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Benefits of Working in Teams for Organizational Behaviour - Desklib


Added on  2023/06/05

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This report discusses the impact of motivation on the performance and behavior of the workforce in Sainsbury plc. It also analyzes the benefits of working in teams, how a leader can help achieve goals, and critical reflection on the value and relevance of group development theories. The report also covers the influence of organizational culture, politics, and power on behavior in the workplace.

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Table of Contents
MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................3
Analysing the benefits of working in teams ...............................................................................3
Benefits of working in a team as a leader and a member towards specific goals........................4
Critical analysis of group development theories in order to present the effectiveness of team
work in achieving the goals.........................................................................................................5
Tuckman' s Team Development Theory .....................................................................................5
Belbien Team roles......................................................................................................................6
Examining how effective team relates to models of organizational behaviour ..........................7
Conclusion of analysis of critical reflection on the value and relevance ....................................7
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The organizational behaviour can be defined as the way or manner in which the
employees of an enterprise communicate with each other inside the organization. The behaviour
of the workforce of an enterprise depicts the behaviour of the company in the market and is also
representative of the performance of the organization (Morin, McLarnon, and Litalien, 2020).
The present report is based on the study of Sainsbury plc which is situated in Drury Lane,
London, United Kingdom. The founder of the company was John James Sainsbury in the year
1869. The current project aims to determine impact of motivation on the performance and
behaviour of the workforce. It also aims to investigate the benefits associated working in teams
in an enterprise and identify how a leader can help a company in achieving the goals and
objectives. It will also include a brief discussion of the theories of group development and state
how it is useful for a company in the attainment for their goals.
The influence of organisational culture and the motivation on the behaviours as well as the
performance of organisation-
Organisational culture can be defined as the term which involves behaving in the proper
manner within the organisation. The culture comprised of the shared beliefs and the values which
are established and created by the leaders as well as these are then communicated among the
employees through various types of the methods which will help them shaping the behaviours of
the employees in the organisation. And on the other hand, the motivation refers to as the process
which stimulates the hard work and the efforts of the employees for accomplishing the goals of
the organisation.
It has been identified that organisational culture as well as the motivation both of these
largely affects the behaviour and the overall performance of the organisation. Organisational
culture helps the companies to improve the working environment which enhances the employees
to work dedicatedly within the organisation (Tran, 2020.). This involves improving the learning
of the employees, highly influences the communication skills as well as improves the overall
values of the organisation. Organisational culture basically defines the proper way of behaving
within the organisation so this ultimately shapes the behaviour of the employees there
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perceptions and understanding. The strong culture within the organisation is considered as one of
the key aspects for reducing the job stress as well as improving the ethical behaviour of the
individuals within the organisation. The company must ensure to build the powerful and positive
culture as this highly impacts the sales, profits as well as improves the morale of the employees.
Motivation is also considered as one of the driven force for boosting of the quality work
as well as this ultimately improves the performance of the overall organisation. The Sainsbury
organisation must keep in mind to keep their employees motivated and inspired as through this,
the productivity of the employees will be improved (Akanji and, 2019). The organisation
must understand the need for motivating the employees as this has very high level of influence
on the overall performance of the business. Employee motivation is another important aspect for
the success of the organisation as motivating the employees takes the organisation to the upward
direction and helps them in achieving the heights. It is true to the fact that the employees which
stays motivated are considered as more productive and through this, the companies are able to
improve the the quality and the productivity within the workplace. Motivating the employees
helps the companies to bring large number of the profits as this enables the companies to take
many number of the initiatives for growing their business.
The company which is keeping their employees motivated also impacts the behaviour of
the employees as through this the employees feel valued and they gives more hard work and
efforts for achieving the goals of the organisation. This ultimately improves the overall work life
quality of the employees as nowadays, the employees are highly interested in having the good
and balanced working life.
Organisational culture and motivational theories influencing the behaviour and performance of
the organisation-
There are various organisational culture theories which highly affects the overall
performance and the behaviour of the individuals within the organisation. These organisational
culture theories is comprised of the system of the shared assumptions, beliefs as well as the
values which governs the behaviour of the employees within the organisation. The overall
culture of the organisation is highly determined by the values which are placed on some set of
the characteristics like attention to detail and many more (Al-Musadieq and, 2018).
Each and every organisation is having some of the values as well as they also follows
certain policies and guidelines which makes the difference among the other organisations.

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According to the Charles Handy model of the organisational culture, there are basically four
types of the culture which the organisation must follow are such as-
Power: There are various number of the organisation in which the power remains in the hands of
few of the people as they are authorised for taking the decisions. These people enjoys the special
privileges within the organisation. The managers within this type of the culture are much partial
to someone and this leads to the negative working environment within the companies. IN this
type of the culture, the employees do not have the liberty for sharing the ideas and has to follow
the instructions of the superiors.
Task Culture: In this, the organisations forms the teams for achieving the targets as well as the
goals for solving the critical problems or the issues for following the task culture. In such
organisation, each and every team members has to effectively contribute for accomplishing the
organisational tasks.
Person Culture: There are organisations which follows this culture in which the employees feel
that they are much important as compared to their organisation. This type of the organisational
culture involves concerning more about the self rather than the overall organisation.
Role culture: In the role culture, the employees are delegated to the roles and the responsibilities
according to their specialisation, educational qualification as well as their own interest for taking
out the best fit of the individual.
The Sainsbury company must involve the role culture as this will help them in creating
the working environment which is highly benefited for the overall organisation. This will
ultimately improve the performance of the employees by effectively meeting the goals.
Motivational theories are basically the study which involves understanding of what are the
factors which enforces and drives the individual towards the specific goal.
The Sainsbury company using the Maslow's Need of Hierarchy theory will be able to motivate
the employees such as-
Physiological Needs: These are the basic needs such as food, shelter, clothing, air and many
more. These are to be met first as this only satisfies the human being.
Safety Needs: Meeting of the safety and security needs requires more money which prompts the
individual to work more. This become inactive after being satisfied (Mulang, 2021).
Social needs: The individual highly prefers to work in the groups for creating the social
interactions within the organisation.
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Esteem needs: These needs are associated with the self respect such as self confidence.
Achievement, competence and many more. The company has to fulfil these needs as inability of
fulfilling this needs leads to inferiority, weaknesses and many more negative results.
Self actualisation needs: This is the individual's motivation for transforming the perception into
the actions or the reality. This means becoming more actualised in what the individual is
potentially good at.
Culture, politics and power influencing the behaviour at workplace-
These three of the elements are considered as key driving factors which highly influences
the behaviour of the employees within the workplace. Sainsbury company is one of the leading
company at the international level so this will also have internal impacts of these three elements
on the employees behaviour as-
Culture: Culture is considered as character as well as the overall personality of the organisation.
This makes the business different and unique from other companies as well as it is comprised of
the traditions, beliefs, behaviours as well as the attitudes (Odor, 2018.). The Sainsbury company
is having the positive working environment which attracts the large number of the talents
towards the company as well as highly impacts the happiness and the satisfaction of the
employees. The organisational culture plays the significant role in the team development as
through this they can include the diverse employees, ideas as well as the experiences.
Politics: The organisation politics is having very high level of the negative impacts on both that
is on the employees as well as on the overall organisational performance. These effects are such
as employee perceptions for the job satisfaction, commitment of organisation as well as the
overall productivity of the organisation is affected by the politics. Sainsbury company is also
affecting by the politics on the overall organisational performance. The number of the conflict
gets increased within the subordinates with the superiors or maybe with the employees. The
negative environment is created within the organisation due to the political behaviour within the
Power: Power is considered as one of the important aspect for the organisational behaviour as it
is highly responsible for making sure about the employee commitment as well as the compliance
within the organisation. Sainsbury is enabled to avoid the resistance among the employees by
ensuring the harmony within the overall organisation as this leads to the increase the productivity
of the employees. Power basically dictates the complete structure of the personal as well as of
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the professional relationships (Ferris and, 2018). This aspect sometimes shows the negative
affects on the emotions. When the company has the lack of power, this highly affects the
emotions of the others particularly while living within the same of the physical area.
By applying the motivational theories as well as the organisational culture theories, the
Sainsbury company will be able to improve its overall performance of the organisation.
Analysing the benefits of working in teams
It has been identified that there are several advantages associated with working in teams
in an organization. When the employees of an enterprise are asked to work within the teams in
the company, it helps them in developing a range of skills within themselves which includes
collaborating, problem solving, decision making and many more. It also allows the employees to
gain experience from others and enhance their knowledge by implementing the same. Similarly,
it would be great for the Sainsbury to implement the use of team building in the enterprise. This
will help the company in encouraging the employees to work hard for the attainment of the
organizational goals by collaborating the efforts made by each and every individual within the
company (Demir, 2019). It has been investigated that the team working helps the company in
easily solving the challenges and problems faced by a company in the market. When the
employees work in the teams, it provides them with an opportunity to listen to the views,
perceptions of the employees and allow them to introspect them in order to figure out the best
solution possible.
The implementation of the team development in the premises of the Sainsbury will help
them in enhanced personal growth of each individual working in the company. This can be
achieved as it allows an individual to share information with each other, allow them to grow by
learning new things, methods, and techniques of carrying out a particular task and then using the
same as a tool to enhance their own knowledge and working of the employees. A group consists
of different individuals which have different personalities, mind-sets, methods and techniques of
working, knowledge and skills. When the workforce carries out the activities in teams, it helps
them in gaining the experiences, knowledge and skills from each other. This, in turn, helps them
in growing and helps them in making effective decisions for the company that have the audacity
to help the enterprise in attainment of the organizational goals (Black, and 2019).

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Benefits of working in a team as a leader and a member towards specific goals
Each and every role within a company has its own set of advantages and disadvantages.
As a leader, it is the responsibility of the leader to take care of the needs, wants and preferences
of each and every member of the team. The leader should provide the team member with a
positive environment when the members of the team can easily interact and communicate with
each other without feeling any kind of hesitation. The team leader needs to ensure that the team
member are get along nicely and easily working together in order to carry out the organizational
activities (Wagner, and Hollenbeck, 2020). It has been observed that the not every member of
the team has the same nature. Some are introverts and some are extroverts, few will be highly
skilled while a number of them will lacking in certain qualities. Since all of the employees are so
different from each other, there are times when there is a conflict in the views of the members
and it gets difficult fir them to work together by ignoring the differences. In such circumstances,
it is the responsibility of the team leader to make the members understand about the differences
and help them to encourage themselves just for the sake of their organization and their personal
On the contrary, the members of the team are responsible for working on themselves,
enhancing their skills and knowledge in order to help the company in increasing their
profitability and growth. Also, the team member also needs to understand the fact that working
together is not easy as it involves different personalities within a group but it is still necessary for
them and for the benefit of the company.
Critical analysis of group development theories in order to present the effectiveness of team
work in achieving the goals
The team development theories have been found helpful in different organizations in
achieving their organizational goals and objectives. Therefore, the Sa8insbury's should also
implement the stated theories in their organization for the purpose of achieving the goals of the
Tuckman' s Team Development Theory
Team working is not an easy job, it takes for people working in a team to understand each
other and collaborate their efforts in order to achieve the goals of the company. In order to guide
the employees with respect to the team development, the 5 stages of Tuckman's team
development theory is explained below:
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The first stage of this theory refers to the forming. In this stage, the team is introduced
with each and every member of the team. Here the company tries to understand and identify the
skills, backgrounds and interests of the members of the team (Bednár, and Ljudvigová, 2020).
The rules and regulations associated with the team are formed in this particular stage and the
team members are informed with their duties and responsibilities.
In this stage, the team members have already understood the natures and personalities of
their colleagues and now they are starting to find a way to carry out the assigned roles by
effectively communicating with each other provide the company with the best possible solution.
This is considered as the third phase of the theory in which the team members are asked
by their leads to give their best shot in order to help the company in achieving great height.
Sometimes, members do have conflicting views . This might lead to increase in the completion
time of the project (Richter, Veerabhatla, and Zasiekina, 2021).
This stage needs its employees to be working effectively and efficiently in order to help
them in achieving the goals and organizations of the company. Here, the team member are well
aware of the strengths and weaknesses of the members of the team and carry out the tasks
This is the last stage of this theory which states the completion of a project and the team
members of the team are share their experiences among the team members and help them in
improving their performance further.
Belbien Team roles
According to the Belbien Team Roles, an organization must consider the stated roles
while forming a team within the company. They are as follows:
Resource investigator : In order to carry out any activity, it is essential for the team to identify
the ideas and source the required resources for the same.
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Team worker : An individual who has the qualities to make the employees and the colleagues
easily get along with each in order to present the enhanced outcomes (Lynch, Lynch, and
Clemens, 2019).
Coordinator : An individual that has the abilities to coordinate the efforts of the team members
and helps them in the attainment of the goals.
Plant: In order to solve the problems that are faced by the individuals, it is necessary for the
team leader to involve a person in the team that is highly innovative and creative.
Monitor evaluator : An effective team must have a member that thinks logically before making
any important decision in order to avoid future problems.
Specialist : A person who is specialised in a particular field can help the company and the team
in effectively improving the expected results.
Shaper: Helps in focusing towards the set targets of the company.
Implementer : Helps in planning the strategies and implementing the same in order to bring and
deliver effective results.
Complete finisher : It is that individual of the group that ensures that the assigned work and
responsibilities have been achieved and fulfilled.
Examining how effective team relates to models of organizational behaviour
The different model that relates with the effective team have been explained below:
Supportive model
A supportive model of organizational behaviour can be defined as a theory that helps the
employees of an organization which are in a high authoritarian position and have good hold over
the company in providing a supportive environment to the existing workforce and the lower level
employees of the company (Romanova, 2018). When an organization takes care of the needs and
wants of the workforce, it allows them to increase the employee engagement with the
organization and help the company in achieving their goals and objectives that they have
decided. The supportive model of OB aims to provide the workforce with a supportive and
growing environment where the workforce has the opportunity to communicate with each other
about their needs and also helps them in formulating strategies from which they can easily attain
the targets.
Custodial model of organizational behaviour

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The custodial model refers to a theory in which the senior level management of a
company aims to provide its workforce and the lower level management of the company with
different sorts of financial securities. Here, the management of the plans to provide the
employees with benefits such as incentives, bonus, increment in the salary as a gesture of
appreciation for the efforts made by the employees in the company. This help the company in
encouraging the workforce to enhance their performance by working on their existing skill set
and help the company in achieving the goals and objectives of the company.
Conclusion of analysis of critical reflection on the value and relevance
As a part of Sainsbury organization, I got the opportunity to work within different
departments of the company and experience their roles and responsibilities associated with the
company. While working with the company, I realised the importance of team working as there
were certain department in which the work was carried out in teams and on the contrary, in some
departments, the work was carried by the employees on the individual basis (Serenhov, and
Kaldera Hollu Pathiranage, 2021). There was a difference in the results received from the from
the both the department. The efficiency and the effectiveness of the results received from the
team working were much higher as compared to the department where the individual do not
work in teams. Therefore, in my opinion, it can be stated that team working can help the
companies in increasing the employee engagement with the company and help them in
enhancing their output and profitability associated with the same.
From the above report, it can be concluded that team working is a boon for the
organizations as well as the employees of the company. Working collaboratively can help the
enterprise in increasing their efficiency, help them in developing and improving their existing
skills within the company and learn from the experiences and mistakes of the other team
members of the company. The present report discusses about the importance of the motivation,
leadership and the use of team working in the company. It includes a set of advantges associated
with the same and presents why team team is beneficial for the company and how it can help the
company in increasing their profitability.
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Books and journals
Morin, A.J., McLarnon, M.J. and Litalien, D., 2020. Mixture modeling for organizational
behavior research. In Handbook on the temporal dynamics of organizational
behavior (pp. 351-379). Edward Elgar Publishing.
Demir, O., 2019. Digital skills, organizational behavior and transformation of human resources: a
review. Ecoforum Journal, 8(1).
Wagner, J.A. and Hollenbeck, J.R., 2020. Organizational behavior: Securing competitive
advantage. Routledge.
Bednár, R. and Ljudvigová, I., 2020. Belbin team roles in a start-up team. In SHS Web of
Conferences (Vol. 83, p. 01002). EDP Sciences.
Lynch, D.S., Lynch, M.J. and Clemens, C.M., 2019. Belbin team roles. In The handbook of
communication training: a best practices framework for assessing and developing
competence. Routledge.
Romanova, A., 2018. Personal Belbin types and MBTI preferences combination in group work
assuring success.
Serenhov, O. and Kaldera Hollu Pathiranage, P.P., 2021. Team Development in Global Virtual
Teams: Application of Tuckman’s Team Development model.
Richter, U.M., Veerabhatla, S. and Zasiekina, L., 2021. Managing and facilitating student
learning in teams in higher education. In Cases on Active Blended Learning in Higher
Education (pp. 149-171). IGI Global.
Black, S., and 2019. Team Development Over Time. Organizational Behavior.
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