I also encountered with many problems when complete this case study report, but my lecturer helps a lot, alhamdullilah finally I can solve the problem and lump sum can finish this course work smooth and easily. Through this problem, I manage to become more organize and mature in dealing with problems that occur during my research. This case study covers Topic 6 which is Power and Influence in the Workplace. This case study is help me to identify what types sources of power, the influence tactic used by their superior when in organization and organizational politics that happen in organization. Last but not least, I am really hoping that all efforts and results to complete this case study report can satisfy my lecture. Thank you.
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1 SYNOPSIS OF THE CASE STUDY This case study tells of a man who co-founded Apple since 1976, Steve Jobs. It is about the fall and rise he and Apple in 1985 where he resigned and came back to the company in 1997 bringing the company back from the brink of failure. In October 2011, Steve Jobs passed away but he was able to collect his wealth at the time of his death and made it into the most profitable company in the world. He has helped in many industries throughout his journeythat included music, personal computing, retail stores, phones, and digital publishing. In the case study shown the characteristics of Steve Jobs towards the organization and employees. Power is capacity of person, team or organization to influence others. In this case study, Steve Jobs has applied and draws types sources of power in the organization such as legitimate power, reward power, expert power and coercive power.Besides that, influence is any behavior in attempt to alter someone’s attitude or behavior. Steve Jobs shown that he used influence tactics in the organization to influence his employees which is persuasion and assertiveness. Influence tactics that have been used by Jobs towards his members or employees is because in order to help survive the company. Organizational politics is behavior that others perceive as self-serving tactics at the expense of other people and possible the organization. Condition supporting that encourage organizational politics that used by Jobs is scarce resources.
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2 QUESTION 1 Identify and explain 4 sources of power used by Jobs in the case study. First is legitimate power because usually this power based on the position or formal authority. Jobs is CEO of Apple, he enjoys unquestioned legitimate power and since he is the one who control the company, so the employees will accept what the Jobs instructions as their superiors. For example, on the case study Jobs sets the deadline to his employees and they comply even they think the deadlines were overly ambitious. Second is reward power. Reward power is derived from the person’s ability to control the allocation of rewards valued by others. For examples, Jobs gave the company maximum of $250,000 in seed money and gave 30% stake in the company to management team and employees also 10% of the company to CEO if the employees could able to convince Jobs of that their idea were viable. Third is expert power is originating from within the person and it is an individual to influence others by possessing knowledge or skills valued by others. Usually someone who did not expert in certain part of management or department they will get someone who really expert on that thing to advise them. For instance, because of Jobs personal characteristics and his knowledge in organization, people in another big company also ask for his advice and from Jobs ability he know what customer want even before they can articulate it. Lastly is coercive power being the ability to apply discipline, punish and withhold rewards and it have short term benefit which follower and peer feel pressure through the form of coercive power. For instances, Jobs known as who use coercive by yelling to employees and threat to fired them. When John Wiley & Sons Inc. published and unauthorized biography of Jobs, the response was to prohibit sales of all books from that publisher in any Apple retail store (Hafner, 2005).
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