
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review


Added on  2024-07-01

115 Pages10054 Words65 Views
Literature Review (Secondary Research)
Student Name& CSU ID
Project Topic Title Building the concept of the smart home healthcare system for monitoring health of elderly patients suffering from dementia
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_1

Version 1.0 _ Week 1 (5 Journal Papers from CSU Library)
Reference in APA format that will be in
'Reference List'
Mshali, H., Lemlouma, T., Moloney, M., & Magoni, D. (2018). A survey on health monitoring systems for
health smart homes. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 66, 26-56.
The citation that will be in the content (Mshali, et. al., 2018)
URL of the Reference Level of Journal (Q1, Q2, …Qn) Keywords in this Reference
Level of Journal – Q2 Health Monitoring system, Smart Homes, Healthcare
The Name of the Current Solution
(Technique/ Method/ Scheme/
Algorithm/ Model/ Tool/ Framework/ ...
etc )
The Goal (Objective) of this Solution &
What is the Problem that needs to be solved
What are the components of it?
Technique/Algorithm name:
Health Monitoring System, Health Smart
Home (HSH), Personal Sensor Networks
(PSN), Body Sensor Networks (BSN)
Tools: context-aware computing, e-
This solution faces issue related to aged health
issues such as dementia. It includes risk of fall
and memory loss.
Environmental sensor
Sensor-based or vision-based data
ECG sensor
Graphical user interface
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_2

healthcare services, Multimedia Devices
(MD), Modelling tool
Applied Area:
To improve health of patients through
managing fall detection with computing
The Process (Mechanism) of this Work; The process steps of the Technique/system
Process Steps Advantage (Purpose of this step) Disadvantage (Limitation/Challenge)
1 Model categorization
HMS is categorising into different aspects which
include target, capabilities and employed
It helps in managing care of patient with
enhanced facility
The system having a complicated design
2 Integration
This system depends on the target application
and this will provide the focus on different
It increases the reliability and availability. N/A
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_3

3 Transfer of Information
All the information transferred to the cloud so
that abnormality can be detected.
It helps in improving the performance of
4 Analysing health status
By using Guide User Interface, data provides the
low-level view of the health status of individuals
It runs on different platforms. N/A
5 Processing of data
After that, data need to be processed by using
the hardware capabilities which can gain a high-
level view.
The data are processed to analyse health
condition of patients
Lack of computation power.
Validation Criteria (Measurement Criteria)
Dependent Variable Independent Variable
Tracking GPS
Internet Server access point
Input and Output Critical Thinking: Feature of this work, and Critical Thinking: Limitations of the research
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_4

Why (Justify) current solution, and Why (Justify)
Input (Data) Output (View)
The body sensor
network and personal
sensor network is
integrated with the
home monitoring
system. It includes e-
health services which
help in managing the
data of patients.
These sensor devices
assist in tracking of
patients’ health and
manage fall detection
of patients. The
sensor-based and
gesture recognition
manages the health
This solution having transmission frequency by
using wireless communication technologies.
HMS provides the reliability, scalability as well as
privacy to the patients.
It requires the more computation of training data as
it helps in monitoring of elderly patients who are
suffering from dementia.
Health Monitoring System is helpful in smart
environments which are evolving on a rapid basis
so that they become a viable alternative to the
traditional solutions which are associated to
Health Smart Home is the integration of ubiquitous
computing along with the communication
technologies. It provides effective solution to e-
health services.
The main limitation of this solution is hardware
and software limitation which affect the
processing, energy and memory at the higher
level. Another limitation is that in sharing the
datasets, they are facing difficulty because of
formal descriptions.
(Describe the research/current solution) Evaluation Criteria How this research/current solution is valuable
for your project
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_5

What is the Future work that set by the author
in the Conclusion and Future work section
According to Mshali, et. al (2018), examined that
the aim of the health monitoring system is to
decrease the costs by providing effective
electronic health services so that they can
maintain their independence. It helps individuals
in terms of assistance and services as well as
requires the full access to a contextual data.
Personal Sensor Networks as these networks are
responsible for capturing as well as retrieving the
contextual data which is associated to
environment. Body Sensor Networks as these
networks are utilized in wearable sensors which
are analyzed by monitored subjects which include
elderly and patients.
In this solution, the evaluation criteria are
depending on the accuracy of the current
information. They are analysing the situation of
patients whether is to normal or abnormal.
By using Health monitoring system, they can
detect the human behavior. This provides good
performance but at a high computational cost. This
offers the recognition accuracy of 75%.
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Figure 1: Structure of HMS
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Figure 2: Overview of sensor networks
Techniques Techniques which are included in sensor networks of
HMS and its purpose
PIR help in detecting the motion. Pressure help in
identifying and analysing the location. Contact switches
help in detecting the doors whether it is open or close.
Accelerometer helps in measuring the acceleration along
Building a Smart Home Healthcare System for Elderly Dementia Patients: A Literature Review_8

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