
BSBMGT615 Organisation Development


Added on  2022-08-21

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Leadership Management
This document is Organisation Development Plan Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMGT615.
Boutique Build Australia
Organisation Development Plan
Introduction Provide an introduction to the organisation development plan. Review the strategic plan and the scenario information to identify the organisation development
needs and objectives
The business which is considered for the assessment is Boutique Build Australia which specialises in
constructing and designing houses which can be used for residential purposes. The organizational
development plans are formulated by the management of the company for ensuring that the strategic
objectives of the business are appropriately met and the business is able to expand the operations of the
business. The organizational development plan is formulated by the business so that the efficiency and
growth and achieved in the activities of the business. As per the strategic plans which are formulated, the
management of the company would be focusing on attaining the financial objectives of the business and
also focus on developing properties which can attract more and more customers. In addition to this, the
organization also aims to enhance the reputation of the business by expanding the operations and also
providing quality home solutions to the customers. The organizational plan basically allows the
management of the company to plan ahead for the future and thereby develop competitive advantage for
itself in the market.
Review of Strategic Plan
The company is a growing concern which focuses on developing and designing best homes in Australia so
that it can be meet the residential as well as commercial demand for the people. The business focuses on
the following strategic priorities and takes necessary steps so that the goals and objectives are achieved.
The business wants to expand the revenue base and the management plans to achieve the same by
setting financial targets and enhancing the sales of the house properties. The management of the company
needs to further diversify the operations and thereby also promote the existing source of generating
revenue for the business. The business aims to achieve a 10% profits from the operations and thi would
contribute to the savings and reserves of the business.
In addition to this, the business plans to provide quality home solutions for the public as this would help the
business to expand their image and also enhance the revenue which is generated by the business. The
management of the company plans to establish a certain target of new houses so that more options can be
provided to the people. The senior officials of the business also plan to innovate and properly design the
operations of the business.
The management of the company also aims to maintain proper relationship with the customers so that
appropriate reputation can be built for the company in the market. Effective communication and aiur
treatment of the customers would allow the management to build strong connections with the customers
and this would also promote customer satisfaction in the long run. The business also values the employees
who are working for the company and plans to retain them so that more efficiency can be maintained in the
day to day activities. In an overall analysis, it can be said that the strategic plan formulated covers all
BSBMGT615 Contribute to Organisation Development
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Version: October 2019 v1.0
© J&S Learningwork 2018
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This document is Organisation Development Plan Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMGT615.
aspects and the same can assist the business in achieving all goals from a long run perspective. It is to be
also noted that the strategic plan which is formulated appropriately chalks out the miles stones which the
business needs to achieve so that it can be ensured that the business is in the right path to achieve growth
from the operations. The organizational needs of the business are properly enlisted in the strategic plan of
the business
Briefly describe issues as outlined in the scenario information and from construction workforce
research and which have been taken into account in developing the organisation development plan. Identify at least two sources of information on Australian Construction industry workforce and
identify key trends and challenges for the construction industry workforce. Research best practice change management issues and strategies in preparation for preparing a
communication/education plan.
Issues outlined
The issues which are faced by the business of Boutique Build Australia are similar to the other
construction industries which are operating in the region. The issues which are faced by the business
mainly revolve around high costs of operations which directly impact the profitability of the business and
affect the financial situation of the business. In addition to this, the competition in the market is immense
and therefore the business is not able to perform appropriately as the market is divided. The management
of the company needs to formulate strategies so that such factors do not impact the revenue generated by
the business in any manner. Another major issue which the business faces is the availability of proper cash
flow and financing requirements which impacts the ability of the business to expand the operations and
generate more revenue. Appropriate access to funds impact the operational process and thereby curb the
ability to develop better quality of homes. In addition to this, the labour market for such construction industry
is also not appropriate. Due to excessive competitive forces in the market, it is quite difficult for the
company to acquire and retain skilled employees. In addition to this, it is also to be noted that the working
environment needs to be more secure so that proper working environment can be facilitated.
The research work shows that the employees of the business needs proper training and development for
ensuring that proper skills are developed so that more efficiency is maintained in the operational process of
the business. The management of the company needs to formulate appropriate strategies so that certain
level of efficiency of the business and skilled employees can be retained in the business. The organizational
development plan which the business formulates needs to consider such aspects for proper implementation
and development of the business. The organizational development plan showed that proper allocation of
resources is required for making improvements in nature of the products which is offered and the
operational structure of the business.
Sources of Information
In order to obtain information regarding the market trends and cycle of the industry, Australian
Bureau of Statistics can be referred as well as ASIC can be referred. The skites provides
appropriate information on the basis of which decisions can be taken by the management of the
company regarding the operations of the business. The recent trends which can be identified for
Australian Construction industry reveals that the industry generates over $360 billion in
revenue, contributing around 9% of Australia’s GDP, and has a projected annual
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Version: October 2019 v1.0
© J&S Learningwork 2018
BSBMGT615 Organisation Development_2

This document is Organisation Development Plan Template.
It is part of the supporting assessment resources for Assessment Task 2 of BSBMGT615.
growth rate of 2.4% in the next five years. This shows that the business has lots
of opportunity for growth and development and thereby can generate more
profits in the long run. In terms of employment generation, the industry generates
opportunities significantly and a graphical representation for the same is
presented in the graph below:
Figure 1: (Employment Level and Projection)
The graph shows an upward trending line chart which shows that with each year more and more
employment opportunities are created by the industry. The trend shows that the same is anticipated
to further increase in the future as skilled labour force is always appreciated in this line of work.
Employment reached nearly 1,118,000 in 2018 and is projected to exceed 1,300,000 by 2023. The
main challenges which is faced by most of the construction industries in the region is the
availability of skilled labour force which is an important factor as the same is associated with
efficiency of a business. In other cases, creation of an appropriate working environment is also
important for better quality of work and also for ensuring that the employees can safely conduct
the operations of the business. The work place need to be safe so that the employees can perform
their duties in an effective manner and also develop further skills.
Change Management Issues and Strategic Plan
The business needs to consider innovation as a tool for combating the excessive competition in the
market and therefore take necessary steps for ensuring that competitive advantage is created. The
construction business needs to extensively invest in more automated machinery and physical
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Version: October 2019 v1.0
© J&S Learningwork 2018
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