
(PDF) Vaccination benefits, risks and safety


Added on  2021-04-21

8 Pages2359 Words30 Views
Disease and Disorders
Running head: RISKS WITH VACCINATIONRISKS WITH VACCINATIONName of the student:Name of the University:Author note:
(PDF) Vaccination benefits, risks and safety_1

RISKS WITH VACCINATION1Introduction:This assignment mainly deals with the case scenario regarding immunisation. Vaccinesare antigens or the weakened version of viruses that are injected in the body to fight against aparticular disease (Knight-Jones, & Rushton, 2013). The feeble viruses that are contained in avaccine look alike the original virus however, does not produce any signs of that particulardisease (Atkins et al., 2013). It only stimulates the production of antibodies in the body andincrease the immune system. Vaccination has become one of the best method to fight againstcertain germs like the small pox, Hepatitis B, measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) and so on(Grabenstein, 2013). These vaccines are given to the children on a regular basis. Due to vaccinesa number of childhood disease have become rare today. Some of the risks that exists in the use ofthese boosters has been outweighed by the various advantages that it has. However, parents aremuch concerned about the little side effects that these doses have. The following paragraphs willprovide a brief insight to the positive effects of vaccination along with evidences from scientificresearch carried out by various medical organizations and explain the strategies forcommunicating to the concerned parents.Body: Parents are raising questions on the relationship between autism and vaccines. They areconcerned about the general safety and risks of using the boosters. Parents are assuming that alarge number of vaccines are being used to increase the immune system and worried about theMMR vaccine in particular because it consists a preservative thimerosal. However, certainstudies proves vaccine safety. I as a nurse can cite a number of examples that will prove vaccinesafety. Institute of Medicine (IOM) performed almost 60 studies on vaccine safety, whichshowed that there is no such alarming issues regarding the safety of these boosters in addition
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RISKS WITH VACCINATION2they are associated with decreasing the vaccine-preventable diseases. Parents complain regardingthe recommended vaccine schedule being crowded. Therefore, IOM surveyed the vaccineproviders and researchers to gain information on the dose routine. They found that no suchserious issues exists with immunizing children frequently. Furthermore, they studied around1000 children who were born between 1993 and 1997. The effects were studied after 7 to 10years on 42 different neuropsychological outcomes (Iqbal et al., 2013). They found that theperformance of the children who were vaccinated on a regular basis performed better than thechildren who were less vaccinated. Another research was carried out in Northern California on the effects of vaccination on77 babies born with metabolism disorders and 1540 infants with no metabolism errors (Sanderset al., 2013). Research revealed that there was no connection between vaccination andmetabolism disorders. They said that on-time receipt of vaccine does not adversely affects theinfant with inborn errors. Reassurance was given to the parents that vaccination and metabolismdisorders has no association between them. They performed a detailed study on 715,484 childrenbetween 2 to 3 years of age to determine the effects of combined inoculation (Sherman,Anderson, Dal Pan, Gray, Gross, Hunter, & Shuren, 2016). They injected the MMRV (acombination of the MMR and Varicella vaccine) to some children and a dose of MMR alongwith Varicella dose separately. It was observed that the after effects of the booster like fevers andseizures were more in children who received the MMRV dose than those who received the MMRand Varicella dose separately. However, the effects were not so serious. Therefore, theresearchers assured that combined doses does not affects the children largely. A number ofparents argued for the negative effects of thimerosal in various vaccines. Studies performed on109,863 infants born in U.K. from 1988 to 1997 proved there was no evidence that thimerosal in
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