
Value Based Leadership: Wolfenbarger's Case


Added on  2020-03-01

7 Pages1946 Words408 Views
Value Based Leadership: Wolfenbarger's Case_1

Introduction:A study is to be conducted to evaluate the advantages that value based leadership lay in theorganisational scenario of the rule based organisation. The study would be developed on thebackground scenario of the Air Force Materiel Command (AFMC). It would be based on thejourney of Lieutenant General Janet Wolfenbarger who served as the Vice Commander ofAFMC. During her tenure, she was entrusted with the responsibility of initiating certainstructural change in the organisational scenario of AFMC. Such changes drew severe criticismfrom various quarters like the Congressmen rebuked her for being progressing with the changes,but she remained firm on her responsibilities [ CITATION Win16 \l 1033 ]. Wolfenbarger citedthat such changes though would be instrumental in closing 7 out of 12 centres of the AFMC baseand doing away with 9,000 civilian jobs, the result would be a better structure for AFMCenhancing its efficiency. Throughout the process, Wolfenbarger maintained a strong personalityof herself to initiate the right action for the benefit of AFMC and her motherland which showsthe enunciation of the value based leadership. Value based leadership:The core aspect of value based leadership lies in motivating the subordinates by associating themwith the organisational goals linking with their personal values [ CITATION Pra14 \l 1033 ]. Invalue based leadership, the leaders are responsible for communicating the organisational valuesto his fellow members so that they could actively support the mission undertaken by theorganisation. For instance, Wolfenbarger while taking over the command of AFMC on her veryfirst day called for a meeting of her subordinate commanders to brief them of her approach. Itserved as an opportunity for the new commander to bring in confidence her subordinates toimplement the structural change of the highly esteemed institution of AFMC. It is done on thepart of Wolfenbarger to concentrate on the core values of the institution to provide efficiency atits optimal level. The efficiency element would apparently form the guiding principle portrayingthe strength of the institution [ CITATION Cra12 \l 1033 ]. It is because the core value ofefficiency holds the soul of the institution – AFMC irrespective of the passage of time anddynamic scenario. 2
Value Based Leadership: Wolfenbarger's Case_2

The value based leadership strives to be the role model for his followers as seen in the case studywherein Wolfenbarger stands for integrity, service before self and excellence in every sphere. Soher subordinate commanders have her live examples which would motivate them to accomplishthe task given to them [ CITATION Bue11 \l 1033 ]. The strong personality of Wolfenbargerwould apparently inspire the entire workforce and direct her subordinates too to believe in thedepth and sincerity of the institution. The edge of value based leadership lies in four distinctprinciples – self-reflection, balancing act, self-confidence and general humility. It is considered that self-reflection in the sphere of value based leadership has the ability torecognise and reflect for which the leader stands for in context to his value and his aim[ CITATION Arm14 \l 1033 ]. As seen in the case study, Wolfenbarger has been very clearabout her views as she is determined to implicate the changes in the organisational scenario ofAFMC as it would bring about a very constructive change in its organisational sphere. The balancing act principle shows the ability to foresee situations from multiple standpoints anddiffering Belvederes to have a greater understanding. The balancing act, in this case, impliesconsidering all the scenarios with equal weightage and an open mind [ CITATION McS12 \l1033 ]. Wolfenbarger has seen that the structural change would be instrumental in saving billionsof dollar of the American exchequer and also implicate efficiency at a greater level for whichAFMC strives for. Self-confidence is another competitive edge that characterises the value based leadership as theycould recognise their strengths and weaknesses for contemplating constant development[ CITATION Her111 \l 1033 ]. Wolfenbarger has faced severe criticism from the Congressmenand a section of the AFMC officers for initiating such changes. But she was confident enoughthat the scheduled changes are about to bring in the organisational sphere of AFMC. It is seenthat the structural change has been beneficial of saving costs worth $6 billion. Further beyond thecost effectiveness, AFMC achieved process improvement which impacted the mission on asignificant note [ CITATION Win16 \l 1033 ]. It was this self-confidence that was able to holdherself as she was confronted by the might of the Congressmen. General humility is another sheer advantage that the value based leader stands for keeping life inperspective, especially while the leader is at the helm of his career [ CITATION Rob131 \l1033 ]. Accordingly, Wolfenbarger has given accreditation to the wide family of Air Force she3
Value Based Leadership: Wolfenbarger's Case_3

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