
Implementation of BLE for Data Transmission in Industrial Areas


Added on  2022-12-01

11 Pages2357 Words432 Views
Running Head: BLE
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Author Note
Implementation of BLE for Data Transmission in Industrial Areas_1

Executive Summary
This paper deals with the implementation of a business idea revolving around BLE’s or
Bluetooth Low Energy in order to get rid of the WiFi’s inability to help data transmission
over large places and to help conserve energy. This is will be taking into consideration a
business model that will help the idea achieve profitability and the feasibility of this idea will
be checked using the Business Model Canvas Format.
Implementation of BLE for Data Transmission in Industrial Areas_2

Table of Contents
Executive Summary...................................................................................................................1
BLE or Bluetooth low energy....................................................................................................3
The purpose of the business.......................................................................................................4
Customer and value propositions...............................................................................................4
Channels and customer relationships.........................................................................................5
Success and risk factors.............................................................................................................6
Cost structure.............................................................................................................................7
Feasibility of the business idea..................................................................................................7
Business Canvas Model...................................................................................9
Implementation of BLE for Data Transmission in Industrial Areas_3

Implementing a business idea can be an extremely elaborate task. Business ideas need
to have a basis upon which it will be present as something that is revolutionary and positively
helpful in the environment it is implemented in. It is crucial for the business idea to be
something that will bring about positive change to counter limitations in the said environment
and to carefully implement changes that will bring about a better state in the same. For a
business idea to be positive one, one has to keep in mind the particular problem in the market
that needs to be solved and can be solved by the proposed business idea. The benefits, the
idea will present before the clients or the business has to be discussed. The business model
for the implementation of the business has to be discussed along with the interrelationships
within the model that are meant to support a successful understanding of the idea along with a
smoother functioning and implementation. The factors that will determine the success has to
be carefully managed along with the risks that might be facing the implementation.
Evaluation of the overall idea by taking into consideration of feasible it will be must be done
using the business model canvas format (Osterwalder et al., 2011). In this paper the above
discussed points will be done for a business idea that is focused on the installation of BLE or
Bluetooth low energy industrialized areas for replacing Wi-Fi technology which apparently
presents limitations that needs to be overcome.
BLE or Bluetooth low energy
Bluetooth low energy is wireless personal area network technology that has been
designed by the Bluetooth special interest Group or Bluetooth SIG which aims at various
applications in various sectors like healthcare, beacons, security, fitness and home
entertainment. This was introduced as a variant Bluetooth that helps in conservation of power
Implementation of BLE for Data Transmission in Industrial Areas_4

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