
Business Analytics for Cosmoceuticals, Nutricosmetics and Nutraceuticals


Added on  2023-06-14

8 Pages1474 Words90 Views
Data Science and Big Data
BUS5PB Principles of Business Analytics
Business Analytics for Cosmoceuticals, Nutricosmetics and Nutraceuticals_1

TASK 1............................................................................................................................................3
Critical review of survey.............................................................................................................3
TASK 2............................................................................................................................................4
Developing of two analytics solution..........................................................................................4
TASK 3............................................................................................................................................7
Recommendation relating to effective marketing strategies.......................................................7
Business Analytics for Cosmoceuticals, Nutricosmetics and Nutraceuticals_2

The business analytics is being defined as the disciplines and technologies which are used in order to solve the business
problems using data and other statistical models. The business operates in external environment and there are many different problems
being faced by the business. Hence the use of statistical tools is very assistive in solving the problem. In the present report the
discussion relating to the survey conducted and the outcomes will be discussed. Further two different analytic solutions will be
provided using the data sets. In the end effective marketing strategies will be recommended in order to improve the working of the
new segments that is cosmoceuticles, nutricosmetics and nutraceuticals.
Critical review of survey
Currently within the external environmental Pharmaceutical sector is being converted within different segments. This is
particularly because the Pharmaceutical now focuses on personal care and nutrition as well. The personal care involves cosmetics and
other related products which involve some kind of medicinal or drug benefit. The new industry segments have been added that is
Cosmosatical nutricosmetic and nutraceuticals. Currently a survey was conducted for analysing the fact that whether these segments
will be popularized among the consumers or not. With the primary data analysis it was evaluated that the customers are buying the
products related to these segments. This is because of the reason that there is a trend of effectively working over the personal health
and well-being (Krishnamoorthi and Mathew, 2018). And because of the reason these segments will be popularized among the people.
Further with help of the external sources and other information as well it is justified that all the segments are being popularising in the
current market. With a report it was evaluated that the Global nutricosmetic market is expected to be having a growth of 8% over the
period of 2020 to 2030. This is particularly because of the reason that currently the people are being motivated towards their health
and well-being. Further another report evaluated that the CAGR of Cosmos electrical industry is 8.81 % for the forecasted period of
Business Analytics for Cosmoceuticals, Nutricosmetics and Nutraceuticals_3

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