
Post Brexit Challenges and Opportunities of a multinational enterprise in London in relation to changing global trade landscape


Added on  2020-10-22

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Political Science
Post Brexit Challenges and Opportunities of a multinational enterprise in London in relation to changing global trade landscape_1

Table of ContentsINTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................1MAIN BODY...................................................................................................................................11. Key trends in trade of goods and services between Commonwealth Countries (1100).....12. Impact of Brexit on trade and investment within the aviation sector in the UK. .............33. Challenges and opportunities of a multinational enterprise (MNE) in London post Brexit inrelation to changing global trade landscape:..........................................................................5CONCLUSION................................................................................................................................7REFERENCES................................................................................................................................9
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INTRODUCTIONThe Brexit and thee changing global trade determine when the Britain out from theEuropean union they the Britain individually established their personal law for the countriespeople (Mendez-Parra and et.al ., 2016). The report will discuss about the tends of good andservice between the commonwealth countries and impact of BREXIT trade on aviation sectorand the opportunities and challenges of multinational enterprise in London to changing trends inUK. MAIN BODY1. Key trends in trade of goods and services between Commonwealth CountriesThe key trend in trade of goods and service between commonwealth countries definedchanges and services between one economy and another. The countries comprised sales goodsand services of better transaction of good exchange as part between resident and non- residentsThe transaction measure a million USD and percentage of net trade and also annual growth forexport and imports. The commonwealth countries which is exchange good and services toanother countries are- Belize, Botswana. Brunei, Cameroon, Austria, Antigua and Barbuda etc.when the Britain exit to the with European Union they change the laws and regulation and makenew law for countries which defines on the good and service (Hatzigeorgiou and Lodefalk,2016). The key trends between the commonwealth countries upon the good services they changetheir countries global laws and regulation and make new laws for the countries towards all thegood and service, the key trends define as the ratio between the import and export price, and thecommonwealth countries are set their own goods and service related price. The key trade ingoods comprised all products which subtract, add and the stock resource of country by enteringits economy export a leaving import. And the trend in service defined the value exchangebetween non- resident of economy and the service trend also include insurance and financialservice, computer and information service, constriction services and other business relatedservices etc. (Secretariat, 2017). The commonwealth countries adopt the trends service in theircountries after the Britain exit the European Union they adopt the key trends of good and servicewhich include to exchange good and service to one country the another. The key trends between commonwealth countries they add domestic values in the goodand services like by economy between the commonwealth countries are added in gross is an1
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estimate value and producing service and goods for export. All countries performed overallimport and export and accept the internal demands for the countries. The high value of economyis more open, integrated and competitive. The economy changes over time according to countryperformance and their overall growth. The most common trends in good and service between thecommonwealth are to ownership of marital resources and service between one economy andanother. The trends of good and service mainly measured annul growth for import and export.Moreover, the key trends accomplished the market of commonwealth countries and alsodeal with good dealer within the market. The commonwealth countries have the key trendsaccording to key trends of good and service which is focus on the economy of the counties andthey also change according to the market trends. The commonwealth countries supply the goodsand service to the countries and running the business but their main purpose is implement theirown laws and make business according the laws (Applebaum, 2017). The great advantages forthe commonwealth countries they are separated to the European countries and they notcommitted to any other another countries laws. When the Britain exit from the Europeancountries they Britain make new laws and they adopt the new service and good trend in theircountries which is help to import and export the product to the countries and good dealing withother countries. After the Brexit the commonwealth states changes their all regulation and rulesand that impacts going to the country economy. The business of good and service between thecommonwealth countries make profit for the Britain because the trade of service or product aredealing with commonwealth countries this make large profit and they gross value increased. Apart from that, the commonwealth creates small part of UK trade. 9% of total UKexport going to the commonwealth in 2015. And the 44% of the European Union against thecommonwealth. The UK goods export to the commonwealth nearly doubled from just under 13billion in 1999 to close to 25 billion to 2010. But trends has reversed. UK goods export to thecommonwealth fell from 29.9 billion 2013 to 25.1 billion in 2015. The many big players incommonwealth which are making large business in UK economy. The UL have many businesspartners in the commonwealth countries and this faster growing. The main part is thecommonwealth trade in focus as UK prepare for the Britain exit. The commonwealth boostingthe first meeting among 52 members of the nation and after that UK plane to leave the EuropeUnion. It also may be great opportunities for the UK government and Brexit. After the leaving to2
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