
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies


Added on  2022-12-29

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BSBMGT517 Manage
Operational Plan
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_1

ASSESSMENT TASK 1.............................................................................................................................................................................4
1. Purpose and role of strategic and operational plan..............................................................................................................................4
2. Differentiation between an operational plan modelled on organization and modelled on specific department..................................4
3. Two typical method for developing operational plan..........................................................................................................................4
4. Purpose of budget................................................................................................................................................................................5
5. Typical budgeting processes................................................................................................................................................................5
6. Purpose of key performance indicators................................................................................................................................................5
7. Approaches to developing key performance indicators.......................................................................................................................6
8. Concept of balance score card approach..............................................................................................................................................6
9. Concept of benchmarking for assessing business performance...........................................................................................................6
10. Definition of PCBU along with its responsibilities...........................................................................................................................6
11. Aim and scope of fair work act 2009.................................................................................................................................................7
12. Purpose of SWOT analysis and usage in operational planning.........................................................................................................7
13. Purpose of PEST model and usage in operational planning..............................................................................................................7
ASSESSMENT TASK 2 ............................................................................................................................................................................7
ASSESSMENT TASK 3...........................................................................................................................................................................17
ASSESSMENT TASK 4...........................................................................................................................................................................22
Operational Planning Monitoring..............................................................................................................................................................22
1.Operational performance Report.........................................................................................................................................................22
2.Email to the CEO for approval of the recommendations....................................................................................................................26
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_2

3. Email to the CEO for approval of the recommendations with strong argument...............................................................................27
4. Email to all staff.................................................................................................................................................................................28
5. Mentoring plan:..................................................................................................................................................................................28
6. Email to CEO for approval to the mentoring plan.............................................................................................................................29
7. Email to HRM....................................................................................................................................................................................29
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_3

1. Purpose and role of strategic and operational plan
Operational and strategic plan play a vital role in accomplishing goals of company. Strategic plan is a systematic process that
helps company in setting an ambition for the future growth (Al Shobaki, Amuna and Naser, 2017). It connects mission, vision and
business purpose of company on which basis, company develops strategies. Operational plan consists of process or steps that need to
be performed by company for accomplishing goals. Operational plan is mainly being developed for supporting strategic plan. So,
overall it can be said that strategic and operational plan are associated with each other and operational plan helps in achieving long
term goals or big vision that are being set in strategic plan.
2. Differentiation between an operational plan modelled on organization and modelled on specific department
Operational plan that is being developed for implementing strategies, it can be said that it plays a vital role. An operational
plan modelled on the organization as a whole refers a project that consists of strategies of the company and all departments of
company. It shows ways as how all departments and members of departments will contribute in accomplishing the main common goal
of the company.
On the other hand, operational plan related to specific department refers a plan or project that consists of specific strategies for
accomplishing specific department goals. For example operational plan of marketing is the one that consists of strategies for
accomplishing goals of promotion or products and marketing of products.
3. Two typical method for developing operational plan
There are several tools and techniques that can be used by companies and institutes for successful implementation and
developing operational plan. Main 2 techniques and tools are: Work-breakdown structure and project evaluation techniques. There are
several steps that need to be followed but with the help or WBS, companies can divide their tasks that need to be done by their project
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_4

team (Du and et.al., 2019). Team members have clear idea as what they have to do as it saves time. After completing all tasks, by
evaluating and measuring effectiveness of tasks done by team members, operational plan can be developed.
4. Purpose of budget
Process of creating plan to spend money is known as budgeting and this spending plan is known as budget. Preparation of
budget or spending plan plays a vital role as it helps companies in knowing that whether they have enough money for performing
functions that are being discussed in operational plan or not. As per the prepared budget or spending plan, company can make changes
in strategies and focus on earning more money before implementing plan.
5. Typical budgeting processes.
There are mainly 3 steps of making or preparing budget such as:
Preparing base for the budget : In this first step, company requires establishing budget goals and ways by which they can
accomplish. While establishing goals they also need to consider some factors such as: sales trends, social surroundings and others. As
per the available economic resources and sources of funding, goals are being developed.
Creating cost buffer: Scrutinize costing is next step and in this step, employers requires considering factors that may affect input
costing. Provision also need to be created for variation in these cost as it makes budget achievable (Kasymova, 2017).
Preparation of revenue and expenditure budget: Preparing subsidiary budgets and forecasting for these budgets such as:
production, sales, cash, overheads need to be made. There is requirement of realistic plan for sources of revenue. Planning and
expenditure needs to be done as per the available money or savings.
6. Purpose of key performance indicators
Key performance indicators refer measuring value that helps in measuring success as well as failure of business. There are
several KPI tools that are being used by companies in order to know effectiveness and knowing whether company is going on the right
track or required improvements. At multiple levels such measures are being used for evaluating success at reaching targets. By
managing and tracking progress of plan, companies can take several advantages.
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_5

7. Approaches to developing key performance indicators
There are some steps by which companies can improve or develop key performance indicators. Some steps or ways by which
KPIs can be developed are: reviewing business objectives, analysing current performance of the company and employees, setting both
short term and long term KPI targets, reviewing targets with team and reviewing progress (Hsu, Chang and Luo, 2017). If company
reviews its objectives and team's performance than different KPIs can be developed and it can lead to improved operations.
8. Concept of balance score card approach
Balance scorecard is one of the effective strategic management performance metric that is being used for improving internal
business functions for achieving effective external outcomes. It helps in aligning day to day work of all team members with the
strategy. With the help of this tool, companies can monitor strategic decisions taken by them on the basis of established indicators. 4
dimensions of performance can be measured with this tool such as: internal process, customers, learning and growth and financial.
9. Concept of benchmarking for assessing business performance
Benchmarking is an effective measuring tool as with the help of this tool, companies can measure its performance against
competitors. It helps them out in knowing its both positive and negative areas and by comparing strategies of competitors it can make
changes accordingly. It is mainly being used for taking competitive advantages and making themselves able in being in competitive
market (Tasopoulou and Tsiotras, 2017). By measuring performance of products, processes and services against competitors,
companies can take advantages of external opportunities.
10. Definition of PCBU along with its responsibilities
PCUB stands for person conducting a business or undertaking or employer who has responsibility to take care under the work
health and safety act 2011. Responsibility of PCUB is to make sure that all workers of companies are working under safe working
environment. The main aim of responsible person is to protect workers against risks and increasing their concentration level.
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_6

11. Aim and scope of fair work act 2009
Fair work act is commonwealth statutes that governs employment of workers. This legislation is being developed and
implemented by several companied for making employees feel safe and motivated. When employees at workplace are being provided
fair and equal treatment then they are more likely to focus on their work (Stewart and Stanford, 2017). Flexible working arrangements,
promotion and other opportunities as per the ability and skill are some ways of developing fair work culture. So, overall it can be said
that the main aim is to eliminate discrimination or promoting equality at workplace.
12. Purpose of SWOT analysis and usage in operational planning
SWOT analysis is an effective model that helps in identifying or analysing internal factors. Internal factors include: Company's
own strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. With SWOT analysis, company can identify both strengths and weakened areas
and accordingly can make changes in strategies and performance. It also helps in making sure that objectives that company has set are
clearly defined and as per the analysis, operations of company can be managed (Namugenyi, Nimmagadda and Reiners, 2019). It can
also help them out in linking strength with opportunities and by making use of all strengths, threats can also be reduced.
13. Purpose of PEST model and usage in operational planning
PEST is an effective external analysis model as it helps in evaluating all external business environmental factors such as
political, social, economic and others. One of the main aim of making use of this model in operational plan is making changes in
strategies and protecting companies against failure. Changes in external environmental factors can affect companies in negative
manner. But by analysing all these factors and knowing actual situation, companies can make changes in its strategies and can
accomplish goals. So, overall it can be said that it is protective tool as protects against failure (Perera, 2017.).
Role of operation manager
In colleges, they are mainly responsible for setting staff schedules, polices and standards. Also, ensuring about that projects
have been completed on time or not and also about their budgeted. Operational manager approved contracts, monitor employee
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_7

performance, reducing costs along with improving efficiency (Anisimov And et.al., 2017). As they are tasked for overseeing daily
scheduling about how much of work is to be done and about how much employee are hired in organization so that could be more
important for them in making their in institution.
1. Draft of operational plan
Strategies Actions Details of
required to
Who KPIs and
ng plan
Monitoring actions
Keep compensation
and benefits, hiring
right people
Listen to
making their
jobs easy in
for growth.
and rewards
to trainers.
T&D boosting the trainer
performance and supervising
employee relation.
Build up trust, better
management training.
Manager Meeting
them and
Better communication with
Operational Plan: Purpose, Role, and Strategies_8

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